The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
But if it's all new then what will it be? If he's just playing records in between ads with the occasional bit of humour then an edited version of the show probably wouldn't be worth listening to, only the full show. You would need features like the old show had, and other people on air to banter rather than making it just a vehicle for ads and records, which Moyles would be wasted on.
By JayE
Well, yeah of course it needs features and possibly a similar format but in my opinion I think he should try and have a new team and do new bits. But we'll find out what direction he's taking it in soon.
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By matthaze
Besides old friends of the show returning, I hope the new show has a different feel and sound. Life has changed since September 2012. We've all changed. Chris has changed. The team has changed. Some fresh, new things would be great to hear.

The old Chris Moyles Show is a special moment in time. It is what it is. it's time for something new, different and awesome!

ALSO being on a (kinda)new commercial station, he won't have the "is he too old for this station?" thing going like they had at Radio 1. There won't be a "when will he finally leave?" feeling lingering over. He can grow into this and make it his own, something that can last a long time. THAT, I think, will be refreshing.
I think when people talk about needing or wanting other people or features from the old show, they're talking about the banter and fun that they had, rather than wanting exactly the same show.

Sure, we've all changed over the last few years, but it's still important for Chris to have an on-air team that can have fun with each other, and features that entertain.
As someone has already said, if he's there to just fill in briefly between ads and songs, then it might as well be any DJ.

It all depends on how much leverage he had when discussing the contract, and whether he could get what he wanted for the show.
We all know Chris' comments on Commercial Radio and cheesy DJs, so it's hard to imagine he's not going to aim for a similar format, if somewhat diluted by ads and more songs than he'd like.

Just Chris between records probably isn't going to be enough.
At least, not for me.

BTW, his video may still be a wind-up. :)

Like everyone else, I'm very excited to see the new video from Chris. He posted it on Facebook as well which is where I saw it. Being in the US, I'm looking forward to the shows being uploaded here as I don't see how I'm going to hear them otherwise. My hope is that Dom joins him on the new show. I don't see that happening with Dave, but we'll just have to wait and see.
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By G-Sizzle
Dom left capital because he said that the "early mornings become too much" or something along those lines. Will he want to go back to the 4am starts?

Personally I hope he does, he was the funniest member of the team for me.

Also I think I'm going to have to listen to these shows via a podcast that I'm sure they'll be doing. I've got a new job since sept 2012 and listening to the radio isn't a possibility at my new place. I'm not sure weather that will have an effect on my enjoyment of the show or not.
Last edited by G-Sizzle on Sun Sep 06, 2015 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By deimantee1
Of course we will get a different show. The team will be different, the features will be new, Chris has probably changed a lot as well. However, even knowing all that I am pretty sure the show is still gonna be GOOD, as his periscope/youtube videos during this time were still entertaining and... very Chris, if I can say that. He's not a completely different person, his sense of humor, his personality are still the same. Now we only have to wait and see who's in his team. Ahh, I am super excited. 8)
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By Nicola_Red
Well, well, well. Time to get the old gang back together. (Not the Moyles show team, us!) I may have to rejoin twitter to keep up with all this...

Any news yet on whether radio X will be digital nationwide and/or FM in London only like the current xfm? I'm trying to figure out my listening options.
By hdsport82
Nicola_Red wrote:Any news yet on whether radio X will be digital nationwide and/or FM in London only like the current xfm? I'm trying to figure out my listening options.

It seems almost certain to be on Digital 1 nationally (there is capacity since TeamRock left). Would make more sense than being on a series of local multiplexes (which is where I can listen to it currently).

Although they have just done this ... -together/
Last edited by hdsport82 on Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
By hdsport82
bmstinton93 wrote:That's a really good interview! Great to see Dom and Pippa are involved. The way he spoke about Dave makes it sound like they may be on speaking terms also

Yeah although he wouldn't say we hate each other's guts either as that would just overshadow the announcement much better to be diplomatic. From the article it seems pretty much everything rumoured was spot on. Good to read he's got 'carte blanche' but let's see how that plays out on air.
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