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By Nicola_Red
Bonanzoid wrote:This probably isn't worthy of its own thread, but there wasn't anywhere else to ask this really.

I'll think you find there was. and this thread is only six weeks old! Good times.
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By Bonanzoid
Nicola_Red wrote:
Bonanzoid wrote:This probably isn't worthy of its own thread, but there wasn't anywhere else to ask this really.

I'll think you find there was. and this thread is only six weeks old! Good times.

I have to hand it to you, you're efficient.

And yes Topher, Jason Bateman was in it, so was Will Arnett. It's brilliant.
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By Yudster
Don't like it. Mr Yudster does. I can't feel any sympathy or affinity with any of the characters, they're all horrid - so I don't care what happens to them so I don't want to watch it.
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By Nicola_Red
I've seen bits of Game of Thrones cos my flatmate watches it, but it doesn't really do anything for me. I'm very dubious about the role of women in the stories too - I haven't watched it enough to know all the context, but what I have seen makes me very uncomfortable, and it's very trigger-y particularly for victims of sexual violence or assault (both male and female).
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By McGuinness-89
I will watch Homeland soon, I hate cliffhangers and it seems like that kind of show. I only got into Lost and 24 once they were a few seasons in and I got sky+.
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By Bonanzoid
chrysostom wrote:Does anyone here watch Homeland, or Breaking Bad?

Had a lot of people recommend in passing

Homeland is brilliant. I skipped ahead and watched the rest of it online because I was too curious for my own good, but obviously I shan't post any spoilers. Damien Lewis and Clare Danes are both amazing in it.
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By English Bob
Bonanzoid wrote:Game of Thrones anyone?

I love Game of Thrones. The books are even better though, I'd recommend everyone go out and read them, the TV show doesn't do them justice.

Nicola_Red wrote:I've seen bits of Game of Thrones cos my flatmate watches it, but it doesn't really do anything for me. I'm very dubious about the role of women in the stories too - I haven't watched it enough to know all the context, but what I have seen makes me very uncomfortable, and it's very trigger-y particularly for victims of sexual violence or assault (both male and female).

Sadly the TV show does reduce the women's roles somewhat, to cater for the average punter, especially in terms of sex. One example which bugged me was they took a prostitute character who barely appears in the novels, and greatly expanded her role in the TV show, probably just so they could get more sexy time on screen! Although the series was made by HBO, what did anyone expect?

The female characters are a lot better in the novels, in fact, without spoiling it, there is a certain female character who may be the most powerful person in the whole series :D
By alinabenson
Hello friends..........
I am a great fan of watching tv shows . My top five favorite tv shows are:-

True Blood.
South Park.
Doctor who.
Brother and Sister.

Share your views about your top five favorite tv shows......... :)
By wireman2004
I.know this is.a spam bot. But. It's actually a good question for ramble if we can move it there instead.

My top 5 tv programmes

1 top gear
2 cmqn
3 the big bang theory.
4 suits.
5 anger management.
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By Nicola_Red
I've merged the thread cos I agree that a bit of TV discussion is always good. Alas, I don't have much new to contribute as I find myself watching less and less recently - not a choice, there just never seems to be anything on that appeals to me. I'm reading more instead. Maybe we need a book thread as well...
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By chrysostom
I can only speak for my preferences at the current point in time, as I tend to change my mind depending on what I'm watching at the time!


1. Happy Endings
2. A Bit of Fry & Laurie
3. Big Bang Theory
4. How I Met Your Mother
5. Modern Family

Drama/Sci Fi:

2. Prison Break
3. Fringe
4. Desperate Housewives
5. Heroes
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By The Deadly
Current TV bores me. The Sky channels are full of good looking TV shows that are really over complicated and too clever for their own good. The biggest offender is Sky Atlantic who seem to have a new American crappy drama series on each week. TV just isn't what it used to be and I take great pride in saying I've never watched Lost, Soprano's , 24 or Mad Men.
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By Nicola_Red
Why do you take pride in that? How is not watching a certain tv show something to be proud of?
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By Nicola_Red
bmstinton93 wrote:Gotta admit if he'd have used the word 'Big Brother' instead of Lost there you wouldn't have felt the need to make that comment.

No...I'm not proud of the fact I don't watch it. I don't think it has any value as tv, but I still wouldn't phrase it that way.
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By The Deadly
Nicola_Red wrote:Why do you take pride in that? How is not watching a certain tv show something to be proud of?

I take pride in knowing I am not a sheep who gets excited by a poorly written but good looking US drama series. I have seen bits and pieces of a few of the shows I mentioned and I am basing my opinion on what I've seen. I even tried to give a chance to The Newsroom the other day and it was possibly the worst one I've seen so far. Dull and written with a massive agenda.

As for shows I do like I very much enjoy Have I got news for you, Cracker, Life on Mars, Ashes to Ashes, Alan Partridge and Louis Theroux documentaries
Last edited by The Deadly on Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By The Deadly
I've not watched them for any length of time. For example I watched the first two episodes of Lost on DVD and its absolutely awful. It combines the two things I can't stand on a TV show, a complicated plot and an element of Sci Fi. I heard about what happened in the show through my brother who is a fan and its ridiculous to me. I have seen enough of each show that I mentioned to form an opinion on.
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By Nicola_Red
Ah, each to their own. I'd never continue watching something if I didn't enjoy it just cos other people did - what on earth would the point of that be? I watched the pilot of Heroes back when everyone was raving about it, didn't take to it, didn't watch it again. Simple as that. The idea of being a sheep is thoroughly depressing and as a tattooed vegan feminist, I like to think I'm not one in general.
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