Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Nicola_Red
I love this one. It's all my geekiness combined into one.

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By a-moron


Not so much a Gif but one of the funniest Viral's I had seen in a long time.

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By Yudster
I just love cats.
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By a-moron
Memory - Now there's a song that could instantly bring about a depression induced coma not just for those listening to it but also those who found these poor people and also any unlucky sod who happened to be have the same blood type as them. * awful song.
Last edited by a-moron on Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Yudster
Well, Andrew Loyd Webber. Nuff said.
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By a-moron
Andrew Lloyd Webber - Now there is a face that, well you can't really call it a face can you. It's more a formation of skin that resembles a gargoyles scrotum. Well anyways, ugly face - coma induced gag. Hilarity all round.
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By Yudster
Given that a gargoyle is, by definition, a face or head at most, how can they have scrotums? Or is it scroti? Charlalottie we need you!!!
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By a-moron
Yudster wrote:Given that a gargoyle is, by definition, a face or head at most, how can they have scrotums? Or is it scroti? Charlalottie we need you!!!

They could, in theory, just carry the scroti around with them for the company. Like a wee hairy companion. Or gargoyles could be fashioned on the ballchinian's and we never knew.
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By Yudster
That sounds like a plausible theory actually.
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By Johnny 1989
Yudster wrote:I just love cats.

Cats are brilliant, they're just such expressional creatures and all of them seem to have unique characteristics.

BTW not a gif again but last time I was up Bolton my mate introduced me to this vid, we were drunk at the time :lol:

I believe this turned out to be a spoof in the end, warning stop before the pillock in the baseball cap starts talking.
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By Yudster
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By Wykey
Scrota or scrotae, I reckon.

and none of those are funny.

The one with the cat on the model railway line is bearable, and mick mccarthy is spoiled by him looking away and smiling.

The rest are no good.

Fortunately the page has now flipped and none of them are visible any more.

Saturday is up