The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By bladeslee
Yudster wrote:Shit, try some (appropriate) punctuation!

was that response aimed at me mr spelling police. because if it was & quite likely it was i couldnt give a rats arse whether i used the correct or appropriate punctuation/spelling on a post or not, because it doesnt make the point i was trying to make any more or less valid if i forgot to put an apostrophe in the "isnt" so how about you get off your high horse & do something else with your sad little life than scour the forum so you can get the chance to be the hated spelling police

if this is deleted then i know your not only a member of the hated spelling police your also a coward

ps: & i hope my posts punctuation & spelling was satisfactory tawt cant
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By Yudster
bladeslee wrote:
Yudster wrote:Shit, try some (appropriate) punctuation!

was that response aimed at me mr spelling police. because if it was & quite likely it was i couldnt give a rats arse whether i used the correct or appropriate punctuation/spelling on a post or not, because it doesnt make the point i was trying to make any more or less valid if i forgot to put an apostrophe in the "isnt" so how about you get off your high horse & do something else with your sad little life than scour the forum so you can get the chance to be the hated spelling police

if this is deleted then i know your not only a member of the hated spelling police your also a coward

ps: & i hope my posts punctuation & spelling was satisfactory tawt cant

It was aimed at you - your spelling isn't too bad (damn sight better than a lot to be fair) but it is incredibly difficult to follow your meaning - and therefore the validity of your points (which I don't doubt) with a complete lack of commas and full stops in appropriate places. With no guidance as to where your sentences start, pause and finish, it makes them a bit of a blur and its hard to grasp meaning from the jumble of words.

As for apostrophes, it won't be me that moans about those. Someone will though I expect.

By the way, if your post IS deleted (although I can't imagine why it would be), it wouldn't be me that did it. I have no such power. I wouldn't do so even if I did - I don't like arbitrary censorship.
Badly written posts are very hard to read. If you can't take the time to write it properly then I don't think many people will bother to read it properly.

It's just a large, dense lump of text, which often turns people off and they'll just move to the post below as its almost impossible to speed read/skim.
bladeslee wrote:
Yudster wrote:Shit, try some (appropriate) punctuation!

i couldnt give a rats arse whether i used the correct or appropriate punctuation/spelling on a post or not, because it doesnt make the point i was trying to make any more or less valid if i forgot to put an apostrophe in the "isnt" so how about you get off your high horse & do something else with your sad little life than scour the forum so you can get the chance to be the hated spelling police

if this is deleted then i know your not only a member of the hated spelling police your also a coward

ps: & i hope my posts punctuation & spelling was satisfactory tawt cant

I wouldn't delete the post, but I've banned him. Personal insults towards other forum members are against the rules and frankly I don't have the patience for this rubbish. Not to mention the fact that he can't even spell his abuse correctly.
Well, the usual spiel applies: anyone who has issues with the rules can take it up with Chris!
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By MK Chris
chrysostom wrote:Underworld - Born Slippy
Michael Jackson - Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
Foo Fighters - Times Like These

The ones I've quoted I like. Most of the rest I can't stand, apart from a few I don't know so can't comment on.
It's very much catered to my music tastes, not that I don't like pop - but an hour of pop songs would have NO interest to me. I guess that's why I hated the golden hour.

I frequently use NicksTape on iPlayer as a playlist when I'm in the mood for going out etc, even better than floorfillers.
Nicola_Red wrote:Well, the usual spiel applies: anyone who has issues with the rules can take it up with Chris!

Surely he should have got a warning first? I've seen much worse said to people on here than that before.
I dunno, he reminded me very much of that guy who called me a bitch for no reason...Chris banned him outright.
bladeslee wrote:
Harveyxxx wrote:Hi I've noticed since nick grimshaw has taken over there have been lots of high profile guests on his show was wondering people's thoughts on why this is.

I think it's because they probably realised he isn't entertaining enough on his own, so needs someone else to talk to. Every time I hear his trail on Scott or Greg's show, he always saying "and today we had ---- in".

This could be controversial, but I actually wouldn't mind Grimbore staying in that breakfast slot, as I've found a new breakfast show to listen to in October on Capital Yorkshire called 'Hirsty's daily dose'. It makes me laugh every morning - it's still got that group effect but the ads are annoying. With Scott at 1pm & Greg at 4pm it's good for me, and if Scott or Greg went to breakfast I'd go from listening to 3 show to just 2.

*, this was a boring post.

bladeslee wrote:Was that response aimed at me Mr. Spelling Police? If it was (which is quite likely), then I couldn't give a rats arse whether I used the appropriate punctuation/spelling on a post.

It doesn't make the point that I was trying to any more or less valid if I forgot to put an apostrophe in "isn't", so how about you get off your high horse & do something else with your sad little life, rather than scour the forum so you can get the chance to be the much hated 'spelling police'.

If this is deleted then I know you're not only a member of the spelling police, but you're also a coward.

Last edited by chrysostom on Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Yudster
chrysostom wrote:
bladeslee wrote:
Harveyxxx wrote:Hi I've noticed since nick grimshaw has taken over there have been lots of high profile guests on his show was wondering people's thoughts on why this is.

I think it's because they probably realised he isn't entertaining enough on his own, so needs someone else to talk to. Every time I hear his trail on Scott or Greg's show, he always saying "and today we had ---- in".

This could be controversial, but I actually wouldn't mind Grimbore staying in that breakfast slot, as I've found a new breakfast show to listen to in October on Capital Yorkshire called 'Hirsty's daily dose'. It makes me laugh every morning - it's still got that group effect but the ads are annoying. With Scott at 1pm & Greg at 4pm it's good for me, and if Scott or Greg went to breakfast I'd go from listening to 3 show to just 2.

*, this was a boring post.

bladeslee wrote:Was that response aimed at me Mr. Spelling Police? If it was (which is quite likely), then I couldn't give a rats arse whether I used the appropriate punctuation/spelling on a post.

It doesn't make the point that I was trying to any more or less valid if I forgot to put an apostrophe in "isn't", so how about you get off your high horse & do something else with your sad little life, rather than scour the forum so you can get the chance to be the much hated 'spelling police'.

If this is deleted then I know you're not only a member of the spelling police, but you're also a coward.


Surely the most interesting thing here is the contrast in the posting styles? I find it very hard to believe that they were written by the same person.
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By Yudster
I'm still searching for a personal insult in amongst all that. Nic, I appreciate you have a job to do and have to make decisions, but do you think there's a chance you've been a bit hasty with this one?
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By Yudster
Did he? I missed that. Does it make a difference that I don't give a toss?
I believe he's called you a 'twat *'. I left that out of my translation (and took unnecessary repetition out of the post, as well as a little bad language).

I also found this:

bladeslee wrote:
Topher wrote:BladesLee, please use more punctuation, it will make your posts a LOT easier to use.

no problem i will remember too in future
Yudster wrote:Did he? I missed that. Does it make a difference that I don't give a toss?

No, it makes no difference. The forum rules aren't only applicable depending on the feelings of the recipient of the insult! It was just the general nasty tone of the post that riled me, and as Chris has said that he doesn't care, I think it's fairly clear that the forum is no worse off for losing someone who feels the need to be that unpleasant.
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