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By dimtimjim
Nicola_Red wrote: ended...?

But has been played on British TV pretty much every day of the week since then. Hence my surprise.
By bmstinton93
But surely if you never watched it when it was on in the first place then you wouldn't really be fussed about watching all the repeats.
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By dimtimjim
Yeah, not setting the Sky+ for it is one thing, but to have never seen an eppisode, jus' shocks me thats all.
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By Nicola_Red
I think Cheers is pretty dated now, to be honest.
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By DevilsDuck

But its the place where everybody knows your name!

Shut up Nic!
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By DevilsDuck
Cheers is the single best sitcom ever...its better than Will and Grace!
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By Nicola_Red
With respect, you're wrong :)
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By dimtimjim
:lol: @ Duckies input to this thread.
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By Yudster
Watching the recent re-runs of Cheers has been fabulous. Brilliant brilliant show. Yes it has dated, but * it, so have I.

Next thing I want to see repeated from episode 1 is Roseanne.
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By Nicola_Red
I've also been tempted to watch Roseanne again. Mainly to see if Darlene and David still seem as cool as I thought they were when I was 15.
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By chrysostom
Most of Rosanne are in the Big Bang Theory

I never realised that Leonard and Penny were going out in real life for 2 years while on the show though!
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By Bas
chrysostom wrote:Most of Rosanne are in the Big Bang Theory

Chuck Lorre who makes it used to be a writer on Roseanne.
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By Yudster
The thing I loved about Roseanne was that no-one was cool, even the characters who thought they were cool weren't cool. The quality of the writing varied from season to season, depending on Roseanne's state of mind/marriage/mental health/weight/relationship with the studio, but it was an eternally fascinating picture of a family which, a bit like the Simpsons, is depicted as being "dysfunctional" but is actually incredibly functional and successful.

The way she chose to end it was disappointing and not a little confusing, but Roseanne was fed up with it all by then and just wanted out the quickest way she could.

And - I've seen two of the cast of Roseanne - one of them a later cast member - in Big Bang Theory. Where are the other 5 or so who would make it "most"?
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By chrysostom
Alright, a significant proportion of Roseanne's cast have been in the Big Bang Theory.

Leonard (David)
Sheldon's Mother (Jackie)
Leslie (Darlene)

Of the 12 of so characters who recurred in Roseanne, almost a quarter have starred in the Big Bang Theory - as well as the 2 shows sharing a writer. Which is awfully high considering there are only 10-12 or so recurring characters


The presence of Blossom in there generally makes me associate it with the early 90s.
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By Nicola_Red
I dyed my hair black when I was 16 cos Darlene did it. I loved her so much!

Another great thing about TBBT is it starred two vegans - Sara Gilbert and Mayim Bialik. Again, a high proportion for a show with only 8 recurring characters (ten if you count Leonard and Sheldon's mothers I guess).
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By Yudster
chrysostom wrote:Alright, a significant proportion of Roseanne's cast have been in the Big Bang Theory.

Leonard (David)
Sheldon's Mother (Jackie)
Leslie (Darlene)

Of the 12 of so characters who recurred in Roseanne, almost a quarter have starred in the Big Bang Theory - as well as the 2 shows sharing a writer. Which is awfully high considering there are only 10-12 or so recurring characters


The presence of Blossom in there generally makes me associate it with the early 90s.

I have missed the Sheldon's Mother character so far, but then I have only seen a few episodes of Big Bang - it was a genuine question Chrysostom! I knew Johnny Galecki obviously, and I have seentwo or three episodes with Melissa Gilbert. Love them.

I have also seen the woman who does Lisa Simpson's voice in a guest role in one episode, and is the other friend, the one who isn't Mayim Bialek, the one from Will and Grace?
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By Nicola_Red
Melissa Rauch (Bernadette)? No, she hasn't been in Will & Grace. She would have only been 14/15 at the time it was made.
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By Yudster
I never liked Will and Grace so I wasn't sure, but I remembered there was a small squeaky one in that too.

I have to say, apropos Big Bang Theory - I don't think the Mayim Bialik and Melissa Rauch chaaracters add anything. Again, I haven't seen more than a few episodes with them, but so far I very much prefer it without them.
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By Nicola_Red
I actually liked Leslie Winkle a lot more too. I love Mayim Bialik, but I have a lot of doubts about Amy and her role in the show. I think Bernadette is mainly there to show Howard's journey as a character, so I don't mind that so much.
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