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By dimtimjim
Worlds End is ok, but its not as good as SOTD or HF (or HTLFAAP and Paul, in my opinion).

I watched Born 2 Race last week, which is actually quite good, as 'car films' go. Like Fast n Furious (1st one) but with far more realistic race scenes and mechanical understanding.

Also, having missed it at cinema (and not being a naughty pirate) I'm really looking forward to Iron Man 3 coming out next week.
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By Badger Mark
I never found Hot Fuzz all that great. It had some good moments, but otherwise nothing all that great. And I also thought Paul was pretty good. I really enjoyed all the sci-fi movie references that can be found in it. SOTD is still the best one of the bunch though.
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By Badger Mark
I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that even though it's been around since 1996, I finally got around to watching Trainspotting last night. Certainly not a movie to warm one's heart.
By JayE
The Problem I had with Hot Fuzz although I love it and I think It's a great film, I felt that it had too much action and serious bits in it and the comedy element to the film was absent a lot of the time.

Shaun of The Dead is my favourite (Depending on what I think when I watch The World's End.)

I love Run Fatboy Run, It's just a fun film to watch with some really funny bits in.

Paul is brilliant and as Badger Mark mentioned I love the sci-fi references that are patterned all over the film because I am a sci-fi fan.
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By Topher
Hot Fuzz has a lot of subtle comedy JayE, I expect most of it went over your head.
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By DevilsDuck
Topher wrote:Hot Fuzz has a lot of subtle comedy JayE, I expect most of it went over your head.

What Topher means by that is because you are young, you won't understand it... A bit like the Simpsons.

*pats JayE on the head*
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By dimtimjim
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By Topher
DevilsDuck wrote:
Topher wrote:Hot Fuzz has a lot of subtle comedy JayE, I expect most of it went over your head.

What Topher means by that is because you are young, you won't understand it... A bit like the Simpsons.

*pats JayE on the head*

...who said it was because he's young?!
By JayE
Topher wrote:Hot Fuzz has a lot of subtle comedy JayE, I expect most of it went over your head.

I laughed loads when I saw it, I just didn't think it was as funny as Shaun, it had a lot of serious bits in.
By JayE
chrysostom wrote:
Topher wrote:...who said it was because he's young?!


This also.
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By chrysostom
I've not had a chance to watch the Robocop trailer yet as I'm at work - but the original was such a good piece of work that it's strange to see a new version being talked about. Generally positive things being said though!
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By The Deadly
If you are a massive fan of the original like me you'll feel physically ill after you see the trailer. If you have never seen the original then I'd imagine it would be quite good as you can't really go wrong with the concept.
Last edited by The Deadly on Fri Sep 06, 2013 10:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By dimtimjim
I've just watched it, and although I kinda echo what Deadly said, it looks good in it's own right. I personally love the original film and this isn't a direct remake. Still, will look forward to it!
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By Bruvva
*quietly grumbles about the injustice of a world where a Judge Dredd inspired film gets 2 sequels and a reboot and the source material gets a Stallone wankfest and a criminally underrated film*

That said, the original robocop was genuinely good. The third one, not so hot, even though it was written by Frank Miller before he went completely, grade a mental, writing things like Holy Terror.
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By Badger Mark
The film thread has been pretty quiet for awhile. Last night my wife and I watched Chronicle. Came out last year. 3 teens obtain super powers from some mysterious underground giant crystal-like structure. Had the potential to be just another run-of-the-mill super hero movie, but it was just the opposite. More about absolute power corrupting absolutely. Really a pretty good movie. Only fault I had was that it is a "found footage" movie and at some point, you have to ask "OK who's actually filming what's going on?" But other than that, it is definitely worth checking out.
By JayE
I watched Hall Pass last weekend which has Owen Wilson and Jason Sudeikis in it.

It wasn't extremely bad but it really wasn't all that good either. Did have some quite funny parts in towards the start of the film but as it got closer to the end it became more and more unfunny. 4/10
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By slaphead1982
Rush is good. I saw Captain Phillips last night, That's worth a watch.
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By dimtimjim
chrysostom wrote:Anything decent out at the cinema in the next month or so? Seems a bit bare at the moment!

Missus DTJ is excited about Thor 2, although I do believe that's less 'story' related and more 'handsome-with-hot-bod*' related.

* not me, on this occasion, ladies.
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By Badger Mark
slaphead1982 wrote:Rush is good. I saw Captain Phillips last night, That's worth a watch.

I've heard several interviews with Tom Hanks about Captain Phillips (including one on the Mayo/Kermode movie review program). It definitely sounds like a good movie. Rush also sounds good, but it's one I can hold off on until it comes out on cable.
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By chrysostom
Re-watched Zombieland last night, what a great film.

Excited for the second instalment of the Hunger Games on the 22nd
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