Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By jaffa
Who does every1 think the xmas no1 will be?<br>Personally i think Westlife.
westlife will be x-mas number<br>1 but it should be stan.<br>Once again the marketing people<br>have been clever for westlife.<br>Stupid irish poofs, they should be shot<br>God has spoken
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By Roddy
r u kidding? Armchair Perverts will be number 1
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By Uglybob
roddy go out this christmas and get a ****ing life
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By Roddy
uglybob, go out this christmas and get a ****ing girlfriend and stop perving over lisa faulkner
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By Uglybob
well at least im not the richard bacon of the messageboard and so what, lisa faulkner is mighty fine, i dont have a girlfriend, well spotted, cos i dont want one cos i wanna spend my money on myself.
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By Roddy
PS. i wonder why u haven't got a girlfriend?
By mj
Too right uglybob, you don't want to get involved with em, all women (or bitches as I personally call them)do is bleed you dry, bloody nightmare..
By Guest
Roddy are you using the name Armchair Perverts (my work i tells ya!)?<P>Im so great!
By Kate
Oooh, handbags ladies, bit of bitching going on here? <P>Lets all calm down shall we and return to the original question. On that subject I'm going to take the extremely mature approach and say:<P>STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN STAN!!!!!!!! <P>Hooray 4 Eminem, the true God of music.
By Lara
Bob the builder of course!
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By Roddy
yeh Lozza, i have said thanks for the name somewhere on this board but i'm not sure where, it's probably been deleted along with my pictures  <IMG SRC=""><br>"have a nice day"
By erotic_dancing_gnome
the latest news is that Bob is 8000 copies ahead, remember rush to WOOLWORTHS where 2/3 of the chart sale are recorded. Please let one puppet beat 5 puppets
By erotic_dancing_gnome
instead of buying stan, buy the excellent album and buy Bob the builder. Every copy of stan means bob is not getting copies sold to beat westlife. BUY BOB

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