Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By d000hg
I want to subscribe to the podcast on android and an getting frustrated. I don't want to use the player they recommend on the website and PodBean doesn't seem to list the right podcast... It will let me manually enter a URL but nowhere can I see what this is.

I want a podcast so that will play in the background and doesn't require dicking about... Help gratefully received.
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By Topher
Is this the Radio X podcast? You can search for it on Pocket Casts, which is the app I use.
By d000hg
Yeah. On my podcast app it only finds a daily show podcast (possibly from this site?)

I don't really want to have to choose my podcast app based on if it can find the CM show - I want an app that is good and then choose which podcasts to download. It's one place Apple seems much less of a faff!

I don't suppose your app tells your the actual podcast URL it is connected to to check for new podcasts, that you could copy/paste here?

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