Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By roboxley
Hi im a new member and i was wondering if anyoone knows what the backing musci used on the show is (not the BOTP). <br>This music has been used on chris' show, grandstand (rugby) and CBBC.<br>I was wondering if any one knows the name of it?(and where i can downloadit??) :)
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By Stickyspanner
If you cant wait that long - you can always get it off my website - I`m uploading it as we speak  :)<br> <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A>  - click on Chris Moyles and the link is on that page.<P>It will be up by 7PM tonight at the latest  :)
By roboxley
Thanks.<br>I made this request this morning and this evening ive got the music!<br>Also i dont know if anyone else heard it but chris read out an email from someone (steve??) asking what the themes were and he said what each one was called.
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By Stickyspanner
Nice to see new members here.<P>I`d give u a run down of all the members here and who to watch out for but it would take too long<P>just read all the threads (inclding mine  :) )<P>CYA<P>PS - U want music - i`m your man  :)
By bollywood
btw the music he used as backing music on saturdays show was taken from daft punks album track 4 & 7

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