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By Uglybob
i see a lot of rubbish being spouted and i think iknow waht the reason is, the "Junior Member", you see you hate being one, you wanna be the first real member<P>1 Does anyone remember Barcode Battlers and what was the actual gist of the game<P>2 Thundercats or Transformers<P>3 Has anyone actually completed a rubix cube<P>4 Lisa Faulkner will be sexiest woman in the Fhm Poll at the start of next year<P>5 That traffic report with Dick Cheese sucks
By Tom_[MW]
1 Yes but not exactly what you had to do, my friend Asanka was hooked on it though<P>2 Liked them both but has to be Transformers, wasn't their slogan "robots in disguise" or something equally cunning?<P>3 Yes, I should have thought nearly everyone has too<P>4 Well deserved if so<P>5 Agreed, hmmm, trying to think of a recent Moyles feature that hasn't actually...<P>
By the_esoteric_mynciboy
barcode battlers was the game gear lookalike where you scanned in barcodes and got points wasnt it? i think i remember reading a report about them at the time saying that they should be banned because kids would go into supermarkets and reak (sic?) havoc. but they didnt of course. because only about three people bought them.<P>ive got the thundercats movie, so itd have to be that. besides, transformers ruined it when they came back a couple of years ago in cgi form. <P>i first did a rubiks cube by dismantling it, and putting it back toether, but i eventually did it properly<P>hmm.<P>i dont understand whats supposed to be funny about the traffic report other than the mildly-amusing-the-first-time-you-hear-it name of the reporter. the american sports reports are alright though, even if they are HUGELY reminiscent of a sketch paul kaye did<p>[This message has been edited by the esoteric mynciboy (edited 22 October 2000).]
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
1. Yes<br>2. Transformers<br>3. No.<br>4. I hope not.<br>5. I agree
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By Uglybob
lisa faulkner is fantastic looking

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