The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Emmy
neilt0 wrote:Chris is on Celebrity Juice tonight.

Anyone watching? Chris had quite a snog with Keith there!
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By yummytummy
Oh my god chris snogging lemon was soo funny

Chris kinda look cute in the fish costume
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By yummytummy
I did. Chris looked kinda cute in the fish costume.

Is anyone going to upload it
By Evs
<chucks toys out of pram>

I do not want to see Moyles dressed as a fish, humiliating himself with a hand down Leigh Francis's trousers and a tongue in his mouth, a four minute cameo on a stage production being patronised by theatre luvvies, whoring himself around low-rent TV shows, appearing on a sub-standard parody album and abusing Twitter to sell it. I want to see him with his own radio (or TV) show where he can be himself, answer to nobody and become * of the walk again.

I hate you Ben Cooper.

</picked up toys>
By Misfit
I saw it :)

Anyone else think what he said about grimmy could have been true feelings? seemed to flow very easily, and he looked genuine when he said he missed it.
By mrwurzal
I watched it and thought there was some truth and emotion in what Chris said regarding the new host...

I still believe Chris was pushed and that he is very bitter... so am I! I hate the fact that Chris was not allowed to complete his milestone at R1!

Chris Moyles is Radio 1's loss.... shame in my opinion about his album..... seems that he has done a bitter middle finger to the BBC but needs to get back on the radio ASAP to entertain me!!!

Selfish maybe but that is just me!
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By MDarlin
mrwurzal wrote:I still believe Chris was pushed and that he is very bitter... so am I! I hate the fact that Chris was not allowed to complete his milestone at R1!

Chris Moyles is Radio 1's loss.... shame in my opinion about his album..... seems that he has done a bitter middle finger to the BBC but needs to get back on the radio ASAP to entertain me!!!

Selfish maybe but that is just me!

I'm way out here in California so didn't get to see the Juice show, but I totally agree with the above. I wish I could express how much I miss Chris (and the team). I've felt like it's been a bad dream since he first announced he was leaving. A part of my life ended. It's really weird to think of it that strongly, but it was just such a perfect show. Miss . it . so . so . so . so . so (etc.) . much!

BUT at the same time, anyone who listened to him every day, year after year, has to know that he will be back! RADIO IS HIS LIFE! :D
Yep; I watched it. Found it really funny (as usual).

Keith / Leigh had also been on TCMS a few times, and I thought the prompt to get him to say what he did about Grimmy was probably hatched by the pair of them in the green room afterwards.

As looks more likely, if Chris isn't going back to BBC Radio; I hope he goes on to write a book (and pretty quick); we might get the real story of what happened then.....
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By daveG
Who was the boss before?
Reece said not getting rid of Chris
BBC moved Reece and put in Ben and told Ben to get rid of Chris
Ben got rid of Chris


Corporate politics, thats how it works, manager says do, you say no, you get removed somone who will say yes, and do, is put in your place. New guy takes the flak or Manager takes glory.....its the way of the world.
BBC has chosen to focus on age group rather than the music, put the cart before the horse.

its a conceited attempt to shift us all to radio six and boost the sales of DAB raidos. Social engineering, they expect us all to demand DAB in our cars, and can then say look public opinion has driven DAB sales to a point wher we can switch off the lovely and venerable high qulity FM boadcast.
They know full well the radio 3-ites will never let them do that (radio 3 is the only BBC FM station that isn't subjected to horrible that horrible compression applied when they make CDs, its still true true HIFI) so they start with the easy target, reasonably affluent 25-40 age group who were listening to the "wrong" station... force their hand.

maybe I've finally lost it and disappeared up my own cynical and paranoid ass.
DAB is the devils work, BBC have put in massive investment into an obsolete and poor quality system and they are doing everything they can to prove thay are not wrong.
Part one of this action was the publicity stunt that was getting rid of Radio 6 a few years ago.

its all a conspiracy

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By Yudster
daveG is rapidly becoming my absolute favourite forum member.
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By dimtimjim
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By Nicola_Red
daveG wrote:Who was the boss before?

No, Andy Parfitt.
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By James H
daveG wrote:They know full well the radio 3-ites will never let them do that (radio 3 is the only BBC FM station that isn't subjected to horrible that horrible compression applied when they make CDs, its still true true HIFI)
I did not know that! I thought all fm transmissions were compressed like that!
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By DevilsDuck
Nicola_Red wrote:Andy Parfitt.

Does anyone else think of Shrek when they think about Parfitt

Donkey: Example?
Shrek: Example... uh... ogres are like onions!
[holds up an onion, which Donkey sniffs]
Donkey: They stink?
Shrek: Yes... No!
Donkey: Oh, they make you cry?
Shrek: No!
Donkey: Oh, you leave 'em out in the sun, they get all brown, start sproutin' little white hairs...
Shrek: [peels an onion] NO! Layers. Onions have layers. Ogres have layers. Onions have layers. You get it? We both have layers.
[walks off]
Donkey: Oh, you both have LAYERS. Oh. You know, not everybody like onions. What about cake? Everybody loves cake!
Shrek: I don't care what everyone else likes! Ogres are not like cakes.
Donkey: You know what ELSE everybody likes? Parfaits! Have you ever met a person, you say, "Let's get some parfait," they say, "Hell no, I don't like no parfait"? Parfaits are delicious!
Shrek: NO! You dense, irritating, miniature beast of burden! Ogres are like onions! End of story! Bye-bye! See ya later.
Donkey: Parfait's gotta be the most delicious thing on the whole damn planet!
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By daveG
James H wrote:
daveG wrote:They know full well the radio 3-ites will never let them do that (radio 3 is the only BBC FM station that isn't subjected to horrible that horrible compression applied when they make CDs, its still true true HIFI)
I did not know that! I thought all fm transmissions were compressed like that!

I belive via reading various publications (which of couse could be full o shit) that they are all compressed to a certian extent, all were compressed to the minimum dicatated by the contraints of FM transmission, however in the last 10 years they appear to have applied much more to the popular music stations, possibly for good reason, maybe the mastering of popular music creates huge inconsistency between tracks, maybe its to conserve server space? but they apply less to radio 3 where the listenership will notice. If you tune in to liseten to Sibelius symphony no. 2 recorded by the London philharmonic in 1967 you are going to know how it should sound, how loud those strings are in comparison to the flute, how deep that tympany sits into the sound stage,compress it and the soundstage is flat, loud passges are not as loud, quiet passges are pulled up in the mix, all attack and decay present in the the live or psuedo live performance is gone.

they know full well you won't notice it with heavily produced modern music because the aim is not to sound LIVE so when its ingested into the playout servers they just compress everything to limit the peaks so less knob twiddling is necessary track to track, programme to programme. Its not how the band and producer intended but it works on a low to medium quality play back system OK. trouble is the FM broadcast version is poorer than the CD version which by its nature is poorer than an analogue master (if it existed) due to the contraints of the standard applied to CDs (which was defined in 197?)

CDs are already compressed to make them sound "immediate" to catch your attention. most listen to music as background to their life, you can't be stoppting to apprecite that delicate near silent needs boosting over the sound of the traffic

The Time is now Moloko CD has litlle compression..the bass is killer yet sounds normal.
modern life is rubbish by blur don't know what they did, heavy thumping mush, which i love, i love that album but the original vinyl could be practically a different album, delicate tunes with masses going on which is just drowned on the CD version..

yet the BBC apply similar compression techniques to their own broadcast make FM sound bad? why? so people buy DAB?
where have we seen that before? anyone buy a music centre/MIDI system in the 1980s, strange how crap your records sounded played on that cheap plastic turntable, worce than your old pioneer or garrard, worse than even Compact Cassette (phillips) and how good CD sounded in comparison (phillips/sony), who made it? and who had a vested interest in making CD a success? who owned the record companies and vinyl pressing plants?

right enough misery and daft conspiracy theory.... who fancies a sticky bun and a nice cup of tea?

By stevepro
He was pretty good on Celeb Juice. Although i do think when he yelled out Holly (in that dip your head in the water game) it came off as a bit too aggressive, i know he was just joking but still.

Saturday is up