The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
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By The Deadly
Sally A wrote:Totally off topic, but I used the term "I like the cut of his jib" to try to get someone better insurance terms today.

Managed it 8) as they were all sniggering so much at the terminology.

Am now calling it the "10% Deadly Discount". :)

Ah I like this. You'd qualify my my special discount any time my dear.

John Longcock
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By daveG
chrysostom wrote:Oh, also you'll notice that Badger also parodied your posting style before I made any comment.

I'm glad that in replying to my comment you put the time and effort to spell all of your words correctly, and use grammar & punctuation.

Yeah but Badger also fingered some bird of Brookside? how could i take issue? unless it was the one in that thing with Trevor eve

well, bad spelling and punctuation is just lazy, never paid much attention to it, never been too fussed when writing on message boards. Its bad show, and a poor example to set, but out of common decency thought it worthwhile just to try it out again, can't promise to maintain curent mediocre standard but i must admit its quite a pleaseing task.
I do have to add it later cos doing it on the trot, as it were, is too much like hard work.

i tend to write the words first just as i would have spoken them
then get the letters in the right order, if i spot they are not, thats kinda hard sometimes as words of the right shape get missed. you get me?

when i do write, it all comes out like this

so a fair amount of editing goes on

if i can be arsed..

if i can't be, it looks a mess, and that might imply i don't care, but i really really do, i was just in a hurry.


Peterkin Mittens
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By Yudster
daveG wrote:well, bad spelling and punctuation is just lazy, never paid much attention to it, never been too fussed when writing on message boards.

No problem, as long as you don't get pissed off when people have a go at you about it.

Deeply enjoying the conversation your input has generated.

Juliette Landau
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By daveG
I don't tet pissed off, i get slightly vexed. but not about posts on a messagboard, adds a lift to an otherwise pedestrian working week.
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By a-moron
Hi Lozza.
How are you today? Yeah, I'm fine thanks for asking. Just nursing a wee hangover and enjoying a cup of tea (milk, 3 sugars).
So I'm sitting here enjoying the small fallout over my jokey 'TFB' and notice your post. I sit and read it. Chuckle at 'I get the badger'.
Read it again. Realise what you've actually typed is a slight on me. A little dig if you will,
Now I don't know what I've done to cause offence to you. I don't believe I've been rude or mean to you or Mr daveG with whom you seem to be standing up for.
I'll take this time to apologise to you if I have upset you in a previous post, it is never my intention to annoy, upset or provoke a response from others. Honestly.
Yours Sincerely,
Thomas F Badgerling.

Or were you the girl off Brookside and that's why you're pissed.
In which case. I'm also sorry.

Smell my finger?
By LozzaUK
Dear Thomas,

Thank you kindly for your previous public message to me. I apologise for any potential offence caused by my previous (admittedly) poor attempt at a joke, which implied that you had somehow caused offence to me. I certainly did not foresee any offence, intended or otherwise, being implied in either your message or my subsequent message.

Lets shake on it and be friends eh? Now I know how you take your tea we can be besties for life!

Yours admirably,
Lozzalus P. Wildebeast.

P.S. Never been to Liverpool - unlikely to be me.

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By a-moron
LozzaUK wrote:Dear Thomas,

Thank you kindly for your previous public message to me. I apologise for any potential offence caused by my previous (admittedly) poor attempt at a joke, which implied that you had somehow caused offence to me. I certainly did not foresee any offence, intended or otherwise, being implied in either your message or my subsequent message.

Lets shake on it and be friends eh? Now I know how you take your tea we can be besties for life!

Yours admirably,
Lozzalus P. Wildebeast.

P.S. Never been to Liverpool - unlikely to be me.


Dear Lozzalus,

It's poop.
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By Nicola_Red
Deadly wrote:Who wants to touch me?

Bobby Syphilis

Only if I'm wearing latex gloves.
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By pajo_burke
Ahhh indeed, here goes then so.....

I'm from Ireland, about 50 miles north of Dublin, big fan of Chris and the team. I work in Hewett Packard in Leixlip and I don't have any pets :)
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By a-moron
Ah Hallo Dare Pajo,
How the Bejesus are yez?
(I'm fluent in Irish as well)

chrysostom wrote:Latina gets it.

Badger, I thought you'd be fluent in internet sex pervert?

Still waiting for someone to help me out with this one.

First person to help can have a signed picture of me.
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By pajo_burke
theflyingbadger wrote:Ah Hallo Dare Pajo,
How the Bejesus are yez?
(I'm fluent in Irish as well)

chrysostom wrote:Latina gets it.

Badger, I thought you'd be fluent in internet sex pervert?

Still waiting for someone to help me out with this one.

First person to help can have a signed picture of me.

Ahhhhh sure we're all grand, to be sure and yourself? :D
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By a-moron
Ahhh Jesus I'm grand as well, was awfully nice of ye tae ask so it was.
So what brings ye tae these here parts?
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By pajo_burke
Just a big fan of the show. Its was the only thing I really listened to. Irish radio is dire to say the least, and I've been reading everybody's posts on this site for a while now, so I decided to join for the craic!!!
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