Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Roddy
has anyone ever heard of this great band, i'm the guitarist! wahey i'm so priveliged!
I have heard of them. The sound like their gonna be huge. You got anymore details on them as I cant find a lot out. :)
PS You have copied my 69 ICQ Number (whatever the hell that is)
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By Roddy
what is an ICQ no? yeah, a website is being made, by yours truly, the address will me revealed soon
By Lara
An ICQ no is just like msn messenger and the no is how u add people to your list...i don't use icq much now since i met a greek suicidal (depressed) freak...i mainly use msn that a good enough explanation????
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By Roddy
AS HEARD OF ON SARA COX'S BREAKFAST SHOW, o yeh, we r world famous now, did anyone hear it?
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By Roddy
excuse me? i never said one thing about her, u prove it and i'll eat my hat u ****er

Friday is up, and platinum:[…]