The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
I never have liked Radio One, i have only listened to the Moyles & Co. Show.

I started to get the Podcasts when I lived in Spain and it was one of my few ways of staying in touch with home. When I came back, i started to listen live, too.

I turn it down when the music comes on, I like maybe one out of five tracks they play. When they were harping on about Hackney and Chris said "if you don't like any of the acts we just mentioned, you're listening to the wrong radio station" I thought to myself.. "yep, I am".

Very sad news that they're going - I can only hope they're all (or at least Chris, Dave, Dom and Aled) reunited somewhere else at some point.

RIP Radio One.
Nicola_Red wrote:It's at times like this that we should all give thanks to the archive, and the wealth of full shows and clips that will allow us all to carry on hearing the breakfast show for a long time to come if we so choose.

I've been thinking exactly the same thing. I've been listening to a lot of old shows lately anyway, but I think I'll have to have a break from them for a while now-I think I'll be too sad to listen to them for a while :(

The more this news sinks in the sadder I feel. That sounds ridiculous as it's 'only' a radio show, but it's true.
Last edited by Travis Bickle on Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
chrysostom do we do now?

Listen back to the entire archive. That's what I'm going to do anyway, because there were a good few years of shows I never heard.

I wasn't very surprised when I heard the news, the way Radio 1's been behaving lately. It feels like it's run it's course (on that station at least), although I would have happily continued to listen for another few years.
Hi everyone!

Just registered to add my thoughts.... I've been following this website for a while now enjoying the discussion about the show and it's members. Like others here I'm eager to know who's getting the breakfast spot, and clarification regarding the end of Chris' contract, and this 'break'.

And although Radio 1 has this 'new direction', I feel their listener figures will drop significantly when Chris leaves.

Anyway, it was nice to finally be able to say hi, and sorry it wasn't at a more exciting time!

PS - Wonder what the 'show schedule' on the front page will show after September?

Nicola_Red wrote:
Munki Bhoy wrote:
dimtimjim wrote:Is it just me, or does anyone else REALLY fancy jeffing work off for the day and going and getting completely wasted in a pub to try to mask the pain...?

Not just you.

Mm, me too. Gulping down coffee but I could definitely do with something stronger!

Bout ye, Babe. :wink: Just give me a minute while i put this small car i'm carrying down & i'lll be right with ya.

Oh come on, we all need cheering up today. :(
Munki Bhoy wrote:Funnily enough, since they're supposed to be aiming for 17-29 year olds, they'll be pleased to know that they most likely won't have this 30 year old listening any more.

I'm assuming that's the point of that policy anyway.

Indeed, thats R1 lost a listener in me. But i don't meet that 16-29 category, so thats kinda the point.

Shame no one at the Beeb considered what those of us who don't feel retired enough for R2 do now... Too old for R1, too young for R2. Thanks Beeb.

In fact, this whole news really does make me reconsider the value of that TV licence - CM was my main intake of Beeb output and worth every £. Now that annual handover is gonna be riddled with pain.
Gutted, knew the time would come, expected maybe another year or 6 months. But I'm sure Chris will be great in JC and I just hope he sticks with radio in some shape or form.

Being well over 30 there is nothing else I listen to on Radio1 so adieu.
bmstinton93 wrote:
dimtimjim wrote:Erm... Whats going on here....? (not listening to todays show - yet).

what a day to not listen live...

I haven't listened live for a very long time, since I download and edit the show first. Which means technically I'm not even a Chris Moyles show listener, despite never missing a single minute of it (apart from the music, which doesn't count).
All I can say is that this bloody sucks especially when it is 2 days before his 15th anniversary at the station but with the way the show has been since this year started, part of me is not that surprised since it just hasn't been the same as previous years what with features going away and more music being played and some of it being complete junk but it was like that back in the early years of the breakfast show sometimes! I don't know if he is going to another slot or leaving the station altogether (probably the latter) and if that's that the case, no more R1 since it is the only show I listen to on the station!

Only been listening since July 2009 but enjoyed it a lot up to this year and been loving the older shows in the archive but going to miss listening to it when I am at work now in Sainsburys! I hope he does another show somewhere but chances of me hearing it will be slim if it isn't a national station!

Least I have plenty of shows to occupy me until the time comes via the archives etc! :(
Last edited by DarroM on Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
chrysostom wrote:By 'we' I meant the forum (may not be the right thing to focus on).

Dunno... I may be forced to 'get a life' or summat.
I have to say, it had entered my head that that would be the announcement - I wasn't sure if it would be a serious announcement or not, but I did think if it was serious, that would be it.

I agree it's come to a natural end and along with everyone else, I hope they enjoy what they go on to do just as much as the Breakfast Show.

They were only talking recently about how they were staying, and talking about next year's F1 the other day too. I wonder how long they knew for - I didn't catch the announcement but it sounds like a canned statement which is very un-Chris, not to go into detail?
I always assumed he'd end the contract :(

My theory - Scott was moved to 1pm which seemed like a demotion but what if they were promoting Greg to the afternoon, and waiting to give Scott the breakfast job? Scott has been the #2 DJ for years. Unless Greg is now #2 and will simply get breakfast while Scott gets drivetime back again.

People like Nick, Huw and Zane are wonderful but I'm not sure they'd want to give up their serious shows.
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