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By JayE
I watched a film called Of Mice and Men on Friday. The plot is really gripping and it's a really enjoyable story. I'd recommend it if you haven't seen it before.
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By DevilsDuck
JayE wrote:I watched a film called Of Mice and Men on Friday. The plot is really gripping and it's a really enjoyable story. I'd recommend it if you haven't seen it before.

Was it the Gary Sinise and John Malkovic film?

T'is a good film, but the book is better
By JayE
chrysostom wrote:I studied of Mice and Men (the book) at GCSE level - very good story, classic American literature.

Yeah, I'm currently reading the book for English class at school. I prefer it to the film.
By JayE
DevilsDuck wrote:
JayE wrote:I watched a film called Of Mice and Men on Friday. The plot is really gripping and it's a really enjoyable story. I'd recommend it if you haven't seen it before.

Was it the Gary Sinise and John Malkovic film?

T'is a good film, but the book is better

Yeah that's the one. I loved it. I'm very close to the end of the book and so far I love it more than the film.
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By Longview01
chrysostom wrote:I studied of Mice and Men (the book) at GCSE level - very good story, classic American literature.

Me too....I did my GCSE's in 98. What year did you do yours?
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By Longview01

Wow....thanks for making me feel old
By JayE
Longview01 wrote:2009??

Wow....thanks for making me feel old

I haven't even done mine yet. How old you do you feel now? :D
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By Yudster
Mr Yudster did Of Mice and Men for his GCSE in 1992.
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By DevilsDuck
chrysostom wrote:Old enough to drink.

*high fives Andy*

Yudster wrote:Mr Yudster did Of Mice and Men for his GCSE in 1992.

What did you do for your O I take it Mr Steinbeck hadnt been born?
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By chrysostom
Yudster wrote:Mr Yudster did Of Mice and Men for his GCSE in 1992.

...but that would make him almost 35 years younger than you!
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By Yudster
DevilsDuck wrote:What did you do for your O I take it Mr Steinbeck hadnt been born?

We did Wilkie Collins' The Woman In White, an anthology of short stories by international authors (Scott Fitzgerald, Doris Lessing, Somerset Maugham to name three but there were more), and The Merchant of Venice as our Shakespeare text. I think there was something else too but I'm buggered if I can remember.

chrysostom wrote:
Yudster wrote:Mr Yudster did Of Mice and Men for his GCSE in 1992.

...but that would make him almost 35 years younger than you!

No. No it wouldn't. Not quite.
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By dimtimjim
I did my GCSE's in 1995. Luckily, nearlly everthing I learnt has' stuck with Me.
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By Yudster
Oh - an anthology of 20th century British poetry. That was the other thing we did.
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By Nicola_Red
We did To Kill A Mockingbird (surprise!) and Twelfth Night. i still have my original school copies of both books.
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By Latina
As my English project for Scottish Higher (where we could choose any book), I went for Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis. To bring back on topic, it became one of my favourite classic British movies (1957, quite soon after the book's publication), starring Ian Carmichael. :D

It's a great read if you have an interest in (or more likely any cynicism towards) academia!
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By Bruvva
GCSE English..Goodness knows, a book called On the Black Hill, I remember that much.

A level was The Bell by Iris Murdoch, T.S Eliot's The Wasteland, Richard II and, ummm, something else.

I found studying books for English GCSE/A Level completely destroyed any desire I ever had to read them for fun. It seemed a guaranteed way to suck the fun out of reading.
By JayE
Badger Mark wrote:I thought the idea was to get back to talking about films :)

It was until I mentioned that I watched of Mice and Men. :D
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By Longview01
Considering how dead this forum is we should just be happy anyone is talking about anything.

But OT, Watched a film last night called's about 5 people who stuck in a lift and 1 of them is the Devil and they are dying 1 by 1.

Thought it was gonna be a piece of shit, but turned out to actually be pretty awesome...we then watched 127 Hours which was really really good.
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By Nicola_Red
We do have a book thread somewhere too... :)
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By dimtimjim
Mrs DTJ asked for the new Resident Evil film for v-day (i know, dead romantic gift). I buckled and got it last night (at least it'll last longer than flowers). Shall be watching that in bed tonight...

Also bought 'ted' cheap off-of eBay which has now arrived and is waiting a viewing.
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