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By G-Sizzle
Apologies if this has already been discussed on here (I can't keep up since the forums exploded back into life!) but is Jon Holmes the most bitter man on radio?

I'm listening to his show today at work and he's constantly having digs at Moyles.
Starting off with the 100 pips at the start of the show, asking people to google why Comedy Dave isn't on the show, and now he's currently sabotaging the "Failing That" wheel and replacing it with celebrities that he has no chance of contacting. Like Princess Diana. He's also mocking people who are entering the Radio X Road Trip competition by asking them if hey really want to go anywhere with Chris Moyles because "you know what he's like on the road"

Maybe his unique brand of humour is being lost on me. He just needs to let it go.
The station got rebranded and you've been replaced. Welcome to the corporate world!
By JayE
Oh, sure! Because Chris has never had pops at people before. Who cares?! I listen to Jon every week and find the Moyles jokes hilarious.
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By G-Sizzle
JayE wrote:Oh, sure! Because Chris has never had pops at people before. Who cares?! I listen to Jon every week and find the Moyles jokes hilarious.

Yeah but does Moyles dedicate the majority of his shows to one person each week?

Just comes across like very sour grapes having to hear the same old "witty banter" aimed at the man who replaced him during every link. Just my opinion.
By bmstinton93
Can someone clip some of these please? Particularly the dig about googling comedy Dave!
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By Nicola_Red
Anyone who listened got approximate times? I can clip it but I don't listen so I could do with an idea of what time to look for.
By richardtomlinson
bmstinton93 wrote:Can someone clip some of these please? Particularly the dig about googling comedy Dave!

Jon Holmes mentioning Dave.
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By ChunkyMunky
Can't comment on any of the other things because I don't listen to the show, but that clip above about mentioning Dave sounded OK.
He wasn't asking people to Google Dave.
In fact, he lowered his voice when saying "You know what happened. Google it", which was his way of saying "I'm not going there!"
And they only got onto the subject because there were 3 Daves connected to their shows.

So, in this instance at least, I think he was being quite fair.
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By Johnny 1989
Jon Holmes has always been like this, it's his satire way of humour (he has actually appeared in the credits for quite a few shows on TV, including Dead Ringers off the top of my head)

On 6Music he ripped the piss out of all Radio 1 DJs (in particular Ferne Cotton when he edited her wikipedia page to say she was a "talent vaccum") & Sarah Kennedy and Craig Charles got a lot of stick as well.

To be honest Moyles is just his current DJ he's taking the piss out of at the moment, if he was really the bitter he'd have surely left XFM/Radio X?

If you read up on Jon Holmes' radio career you'll see how controvesrial he can be, this Moyles stuff is nothing in comparison.
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By G-Sizzle
Maybe I'm missing it, just seems very bitter to me.
But maybe my foul mood at being at work since 4am on a Saturday and Sunday doesn't help!
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By Johnny 1989
I used to listen to him on Virgin Radio (before he got sacked) & BBC 6Music (before he left) and he has always had a bit of an acid tongue when he wants to.

That been said I can get why people don't like him, he can be rather politcal and near the mark at times.
By ritchie
fair play - Moyles will bounce well off this... If you can't take it, don't give it... etc.
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By swifty19_89
Wait a minute are we discussing someone ripping into Moyles when Moyles himself has ripped into countless other people.
The clip sounded Moyles-esk if anything
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By Johnny 1989
Yeah I'm sure ripped the piss out of Jon Holmes when he took over from Iain Lee on the 11 O'Clock show on Channel 4, but then again that was a terrible show anyway.
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By Topher
People keep saying that, but I remember it being quite good? I never watched it after Iain Lee and Daisy Donovan left though and I was quite young at the time.
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By Johnny 1989
Topher wrote:People keep saying that, but I remember it being quite good? I never watched it after Iain Lee and Daisy Donovan left though and I was quite young at the time.

When Iain Lee & Daisy Donivan did it, it wasn't bad you had Ali G & Ricky Gervais then too.

However all four left and it ended up being Jon Holmes & Sarah Alexander and it just didn't work at all, though to be fair to both it didn't hurt either of their careers since.
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By Topher
Gervais was the bit I didn't like about it. Still don't like him.
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By Nicola_Red
I have a certain fondness for Iain Lee cos he did the Lost podcasts and is obviously a huge Lost geek, like me. But I never liked the 11 O'Clock Show, mainly cos the bulk of its humour relied on taking the piss out of and embarrassing innocent bystanders. That type of comedy makes me cringe so badly I can't watch it. I over-empathise with the victims far too much.

Saturday is up