The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
Didn't Rob say originally that the pub where he generally does the quiz was shut for around 6 weeks, hence he was free to do it live on the show? I took that to mean it would likely be back to pre-record thereafter.

I feel a bit for him. He clearly loves being a part of the show and puts the effort in. But perhaps he's trying too hard. I don't find it as bad as some on here though.
By ritchie
Today was the first morning I didn't listen.

My commute is about 25mins. By the time I have plugged my phone in to the iTrip (as who the * has a DAB in their car?) - and got connected, I usually sit through 2/3 songs and at least 2 doses of horrendous adverts.

Couldn't be arsed this morn. Shame. I could put up with the shit songs on R1 (as at least there was some new/good stuff) but lets face it Radio X is a little bits cheap and nasty - and the ads have crept up to unacceptable level (especially as the imaging is ALL THE SAME!)

I will probably still listen to the edited shows a day behind - but I am losing interest to be honest.

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Yes I noticed McDonalds were still using that frustratingly shit and cringeworthy whistle at the end of every advert. It's been going for years. You would have to be the most cheerful bastard on planet earth to enjoy a whistle as annoying as that. If memory serves me was Justin Timberlake's bastard creation. And they've kept it since.

It's McDonalds. Yeah. McDonalds. I live near one. you live near one. It serves burgers. I get it. Move on. They'd sell us oxygen if they could wouldn't they?

How I miss those old jingles, they gave the show such charm...

He laughs at famous people cos he just doesn't care,
He looks like Terry Wogan but he's got his own hair
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By G-Sizzle
But you know that annoying whistle means McDonalds without anyone needing to say it.
And that's how successful marketing works.
The more annoyingly catchy, the better.
Unfortunately for us!
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By Topher
I know Yudster has said before that she tends to avoid buying from companies if the ads are irritating enough to cause her to do it - I bet she's not the only one. Actually, I agree partly with SAV1OUR - McDonald's don't really need to advertise, they are everywhere (I think that's the point he was making).

Anyway, the adverts are annoying, but on the way to work, I switch to music on my phone through the bluetooth while they're on, then switch back - usually one song covers most or all of the adverts.
By stevepro
Yeah, adverts annoy me big time. Doesn't help matters that after an ad a song tends to follow so it's pretty much a 6 or 7 minute break before the show starts again, pretty much gives you an excuse to switch off.

If the volume of adverts they are currently playing is a must, then they should look to cut down on the number of songs. If they conducted a survey on the matter most listeners would be in agreement i'm assuming.
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By Nicola_Red
I'm getting better at tuning the ads out, I think. But yeah, the repetition is irritating. Strangely enough for a vegan I don't usually mind the McDonalds ones too much, but the recent 'sausage and bacon sandwich' campaign was a new level of awful. Thank the Lord that's finished. The ones that annoy me most at the moment are Subway and...that one with Nick Hewer's voice, is that Lloyds bank?...

I also listen on FM here in Manchester and we get some specific ads, when the show first started there was one for the local bus passes that made me want to kill myself. Thankfully it was aimed at new students so they stopped running it after a couple of weeks. Also ones for 5th Ave which is a proper dive of a nightclub here, they always make me chortle.
Frothy Bevvy wrote:I feel a bit for him. He clearly loves being a part of the show and puts the effort in. But perhaps he's trying too hard. I don't find it as bad as some on here though.

He's way too heavy on the catchphrases now, it feels too laboured in my opinion. This morning I was pleased I was heading to work in early as I got to work just as the quiz was getting going.

The John Bishop clips this morning sounded so much like "old Rob DJ" that I think that made it stick in my mind a bit more.
James H wrote:
Frothy Bevvy wrote:I feel a bit for him. He clearly loves being a part of the show and puts the effort in. But perhaps he's trying too hard. I don't find it as bad as some on here though.

He's way too heavy on the catchphrases now, it feels too laboured in my opinion. This morning I was pleased I was heading to work in early as I got to work just as the quiz was getting going.

The John Bishop clips this morning sounded so much like "old Rob DJ" that I think that made it stick in my mind a bit more.

I'm perversely really pleased to read that it's not just me.
It seems incredibly over-wrought and boarders on painful with Rob live.
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By Frothy Bevvy
Or move to Australia and listen on a half-day delay (if the recording and editing Gods get their magic done in time) ;)
The papers have never liked Moyles, and never will. But then the papers aren't worth the paper they're written on. I'm sure Moyles can handle it!

I'm not too annoyed about Rob being live. I do prefer prerecorded though. But then I would have preferred Carpark Catchphrase to have come back instead.

I'm a couple of shows behind, but the last couple of shows have been brilliant in my opinion. They've made me laugh like the d show did (and does). Looks like the team are starting to gel nicely.
I thought Dave was just a "We have to have, No choice" team member at first but he does seem to be a happy accident. The team works.
Unlike Tina from the old days, Dave "gets" the show and is going along with it and seems to be genuinly enjoying it instead of noticbly just wanting to keep his job.
slaphead1982 wrote:I thought Dave was just a "We have to have, No choice" team member at first but he does seem to be a happy accident. The team works.
Unlike Tina from the old days, Dave "gets" the show and is going along with it and seems to be genuinly enjoying it instead of noticbly just wanting to keep his job.

Yup totally agree, at first over the first few weeks I thought he was having to make an effort to go along with Chris/Dom/Pippa and their existing relationship. But do think he's now going along with it and to me sounds like he's enjoying it more than he did at first.
I never hated Tina, it's just the Carrie was such a hard act to follow!

I actually really preferred Aled as producer because him being around resulted in more laughs, not to mention a lot less corporate mentions (Rachel drove me mad with that - no wonder she got promoted!). After that it went a bit random with Freya, Sam (ahh Sam, horrible voice but what a looker) and Pippa. But then those three never wanted to have an on-air presence.
Aled was the best producer, though I liked Rachel too. I agree that Tina wasn't awful, but Carrie was excellent.
I get the feeling that getting Rob DJ to do the quiz live is a convenient way of adapting the format to work with a smaller team. Pippa is much better at providing comedy wrong answers than hosting the quiz, but I agree that Rob playing the parody version of himself doesn't quite work.

Am I imagining things, or was this morning's discussion about the Only Fools and Horses theme almost exactly the same as one fairly recently on the replay podcast, with the same expressions of surprise about the lyrics ("rich or broke/we'll cut prices at a stroke"). I'm not saying that Chris should have remembered a throwaway conversation from 8 years ago, it's just interesting that the same thing has come up.
The podcast extra stuff is very random but normally quite funny! You sometimes get an extra bit of show info too

IMO, the best team was the Chris, Dave, Dom, Carrie & Rachel plus Aled coming in sometimes

I think 2 female voices helped the show and I always thought Rachel's corporate nature was a joke sometimes, I do miss Chris' impression of her!

I liked Aled and was fine when he took over Rachel's on air role

Carrie leaving was a big turning point for the show, they brought someone in who had completely different taste to them, was much younger so didn't get all the references, while that provided comedy sometimes, at other times, it made it difficult for Tina to join in
Tomorrow should be a very interesting show in Manchester.
Chris will see one of his old mates at heart Manchester. JOEL Off of JK and Joel does his breakfast show from there as far as i'm aware.
Should be interesting too see what pranks they play on each other. If any
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