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By Latina
I really enjoyed Episodes, but my Freeview recorder * up and somehow missed the very last one. I still don't know how the second series ended. :(

And speaking of Mr Manghan, I'm still upset that Dirk Gently was axed!
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By DevilsDuck
Green Wing was and still is amazing. I really liked the first series of Episodes, but the second series wasnt quite as good in my opinion.

Me and Mrs Duck are still working are way through lost...we are on season 5 now...
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By Nicola_Red
Oh man, you have so much exciting stuff still to come! I'm jealous of people who haven't watched it all yet. I've rewatched it since the end and probably will again, but it's not the same as the first time.
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By DevilsDuck
Its keeps going through highs and lows for us...season 4 had quite a few filler episodes.
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By dimtimjim
Watched season 1 of lost and lost interest. No idea what it was actually all about...
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By chrysostom
It's massively hit or miss. I was hooked throughout and went full on geek - a lot ended up leaving after around season 3-4. If it's not for you, then it's not for you :)
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By neilt0
Nicola_Red wrote:Unfortunately, googling a show called 'Episodes' isn't easy. Half of those hits are about other tv shows (Lost, Prison Break, That 70s Show...) however, the result confirms that it has indeed been renewed for a third season. So that's good news :) ... n-3-29554/

Maybe I have personalised results, but it was the first hit on my Goggles. You should try typing that in to your web site on the interbrowserweb.
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By MadTheEddos
Nicola_Red wrote:I'm a bit obsessed with Stephen mangan in fact. Love Free Agents, love Episodes.

I'm more or less the same with Sarah Alexander, I've been a fan of her since she was in Coupling.
I love more or less all the actors who appeared in Green Wing TBH. I think it has one of the most talented casts of any sitcom, certainly for such a large number of actors.
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By Nicola_Red
I agree. Tamsin Grieg is a really talented actor, as is the guy who played Dr Statham whose name I forget right now.
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By jocky85
The Mentalist was back for Season 5 tonight - looking forward to seeing where they take the characters this season
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By MadTheEddos
Nicola_Red wrote:I agree. Tamsin Grieg is a really talented actor, as is the guy who played Dr Statham whose name I forget right now.

Mark Heap.
Yeah, Tamsin is brilliant. It was after noticing her in Green Wing that I got watching Love Soup and pretty much everything she's been in since(except Episodes - I'll need to get that watched too now).
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By dimtimjim

I've recently really been enjoying:

Richard Hammonds Miracles of nature and Dara O'Brians Science Club (both on iPlayer if interested).

Very interesting and informative programmes. Worth a look if you've not stumbled across 'em yet.
By bmstinton93
Absolutely loving Homeland. I've been watching about 5 episodes a day. And I'm now on season 2 episode 6 so I've nearly caught up.

But why does Jessica call her own husband Brody?
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By MK Chris
Dara O'Briain's Science Club is brilliant, but I have to tape and watch it an hour later because it's on at the same time as Heston. Mind you, we watched Ted last night, so we've got both to watch tonight.

Also Him and Her is back on BBC 3 and it's EASILY the best comedy in ages. Series 3 now, it's VERY funny.
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By dimtimjim
Topher wrote: we watched Ted last night

Any good? Still not seen it...
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Waiting for series 2 of Wilfred on dvd, can't get enough of that.

That Hammond thing is good too.
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By MK Chris
dimtimjim wrote:
Topher wrote: we watched Ted last night

Any good? Still not seen it...

Reasonable - very very funny in places, just funny in most others.
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By dimtimjim

**heads off to eBay**

Edit: Its not out 'till next week, naughty Toph.
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By Nicola_Red
charlalottie wrote:I've been watching Community. It's pretty good and does make me laugh out loud on occasion.

A good friend recommended Community to me, and she has a similar taste in comedy to me, so I think I might well enjoy it. Haven't got round to starting it yet though. And I do know it's now on indefinite hiatus.
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By Badger Mark
So is anybody watching Fringe? I know Aled mentioned it several times during the last few months of the show so you seem to be getting it over there in the UK.
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By Badger Mark
chrysostom wrote:I watched the first 2 seasons religiously, and then tailed off. Been meaning to get into it again!

Definitely worth getting back into it. FYI, the show has been cancelled over here, but they had plenty of advance notice so they going to finish it properly. No cliff-hangers. It's taken a really interesting turn in it's final season. No spoilers, but definitely worth catching up with if you liked the first two seasons.
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By Badger Mark
neilt0 wrote:The early seasons were great. Season 5 is horrible.

Really? I think it's pretty good. The show's been cancelled and they had to come up with a way to close it out. I think the approach they're taking is a good one.
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By Badger Mark
charlalottie wrote:I watched the first two seasons of Fringe but got a bit fed up of it.

Season 4 of Community is supposed to start next spring.

I can see why it wouldn't be for everyone. I've never seen Community. I have no idea what it's about.
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