Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By Loz
Another big lovely thread that 4real loves shall we? Also if we get more than 15 replies then we can get a flame on the folder.  <P>Come on bob flaunt your creativity.
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By Roddy
i recall i had the first thread with a flame but only cos i wrote a load of crap on it, it got deleted then i was nearly banned
By Loz
I was in Somerset at that point, plus i'm sure if we make it like the last big one it will be better.
By the_esoteric_mynciboy
by a big thread do you mean one similar to the last where we all just spouted a load of nonsense about how much everyone hates craig david but somehow turned it into a story?
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By Uglybob
Eddie Large had awoken from a dream and stared at the milkman who had ran over his beloved cat Chester. Syd Lyttle woke up to retrieve the flat cat and put it into a big bowl which they boiled with Uncle Bens rice. Whilst this was going on, Hulk Hogan had watched all this thru his new see everything binoculars which he bought from a one pound shop for £3.99. He made a collect call from America to Esther Rantzen but she proceeded to tell him that the BBC hadnt commisioned a series of Thats Life for 5 years and that she couldnt give a rats ass about them. Hulk was annoyed and tracked down Columbo actor Peter Falk to help him find these 2 despicable people. Columbo told him he was busy ...
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
.......choosing a new coat so instead they turned to Ironside and his sidekick with the big afro.  Ironsides wheelchair had seen much improvements since he was last on TV and now included.....
By Loz
...a strap on leg attachment light saber which he used to...
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By Uglybob
cut his fir trees in his huge garden. ironsides daughter, Tanni Grey came back from sydney to find her lover marcus brigstock actually laughing at the so called sitcom too much sun starring the unfunny fat one from the full monty mark addy. when she saw this she realized that it was time for a change
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By Gordon_the_Cromag
then for no reason alan titchmarsh turned up as a orangatang covered in marmite murdered and charlie pillock<p>[This message has been edited by Gordon the Cromag (edited 28 October 2000).]

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