Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By dimtimjim
Hey everybody, get ready to have a wee small celebration at lunchtime today:

12:12 12.12.12

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By Nicola_Red
Why is that a cause for celebration? I mean sure it's noteworthy, but celebration?
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By Bruvva
Depends on how rubbish your lunchtimes normally are I think. I mean I have to go post something so will be twiddling my thumbs in the post office so 12:12 could be quite a distraction.
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By Nicola_Red
My lunch break isn't til 1.30 today, so I'll be working.
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By Boboff
I shall be doing a Sound check.

Again, thanks to Radio two, but it is funny, one two one two one two, etc.
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By a-moron
NOW IS THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!

Think I was pretty * close to nailing that post at 12:12:12 12.12.12.

Wooo. Go me.

I'm so lonely.
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By Boboff
Well if you haven't reset the * time zone posting thing, you are actually an hour late!
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By dimtimjim
Well, the world didn't end, which is nice.

Orgy at mine to celebrate?! :?
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By The Deadly
dimtimjim wrote:Well, the world didn't end, which is nice.

Orgy at mine to celebrate?! :?

I'll bring a quiche.
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By MK Chris
I think the 21st is the day the world is supposedly* going to end by the way.

* not.
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By dimtimjim
Depends on your source...

But yes, tis all pish.
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By The Deadly
I'm not a huge drinker but I'm going to be getting leathered on the 21st just incase. I'd hate to die sober.
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By dimtimjim
Yeah, nearing the deadline earlier*, I was tempted to make a lewd suggestion to one of the 'finer specimins' (eh, Nic) in the office, but decided against it in case they don't shame my sense of humour...

* And i'll beat you all to the inevitable joke, yes, it was at 12:11 and 46 seconds. Ha ruddy ha.
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By Boboff
boboff wrote:I shall be doing a Sound check.

Again, thanks to Radio two, but it is funny, one two one two one two, etc.

But Boner I quote my Sources!

Sorry I came over all Tophish then for a minute! :D

Saturday is up