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Would you want sound clips of the new Radio X show?

Yes, I would download and listen to them from this site
Yes, but I would prefer them to be on youtube
I don't mind, I might listen to them if they were there
No, I don't think they are necessary
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By Nicola_Red
We've had some discussion about whether to resume sound clipping of the new show - note I'm specifically talking about clips, NOT full show downloads. It has been suggested that in this day and age where we have easy and fast access to full shows, they're not as useful as they once were. So I'm opening it up to opinion. We have mooted the idea of using a youtube channel rather than the existing archive - what do you guys think? Please vote and add any thoughts you have. Ta :)
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By Topher
I think Youtube is useful, but I'm a completist and I think they should be added to the collection here too...
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By James H
Topher wrote:I think Youtube is useful, but I'm a completist and I think they should be added to the collection here too...

+1, plus the vault is searchable, and works quite well, I was using it yesterday!
By bmstinton93
I quite like the Vault and it's really good to listen back to memorable moments as they're really easy to find than flicking through full shows
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By James H
If it stays, can we swap from a flash player to HTML5? It'll be mobile friendly then too!
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By Topher
Topher wrote:I think Youtube is useful, but I'm a completist and I think they should be added to the collection here too...

To be clear, I would like a "Youtube and sound vault" option...

James H wrote:If it stays, can we swap from a flash player to HTML5? It'll be mobile friendly then too!

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By Topher
Well done all involved! Good choice.
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By James H
Console, haven't heard that name in ages. Loving all this!
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By Chris
Soundcloud has an upload limit unless you pay. YouTube is free, people can subscribe to be notified of uploads, can comment and can easily share/embed.

It's not ideal using a video hosting platform for audio, but there's many who do.
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By yummytummy
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By Chris
There's not a problem hosting the clips (thanks to James, and others) - it's more about making it convenient for people consume them, engage with them, and be notified about them.

I can't see many better options than YouTube - with a duplicate copy in the SoundVault for those who prefer that. YT also has the benefit that it's technically feasible to automate the upload, meaning less work for the people submitting the clips.
By wireman2004
if the shows were uploaded on the site.
would you be able too make a new rss feed for downloading.
I have my phone downloading the shows from podkicker. and they are brilliant so I can listen too the shows when I am able too.
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By Topher
Now we just need Google to update the Youtube mobile apps so you can still hear the audio in the background when you close them.
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By DevilsDuck
mine works!

are you sure you havent turned it off in the app
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By Topher
To be fair, I actually didn't know they'd added that feature, just that it was a long-standing request.
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By Chris
Okay, thanks.

1. I'll shift the main page to use the same HTML5 player at some point (edit: done it)

2. The player is (slightly) less ugly now

3. If you'd like to clip small clips for addition to the SoundVault (not full shows), then let me know and I can give you instructions and access

4. When a clip is added to the SoundVault it'll now be automatically added to our new YouTube channel, details of which I'll share once it's prettified a bit
By Tunster
Love the idea of YT but careful of retention of clips. Especially if people put in copyright takedown requests and YT aren't kind as they'll suspend the whole account immediately.

At least if you have the Soundvault to fall back on, you have a controlled archive. Will the old show stuff be placed into another folder to split pre-2012 and new clips?

Saturday is up