The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
The thing is that back in the R1 days lots of us used to complain about the pop music - if you can get that far back in the threads you can read it. Now we're complaining about the dad rock - and I actually think I prefer the R1 playlist, despite coming from a rock/metal fandom background - so I'm not sure exactly what would keep us happy!

With regard to clips, I have uploaded a couple today and I am gonna try to do more from hereon, but I notice the ones I uploaded around Christmas haven't had anywhere near as many downloads as the R1 ones used to. Once I uploaded a clip that had over a thousand downloads in a weekend. Now we are struggling for 100. I'm not sure if the demand is there anymore.
I'm still enjoying the first 30 minute chat of the show. There were times on Radio 1 when he'd talk about things I wasn't interested in but 9 times out of 10 I'd find it interesting and I still do.
I think the show is lacking features to be honest, which I've read a lot on here since September. I actually enjoy the pre-recorded Saturday show over the weekday show because I know what it's going to involve. The Middlesbrough couple is hilarious, the four syllable game makes me laugh every week. Paul Turner reading the 9 at 7 by 6 for example.
The weekday show needs to be more like the weekend show in my opinion.
I love the weekday show though. Also I think Dave Masterman is brilliant :)
I've been away so am a bit behind and have just listened to the Matthew Perry-on-ketamin interview from 28 April. I can't believe this hasn't been mentioned on here yet. Fascinating, if cringe-worthy radio. Proper Kerry Catona on This Morning stuff.
Nicola_Red wrote:The thing is that back in the R1 days lots of us used to complain about the pop music - if you can get that far back in the threads you can read it. Now we're complaining about the dad rock - and I actually think I prefer the R1 playlist, despite coming from a rock/metal fandom background - so I'm not sure exactly what would keep us happy!

With regard to clips, I have uploaded a couple today and I am gonna try to do more from hereon, but I notice the ones I uploaded around Christmas haven't had anywhere near as many downloads as the R1 ones used to. Once I uploaded a clip that had over a thousand downloads in a weekend. Now we are struggling for 100. I'm not sure if the demand is there anymore.

For me personally, it's the ads that put me off! That's why I always stuck to BBC listening until Moyles left R1. I'd of thought Moyles' pulling power could of brought in more revenue in terms of sponsorship so ads didn't need to run during his show.

For me, R1 is too childish regardless of loving new music. I listen to Beats 1 on the Apple platform a lot for the new music surrounded by adults who can actually converse with their audience. Especially Zane Lowe who hasn't done bad for himself.

Is Chris just warming himself up for a nationwide gig by sitting on the Radio X breakfast show? Most likely.
Oh yeah, I hate the ads. I can shut them out to an extent but certain ones seem to just be designed to be irritating. And I hate more that Chris is at the mercy of them - it seems like they interrupt his flow a lot.

I dunno. So many issues - the repetitive playlist, the corporate competitions, the lack of regular features - occasionally I wonder if I'd be better going back to Grimmy and just listening to the edited Moyles shows. But I feel wedded to Moyles as a presenter, whatever he's doing and wherever that is. It may be misguided loyalty but it's just how it is.
I listen to the edited shows at work, I'm in Oz and I suppose sitting through the songs and ads would probably dampen my enthusiasm a bit.

I really like the show though, Pippa has toned down a bit and they're using Dave a lot more who is fast becoming very good.

I like the short running features such as the wheel of tracks and the letters that Dom gets
I think listening to the edited shows is the way to go especially for myself who is nearly 3 months behind now on shows since I took a break from listening to them for a few weeks since it was all I listened to at work before that. Last one I listened to was the Friday before Vernon took over for a few days and asked on here if it was worth listening to them and got a no in response, which is fine by me since I am not a big fan of him and the last 5-10 mins of each show is enough Vernon for me.
Yeah, I'm back with Grimmy this week. I don't mind Vernon in small doses but a whole show of him is just dismal. I still harbour dark memories of him covering for Chris the week he split up with Sophie and hammering home that Chris was "sicky-poo" (which evolved to "sicky-sicky-poo-poo" after a while). I don't know why he feels the need to invent excuses for Chris' absence - it just makes it sound like everyone is embarrassed that Chris has so much time off. If it's been written into his contract that he can have holidays in abundance, then just front up to it like Chris Evans did in his glory days. I don't think it lost him many listeners.
The lack of Comedy Dave for me is a big issue, the whole relationship the team had was a big reason why I listened avidly in the Radio 1 days. Like someone said, you listened each and every day to every minute because you were scared of missing something, the Radio X show doesn't have that same feel.
I still can't believe that in a 3.5 hour show that the edited without songs/ads is just 1 hour and 10 mins (based on yesterday's show) with Vernon on, does he not understand he's doing Chris' show and what the listeners want?
I still say Ellis & John will be better suited. Yes they need to extend themselves in terms of realising they are on the Moyles show. But they would better fit the slot.
Never get someone who is better than you for holiday cover. No fear there, more pointless drivel about chris coving for a minute and then a song, all before 6.35! Does Vernon actually put any effort into his show or just turn up and press play?

Off to listen to bam bam for the week. Hey radio x sack vernon and employ bam bam, someone who isn't afraid to talk on the radio.
I'm now listening back to yesterday's show and... I find it annoying when they make excuses as to why Chris is not there. All that stuff about Chris' kitchen... I mean, come one, he probably has a certain ammount of days off in his contract and just chose this week, that's it. If there's an actual exciting reason why he had to take this particular week off - they should either say it and stop making up stuff, or not mention it at all. At the old place Chris would complain a lot about his holdays and how they don't get enough of it, so it makes sense why he would wanna have more days off now that he's with Radio X, however... I think it's a bit too much.
deimantee1 wrote:I'm now listening back to yesterday's show and... I find it annoying when they make excuses as to why Chris is not there. All that stuff about Chris' kitchen... I mean, come one, he probably has a certain ammount of days off in his contract and just chose this week, that's it. If there's an actual exciting reason why he had to take this particular week off - they should either say it and stop making up stuff, or not mention it at all. At the old place Chris would complain a lot about his holdays and how they don't get enough of it, so it makes sense why he would wanna have more days off now that he's with Radio X, however... I think it's a bit too much.

Haven't really listened this week (made it to the first song yesterday) but I've always thought this was a bit of an inside joke rather than saying Chris is on holiday and is house is unoccupied. I can't find it but I remember of clip of Chris saying once on the old show something along the lines of 'So I went away as Dave announced on the air last week to burglars everywhere'.
I think he did get burgled once. It just seems Vernon has so little content that he keeps going on about it. In fairness I haven't listened so maybe he has toned it down since the last time Chris was off.

Just found johnny vaughans podcast, very good it is too.
This may be a controversial opinion, but I don't like the Saturday show. To me it's obvious Chris is struggling for content after finishing a live show and it all gets a bit forced and, at times, infantile.

More so than the live weekday shows, it's crying out for more regular Saturday features for the team to fall back on to take the pressure off Chris to constantly ad lib.
I agree. I remember Chris himself saying that being on air 6 days a week is kind of ridiculous and it's difficult to come up with something entertaining, which is totally understandable. I mean, I don't mind the Saturday show, but I don't think it's as good. I don't even think it's necessary, really.
Last edited by deimantee1 on Thu May 26, 2016 9:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
deimantee1 wrote:I don't mind the Saturday show, but I don't think it's as good. I don't even think it's necessary, really.

I'd suggest that it's there because of the reality of commercial radio i.e. it saves cash, Jon Holmes I guess was still on his weekday money (a bit like the story of Kevin Greening at R1) but Chris clearly cares enough to try and record more material than just a few quick links to best of material even if not all of it is that great.
Frothy Bevvy wrote:This may be a controversial opinion, but I don't like the Saturday show. To me it's obvious Chris is struggling for content after finishing a live show and it all gets a bit forced and, at times, infantile.

More so than the live weekday shows, it's crying out for more regular Saturday features for the team to fall back on to take the pressure off Chris to constantly ad lib.

Have to agree, I dare say they are all spent by Friday so new ideas are a little thin.
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