The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By bwfcol
Probably had these before with him back on air, be interested to hear when you first heard him, how you listened and how it's changed.

I started in 1999/2000, getting hooked in 2000 with the One Big Belly Tour (anyone remember that?) plus the Saturday show which was amazing. Team was Dave, Will & Mel.

I used to have a radio and listen on the way home from 6th form, I remember the afternoon show getting longer. I eventually got a pocket DAB to listen

2003-2006 I listened less as I was at Uni (never up for the breakfast show) but listen again came in around '06 so I listened on that and when I started work later in '06 I used to listen on the way to work & then use listen again at work to listen tot he rest of the show, this carried on until 2012 basically.

Now I listen to the whole show on Tune in (3:30-7pm), the clocks change here on Sunday so its 4:30-8 so I'll probably turn off at 7 at the latest and use listen again the next day, when the UK clocks change it's 5:30-9 so I'll be getting more on listen again until March.
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By chrysostom
The school bus, first year of Grammar school in '99. Casual listener, and then I'd listen in the car every day when I drove to school at 6th Form. Following that, I listened to him and Mills every day on the Listen Again service (WHOOOOO?) - following that I joined the forum and ended up going full on obsessive. He's been in my life more than half my life, putting him on par (time wise) in importance with 2 of my closest friends. There's too much sentiment there to be healthy...
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By Nicola_Red
I started listening when he was on after Mark & Lard in the afternoons, so I guess that would have been something like 2000. I didn't like everything he did at first so it took me a while to warm up. I listened from the beginning of the Breakfast Show on my commute to this job, where I still work now.
By JayE
My parents had him on every morning in the car on the way to Primary School back in 04, obviously didn't understand much but it was familiar every day. Some fond memories for me would be the "Let's Get Ready to Ramble" music kicking in and this was the indication that I was late for school. In 2010 I became more of a fan and started listening via the Tinternet after the show was over. Then 2 years later I found this place and started collecting every show, and now I don't miss a minute!
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By doby
I used to tune in specifically for BB Aled on the afternoon show, which I guess naturally got me into the shows format. I didn't start listening religiously until I was doing my A levels in 2005/06, usually on listen again on the website late at night. I will always remember the bizarre, post brits Joss Stone interview while I was developing photos in my makeshift darkroom.
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By Frothy Bevvy
I remember tuning in on my walkman on the bus home from school. This would have been around the time Chris Evans was on Virgin Radio (1998-99?).

I don't recall listening at all during my student years but once I started working full time in 2005 I laughed along every morning for 7 years.

I moved to Australia a couple of weeks before the last R1 show. Proper end of an era. I persevered with the Aussie "shock jock" version of Chris for a while but he just didn't cut it. As soon as the rumours circulated this April I started watching eagerly for an official announcement. It was drawn out for so long I was convinced it wasn't going to materialise!

But he's now back and I'm chuffed at how familiar the show feels straight away. I listen to Ian's edited recordings every morning on something like a 15 hour delay and now enjoy my commute again. [emoji4]
By moylesMic2
I remember my first time listening to Chris when I was studying for my SATs in 2004 (Year 9, I was the only radio geek in my school). I then became a regular listener 4 years later when I listened to the show religiously. The rest is history
By hdsport82
Heard him on Capital when visting relatives a couple of times, enjoyed it and caught him on early breakfast a few times but the timeslot meant they were few and far between. Then read an article about him once he got move to drive (not exactly sure of the chronology the memory is a bit hazy) and started listening regularly, Saturday mornings of course being the highlight. It became a bit more hit and miss when I was at uni then regularly again (i.e most days) from mid 2003 onwards.
By ducky1978
I used to be a fan of Talk Radio before it became Talk Sport. I used to listen to the 'Ian Collins and the creatures of the night' show (which was a great show). They used to do 1am - 4am and Moyles did the early breakfast show, then one day a war started between Moyles and Collins slagging each other off. Ian Collins used to call them Crispy Boyles and Comedy Div.
So i started listening to Moyles and thought he was a bit of a dick, but that didn't last long, maybe a week until I thought he was hilarious.
Ian Collins now works at LBC so he's now a colleague of Chris.
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By G-Sizzle
Ian Collins Creatures of the Night was brilliant on Talk Radio. But the best show on there was Nick Abbot. I still listen to them Abbot show to this day, genuinely hilarious.
By ducky1978
Yeah Nick Abbot is still great, I still listen to him and it's still funny but it isn't what it was back then.
Neither is Ian Collins but Moyles is, kind of!
I read Chris' first book and he mentioned that Nick Abbot was a big influence, and there's the time Chris did this...

I think it's strange Chris has never mentioned Nick Abbot when talking about other folk at Global
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By Johnny 1989
So am I the earliest listener then, I first listened to Moyles back in late 1996 on 95.8 Capital FM, it was near Christmas as Moyles had just finished playing the Spice Girls 2 Become 1 & sarcastically said "I love the Spice Girls, they're great... hmm..."

Then he left and I never caught him again until by accident on Radio 1 when I had woken up early one morning, just randomly tuned into Radio 1 and there he was, but as it was on earlys I couldn't be a regular listener.

It's only when he moved to afternoons that I became a regular listener although I drifted away between 2003-early 2005 but when I tuned in again I regretted missing out on that 2.5 years.
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I'm naked in Sky magazine
I'm naked in Sky
If you buy Sky magazine you'll see my arse inside

(to the MOTD theme)

Downloaded it on Napster by accident, I remember my younger self being highly impressed at the marriage of the football theme with such colourful lyrics. And probably it was Dave laughing at Chris in that clip too. Whatever it just sounded like such bloody good fun!

Then began 2004...
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By swifty19_89
2007 I think it was, i was having to do an hour n half commute/walk to work. My alarm was Radio 1 and I found myself wanting more when I walked out the door.
So within a few weeks I got myself an adaptor for my iPod so that I could tune in to the radio.

One of the first features I heard was Doms one Road Travel, then the Who knows Dom, the Pub Quiz was in full steam too.

When they brought the start time earlier to 6:30 I woke up earlier just to listen to the cheesy song.

That was the norm until he was sacked by the BBC but then I started the daily replay thing on here, and did that for well over a year to catch up on some of what I missed from the beginning of the breakfast show.
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By slaphead1982
I first heard him when I'd get back from school (1998), He always made me smile. It was the first time that the D.j. made me listen instead of the music being played.

I still remember being in the car with my brothers and parents listening when one of the parody ads' was being played. Myself and my brothers started to snigger about it then my mum changed stations (I can't remember the ad, It may have been fish fingers?).

I drifted away when work interupted my life but in about 2007 I came back and have listened ever since.
In 2011 I formerly joined here after lurking for about a year or two and now here we are.
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By Topher
Around 2000, I think covering Sara Cox on breakfast was the first time I heard him, then on the Saturday show when I was working in a newsagents, then I started listening to afternoons as well.
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By dimtimjim
Have listened since way back on the Afternoons, Pre-2000 (inc the Sat AM slot) - always loved Moyles and feel as though I have 'grown up' with him.

Still one of my greatest days ever was meeting Chris at the coffee chop next to R1 (when went down for Aled's 'brainstorming' session with TCMS fans). He obvs didn't know me from Jack, and we know how he hates being accosted by us 'normo's', but I didn't care - meeting him was for me, not him.

I strolled up, thrust my hand out and blurted out what a big fan I was... He (begrudgingly ) shook my hand. Fecking ace... So proud. I still have my signed pic from the end of the R1 TCMS framed on my wall at 'ome...

To me, the guy is a legend. Such a fan... So pleased he is back on the radio.
By originalrobski
Since early brekkies on R1, when i was doing early deliveries at our local Index catalogue shop part time. That was only as and when i could, was a religious listner in the afternoons (no one dared touch the stockroom radio after 1pm, mark and lard and chris got me tgrough many a crap shift). Wife thinks im obsessed a bit, but it was like losing family when the R1 show finished!!!
By jmc
Since Early Breakfast here too - driving up the A303 from Somerset to work in Camberley on Monday mornings - my first job.
18 years later (omg is it that long?!) and it is now sneakily via the Radio X app at my desk here in Qatar (also via the lovely archives on this site too - thanks :)
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By G-Sizzle
ducky1978 wrote:Yeah Nick Abbot is still great, I still listen to him and it's still funny but it isn't what it was back then.
Neither is Ian Collins but Moyles is, kind of!
I read Chris' first book and he mentioned that Nick Abbot was a big influence, and there's the time Chris did this...

I think it's strange Chris has never mentioned Nick Abbot when talking about other folk at Global

Thats brought back some memories!
I do miss Abbot's crazy show with his regular callers. Elizabeth From Cheddar was always a laugh.

It's a shame Nick Abbot has mellowed so much from them days in the late 90s. Hes the only DJ I rate higher than Moyles.
By see205
I started during the hour long school bus journey to secondary school in 1997, been an avid listener ever since. People know not to disturb me at my desk now until after the Radio X show has finished.
By Leverest
About 2006/7 on breakfast
Used to listen to Mills on drive as well, when time permitted
Mills is my favorite of the two but Moyles is up there
I always wonder what he would be now if he had stayed at R1
I wish they could have a joint Moyles/Mills show

Will Mills go to X with Moyles in the future????
Always watching old Moyles shows on Youtube and still watching the 52hr show

Love the Moyles show now because its so much like the old show - shame Dave is not there though

Joined this and Unoffiical Mills this year after discovering

Cant seem to find a Greg James site is there one?
By Tico987
Somewhere around 2000. First show I remember was (I think) a Saturday show when they were encouraging celebs to ring up and say hi, inevitably listeners pretended to be celebs. Remember a scouse guy call and say it’s God and Chris cut him off saying there’s no way God would have a scouse accent...I’d never heard anything like that before at age of 15ish and from then I was hooked.

Saturday is up