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By Johnny 1989
Bit late on this but I was rather sad to hear of Bob's passing, some of my early childhood television memories were of watching Blockbusters on Thames, shame all the gameshows now have to have "celebrities" or the concept of greed as the main aim to the game.
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By Nicola_Red
Oh man, I knew about Etta James and forgot to post here. She was amazing, very sad.
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By slaphead1982
Ilovematt wrote:
chrisjames wrote:He used to be a radio one DJ apparantely

I also heard he was the 1st radio James Bond.

R I P very sad news

He was. That much is fact.
What I can't say as fact (but I'm pretty sure it's right) is the story was Casino royale and it was 1953.
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By yummytummy
R.I.P Whitney Houston

Confirmed on BBC News and Sky News
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By Senninha25
What? Now I know I'm staying awake for too late for far too long.
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By Yudster
Oh no oh no oh no. She has been in a mess for years so its not surprising I suppose, but oh no anyway. What a woman, what a voice what a performer. Bobby Brown you have a LOT to answer for - you found an honest, humble, relatively sheltered woman with strong principles and good values and you turned her into a desperate junkie you BASTARD.

Sorry. I'm really upset, I loved her.
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By Nicola_Red
My mum always listened to her stuff when I was a kid too. So sad.
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By Bas
Ilovematt wrote:R I P Actor David Kelly

So sad.

Is that Mr O'Reilly the builder from Fawlty Towers?
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By richbrown
Bas wrote:
Ilovematt wrote:R I P Actor David Kelly

So sad.

Is that Mr O'Reilly the builder from Fawlty Towers?

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By Bas
richbrown wrote:
Bas wrote:
Ilovematt wrote:R I P Actor David Kelly

So sad.

Is that Mr O'Reilly the builder from Fawlty Towers?

Aww. :(

I thought he died ages ago until i saw him in that film Stardust with Robert De Niro a few years ago.
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By Bonanzoid
Bas wrote:I thought he died ages ago until i saw him in that film Stardust with Robert De Niro a few years ago.

That's all I know him from, I liked the guard's role. It might not be 'cool' to like Stardust, but it's an ace film.
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By Bas
Bonanzoid wrote:
Bas wrote:I thought he died ages ago until i saw him in that film Stardust with Robert De Niro a few years ago.

That's all I know him from, I liked the guard's role. It might not be 'cool' to like Stardust, but it's an ace film.

I'm old enough to remember as a kid watching him in 'Me Mammy' with Milo O'Shea, who is still alive! 8O

Ask your grandparents. :(
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By Ilovematt
Bas wrote:
Bonanzoid wrote:
Bas wrote:I thought he died ages ago until i saw him in that film Stardust with Robert De Niro a few years ago.

That's all I know him from, I liked the guard's role. It might not be 'cool' to like Stardust, but it's an ace film.

I'm old enough to remember as a kid watching him in 'Me Mammy' with Milo O'Shea, who is still alive! 8O

Ask your grandparents. :(

He was also the one armed waiter in Robins Nest and was in the film Mean Machine.
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By Yudster
Comedian Frank Carson has died aged 85.

Oh no. Not that I found him funny, but many did and he represented his genre in his time as well as anyone and better than most.
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sexiest bird in neighbours

I see Holly Valance (Flick Scully) is now the darl[…]

Small gap in editing to come