The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
Hey kids!

I have been searching for a good alternative for the past few years, but I haven't found anything to quite replace my daily routine of listening to the full Chris Moyles show each day. I tried Chris Evans because someone here suggested it, but I can't get into him. I've tried to listen to the current Radio 1 Breakfast show, but obviously it's not the same.

So what have you been listening to? Is there a suitable replacement on the air? Has anyone found anything they enjoy hearing every day in the same way?

I'm in New York, but have always loved British Radio... so any suggestions of shows online is much appreciated.
I discovered Opie & Anthony in 2013 which is actually an american radio show and I honestly prefer it to TCMS and wish I had discovered it waaay before I did.

This clip is a perfect example of why I love the show:

Anthony got fired in July last year which sucks but Opie & Jim are still on the air and they are pretty mediocre but I still listen to them everyday.
Anthony Cumia got fired because he is a misogynist racist. (

As to what to listen to's tough. I have never found a good alternative. I listen to Grimmy cos it's the easiest option, but he is pretty different to Moyles and plays far more music. I have defended him here in the past cos he gets a lot of unfair criticism simply because he's not Moyles, but it's fair to say that they are very different in their styles.

I tried Chris Evans and Shaun Keaveney and gave up on both very quickly. So you may only be left with commercial stations, and their inanity and constant repetitive ads drive me up the wall.
Oh, i take it you're one of those PC people who have never listened to the show in their life and have no clue that Anthony was fired for no * reason. Anthony had used SiriusXM's airwaves to go on rants like the one he did on Twitter for 10 years, he wasn't a stranger to them they hired him to do it. But because of people like you calling for his firing they caved to the pressure from the media.
Well, I never called for his firing. So you think the tweets he sent are okay? You want someone like that on national radio? I think they're a perfectly good reason for firing someone. There is not a cat in hell's chance a DJ in this country could get away with that, and rightly so.
His tweets were very tame compared to things he's used SiriusXM's airwaves to say. Anthony commented on the fact there is violence in the black community in his tweets, when he gets punched in the face by a black woman for catching her in a frame whilst taking pictures and the first thing she does is result to violence I think he has every right to comment on the problem with violence in that community.

Like I said before you have not listened to the show in your life, Anthony said worse than this for 10 years on SirusXM's airwaves, he got fired for no reason. SiriusXM knew what he was about. Also you are aware SiriusXM is an uncensored platform right, and they have always been known for giving their presenters the chance to express their views freely. You probably didn't because you didn't even know who he was until you read that article.
Last edited by JayE on Fri Jan 30, 2015 4:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I take it you know about his ex Melissa Stetten's firing from xoJane for the same reasons then? I'm sorry, they are just nasty people. I've read the tweets and regardless of what he says on his show, they are not just how you describe. Referring to people as 'blacks', making references to slavery in your defence and trying to claim that you're the victim of racism is not okay. If he said stuff like that on air then he should never have been employed in the first place.
jeddeth wrote:Hey kids!

I have been searching for a good alternative for the past few years, but I haven't found anything to quite replace my daily routine of listening to the full Chris Moyles show each day. I tried Chris Evans because someone here suggested it, but I can't get into him. I've tried to listen to the current Radio 1 Breakfast show, but obviously it's not the same.

So what have you been listening to? Is there a suitable replacement on the air? Has anyone found anything they enjoy hearing every day in the same way?

I'm in New York, but have always loved British Radio... so any suggestions of shows online is much appreciated.

I do still listen to one old Moyles show each M-F, but as far as current shows, I've replaced Chris with Simon Mayo. Or course he is nothing like Chris, but for me, his show has a good mix of talk and music (although to be honest I'd prefer more talk) and overall I find it to be a pretty entertaining show. Additionally the Kermode and Mayo movie review show and Sara Cox's Sounds of the 80s show are must listens for me. I find Kermode/Mayo to be a great way to finish off the work week, and Sounds of the 80s is very good for a late Saturday afternoon listen (I'm 6 hours behind the UK time zone).
The Johnny Vaughn "warmup" show on talksport is pure genius. As is The Frank Skinner Show.

Both shows have podcasts available on iTunes, and are great, but unfortunately both shows are only on once a week so won't go far to fill in the void left by moyles.
Oh my word JayE, I've just read those tweets on the Gawker article linked to from the Rolling Stone article - that shit is vile, the guy CLEARLY deserved to get sacked - I'd have had him charged for racial hatred as well if I'm honest (not to mention that poor woman got called every sexist slur going). If you're saying he's said worse than that on the air, then going purely on what you said, he deserved to get sacked a lot sooner.

I don't really have time to check out all of the links here, but he very clearly has form, including going on a white nationalist radio show and praising and agreeing with the racist presenter.

There is no excuse for defending a vile, hate-filled piece of shit like that guy - if you defend that stuff, you are part of the problem.
Joe Rogan saying it how it is:

This is also relevant to this thread, Joe Rogan is a great replacement for CM. He can talk about anything with anyone, it's great.
JayE wrote:Joe Rogan saying it how it is:


I can't watch that at work, but suffice to say that if he's defending the guy posting these tweets, then he's as much of a thundercunt as Cumia.
I'm just going to agree to disagree here. I think the difference between you and I Topher is I've listened to Anthony have countless race debates with people on The O&A show and you haven't, so I knew what he was trying to say because I've heard him say it before. The only mistake I think he made was having that rant on Twitter and not saving it for the show, Twitter has people who have never heard of Anthony and those tweets look a lot worse to someone who has never heard of him or his show. It didn't even shock me when I saw them on the day.
That it didn't shock you doesn't make it right - regardless of whether he'd said that on air, on Twitter or to the lady's face, that is completely wrong. It doesn't matter whether I've heard the guy before or not, those tweets are vile and for him to be going on a white supremacist's radio show and agreeing with the guy, I suppose you're going to defend that too?
Yeah I listened to the video. None of that makes it okay. The fact he did it on his radio show just means he should have been fired earlier (or probably never hired in the first place). That guy Joe Rogan's guest made the point "that show makes money out of racism" - THAT IS NOT * OKAY! Both Anthony Cumia and Joe Rogan sound like completely nasty * with no redeeming features.
Topher wrote: Both Anthony Cumia and Joe Rogan sound like completely nasty * with no redeeming features.

You lost me when you said that last part. Apart from his race views ( I don't agree with them, but I will defend his right to have any opinion he wants) Anthony is (was) an amazing talent on the radio, his impressions cracked me up and his back and forth riffing between him and their co-host Jim Norton was some of the best radio I've ever heard in my life. He was The Opie & Anthony Show and the show is missing it's most important piece right now.
Just my opinion going on the information available, which has come from you, Gawker and the video you posted above.

Of course, he is entitled to any view he wants, but if he wishes to air those views in public, he needs to expect to get criticised for them - that's how this freedom of speech thing works.

The bottom line is regardless of how good you are at your job, if you make are in the public eye and hold views that many find offensive and ignorant (which seems to be the case), then generally the employer is not only well within their rights, but also morally obliged, to terminate your employment.
Said this before, but Iain Lee on Three Counties - a good mix of serious stuff and taking the right piss out of what local radio normally does.

Saturday is up