The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
OK, so if reports are to be believed, the BBC will be removing Jeremy Clarkson from office today, and they are looking to try and "woo" Chris Evans to take over the lead role in Top Gear.

If this happens, TG is a pretty much a year round role (with spin offs, location shoots etc); so Evans would have to give up his Radio 2 breakfast show.

So; who takes over R2 breakfast? This would have been tailor made to slot Mr Moyles into, but given his hatred of radio (so it seems) I am not sure he will be the man...
We've got R2 on in the office today and I heard Evans categorically deny that he's doing Top Gear. In fact I think he denied that he's even been approached.

However, if he were to be leaving the breakfast show for whatever reason, I doubt they would want Moyles. I suspect even now he would be seen as not quite appropriate for the R2 audience and maybe something of a 'loose cannon'. I don't know if I think that's true, but I think it's a public perception of him and that's quite hard to shake off. That's assuming of course that he would be interested in the gig - again, I doubt he would at this point. I feel like there will come a time when the 'dust has settled' and he'll look into a return to radio and/or the BBC, but I don't think we're quite there yet.

I dunno who they might have lined up to take over - I noted Jonathan Ross is back on R2 standing in for Steve Wright, so he would be a great pull if he was interested, but again I'm not sure that he would cos that would probably mean him quitting TV. Likewise for Richard Hammond (that would be like some sort of weird Top Gear rotation system). Sara Cox?
Yes I heard him categorically deny it; but as a self confessed petrolhead if the call did come would he really turn it down? Would any one who has an interest in cars turn that job down?

Agree that R2 might see Moyles as a loose cannon; however he has been away from the radio for a couple of years now, and I am fairly sure he wouldn't be plunged straight back into TCMS format. But who knows? Some could have said that Chris Evans, with his past performances on breakfast radio, was a gamble; however he has come through with flying colours.

At the moment this is all pie in the sky, as no-one knows what will happen with the current TG hosts.

Although, Moyles is 16/1 for that role also !!
I see Jodie Kidd is favourite to replace Clarkson! Now that would be very cool. Having a woman - and former model - head up the BBC's flagship motoring programme would be a bold move and a great step forward. There are some odd names in there too - Stephen Fry and Piers Morgan?!
Well the first piece of the puzzle has been completed; the Corporation have announced they will not renew Clarkson's contract. We have to see how they will replace him for the final 3 programs in the series as to a marker for how the 2016 series might shape up.
As much as Chris Evans has denied it so far, I could still see it happening. Although James May is reportedly leaving now so this could signal the end of top gear. If by any chance Chris Evans did go then I could see Sara Cox or Jo Whiley getting his job.

In more important news though, Zayn has left 1D!! :(
Nicola_Red wrote:However, if he were to be leaving the breakfast show for whatever reason, I doubt they would want Moyles. I suspect even now he would be seen as not quite appropriate for the R2 audience and maybe something of a 'loose cannon'.

Aptly though, Evans was even more of a loose cannon on R1 when he did the breakfast show, 17 hour pub crawls ending 2 hours before his show was due to start, not wanting to work on Fridays (which I think Chris used to joke about wanting himself) to get ready for TFI and numerous complaints to various watchdogs.

Maybe Chris is playing the long game and wants R2 to see he's matured? Yes, I know that's almost certainly not the case but hey, never say never!
Well, Evans left the R1 breakfast show in 1997 and started at R2 in 2005. If Moyles follows a similar career trajectory, we're in for a long wait :)
Nicola_Red wrote:Well, Evans left the R1 breakfast show in 1997 and started at R2 in 2005. If Moyles follows a similar career trajectory, we're in for a long wait :)

We're already nearly halfway there! :)
He also worked at and then bought another radio station in that time, didn't he?

Saturday is up