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By flyingbadger
Saw 30 Seconds to Mars were on the MTV Live channel.
Quite like the band, have their last two albums.
Thought "I'll give this a go".
Bloody loved it. Jared Leto fair puts a bit of effort into his performance.
Near lost his manhood at one stage during a crowd surf.
What a trooper.

They finished off the set with Kings and Queens.
Not my favourite 30 Seconds track so this got me wondering why.

Is it because it's got like a trillion hits on YouTube and is THE BIG hit of theirs and it's passed me by? Am I in the minority?

Off to YouTube I go and...

* if I know because I fell down an Internet rabbit hole and have spent the last 40 minutes watching their music videos.

By Christ they do a good music video. "The Kill" is exceptional.
Think I'm now a little bit gay for Jared Leto.

The teenage me happy hardcorer would have a fit if he thought those thoughts would ever leave his mind.

* him. Cause that "music" was utter shite.
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By The Deadly
flyingbadger wrote:Just seen a * catchy as * song be performed on The Graham Norton Show.

The act in question...

Mr James Blunt.

I'm now, officially, a *.

No you're not. You're beautiful.
By bmstinton93
flyingbadger wrote:Just seen a * catchy as * song be performed on The Graham Norton Show.

The act in question...

Mr James Blunt.

I'm now, officially, a *.

You are a very wise man.
By JayE
flyingbadger wrote:Just seen a * catchy as * song be performed on The Graham Norton Show.

The act in question...

Mr James Blunt.

I'm now, officially, a *.

You're a wonderful comedic genius.
By JayE
I hold my hands up to that one. I thought you were just throwing him compliments, I didn't know they were titles of James Blunt songs as I'm not a * so I don't listen to them.
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By flyingbadger
JayE wrote:I hold my hands up to that one. I thought you were just throwing him compliments, I didn't know they were titles of James Blunt songs as I'm not a * so I don't listen to them.


You silly sausage JayE. Thanks for the compliment though.

*pats JayE on the head*

Saturday is up