Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By chrysostom
Donkey Cheese is the most expensive cheese in the world, but isn't particularly nice. It's value is based on the scarcity of donkey milk - as donkeys lactate incredibly small amounts.
By bmstinton93
What's the deal with expensive HDMI cables anyway? How is it possible to give a better digital picture through one cable than another?
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By chrysostom
Cheap HDMI cables have broken on me in the past. Cheap components won't take much wear and tear (wiggling, bending etc) and the picture is vulnerable to jumping.

Having said that, for the price of a premium HDMI cable, you can buy 10 cheap ones and replace them as they break, which is what I do.
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By neilt0
If you need a very long HDMI cable, you should get a quality one, as you will get interference. But, I'm talking 20, 30 metres.

For a 2 to 5m cable, any old crap will probably be fine. With digital, it either works or it doesn't. Picture or no picture (no picture includes "sparklies"). Anyone who tells you different is talking rubbish.
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By Bonanzoid
I've got 3 HDMI cables for about £1.80 each off Amazon. Sometimes the picture cuts out for a second to my PC, which is why I bought spares, but the first is still going strong. Touchwood.
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By DevilsDuck
I bought two cheap hdmi cables... One won't work with my ps3, but is fine with my bluray player
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By DevilsDuck
I gave my 360 to my brother... It just didn't cut it against the ps3
By JayE
Xbox 360 wins everytime for me. Shame the Xbox One looks crappy. (My opinion by the way just in case anyone wanted to argue with what I've just said)
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By chrysostom
The two are essentially the same in terms of how normal people would classify the functionality. It just matters which one you want to identify yourself as.
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By The Deadly
The Sky 007 Movie channel has resurfaced! Now I'm on gardening leave my days can be filled with Bond!

Any other James Bond fans here?
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By Yudster
What did you do to get yourself on gardening leave Deadly? Or is it a redundancy consultation (in which case my heartfelt commiserations)?
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By The Deadly
It is a redundancy issue yes. I'm fine with it because quite a large payout is involved and it means I'll be going to Wrestlemania next year. I have a couple of other things lined up already so it's not all bad.
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By Yudster
I took voluntary redundancy from my last job - it came at the right time, and the money was huge, enough to let me clear a load of expenses and then be a mum for 2 years. Make the most of it!
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By The Deadly
The issue we are having at the moment is over money I have personally invested into the company. The agreement was that I got the investment back should I ever leave the company. They are claiming that they can't afford to pay me that money now the company is in financial difficulty.
By JayE
I watched The Woman In Black last night. I'm a bit of a wuss when it comes to even mildly scary films but this truly scared the crap out of me. Very good film though and I though Daniel Radcliffe's performance was excellent throughout.
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By The Deadly
Watching one of my all time favourite films Independence Day. It hasn't aged that well but still a fun movie. I can't believe two sequels are being made. They have the potential to be terrible.
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By Badger Mark
JayE wrote:I watched The Woman In Black last night. I'm a bit of a wuss when it comes to even mildly scary films but this truly scared the crap out of me. Very good film though and I though Daniel Radcliffe's performance was excellent throughout.

The Woman in Black is pretty good IMO and it is a very creepy, scary movie. I literally screamed at one scene. I don't think I've ever done that, and the funny thing is I kind of had an inkling what was going to happen in the scene in question and I STILL screamed.
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By Badger Mark
Finally finished watching Cloud Atlas. I've read the book, and I would strongly recommend reading that before watching the movie if you have any interest in seeing the movie. It'll make A LOT more sense that way. They made quite a few changes from the book, but I think they did it to make the content work better as a movie. Overall, I thought they did a good job with a book that was not readily adaptable to film.
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By chrysostom
We started to watch Cloud Atlas and stopped after an hour as we had no idea what was going on! Awful narrative technique for those who haven't read the book, but as you said - probably wasn't for those who haven't!

I saw 'This Is The End' last night, and while it was silly - was very funny and well scripted. Good concept.

I also saw 'Now you see it' which was a treat for the eyes. The story is average, but the effects are really hypnotising and make you want to watch.
By JayE
This is the End looks great, my sort of comedy film. What certificate is it?
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