Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Nicola_Red
Ryan is 16 today! :)
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By dimtimjim
'appy birfday little 'un.
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By Bonanzoid
Happy birthday. You can now get married and consummate the marriage, but don't video it because you can't watch it for 2 years.
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By Yudster
Happy birthday Ryan - are you having a party with all your friends, and sausage rolls, and cheese and pineapple chunks on * sticks stuck in a foil-covered potato to look like a hedgehog? And candles on a chocolate cake?

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By dimtimjim
Yudster wrote: all your friends, and sausage rolls, and cheese and pineapple chunks on * sticks stuck in a foil-covered potato to look like a hedgehog? And candles on a chocolate cake?

Can tell you've done that format few times before now....

in't kids mint.
By bmstinton93
Bonanzoid wrote:Happy birthday. You can now get married and consummate the marriage, but don't video it because you can't watch it for 2 years.

And you can move out but you can't go buying any cutlery for 2 years.
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By richbrown
bmstinton93 wrote:Happy Birthday Ryan. Now legal! :) have a good day.

richbrown wrote:Happy Birthday Ryan! :) Make sure you eat lots of cake

I think these quotes reflect our different interests at heart perfectly. :P
By R94N
Thank you. And I did have some chocolate cake with a candle. No party though but I have done that before. One year I had a bouncy castle...
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By John22
Bonanzoid wrote:Happy birthday. You can now get married and consummate the marriage, but don't video it because you can't watch it for 2 years.

Surely he can't watch it even when he is 18? /killjoy

Happy birthday for yesterday :)
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By Yudster
That is because I do not live near you.
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By Nicola_Red
*bump* :)
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By dimtimjim
'appy burfday sir.

Saturday is up