Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Bonanzoid
Yes, that's what I said. I wasted heaps of chances in the first match especially. No offence like, but I couldn't hit water if I fell out a boat until the 2nd half.
By bmstinton93
Well I expected to get thrashed anyway. I'm struggling to play on Professional difficulty at the moment. Its my attacking mainly that is my biggest weakness.
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By Bonanzoid
Playing against the AI on professional is not easy at all. I find it easier to play online. All AI teams play like Barca, it's virtually impossible to win possession.
By bmstinton93
Its crap though because I can win 10-0 basically every time on Semi Pro then put it up to Professional and struggle to win so they really need to sort that out next week. I do enjoy playing online though and the ranking system is really good.
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By Bonanzoid
The difference between semi-pro and pro is the defence. It's easy as balls to hike a chipped through ball on lower difficulties and take pretty much every defender out but on professional the defence reads your game far too well.
By bmstinton93
Yep I know. That's the reason I'm still playing professional as I'm hoping it will improve my attacking as it is diabolical at the moment.
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By McGuinness-89
bmstinton93 wrote:I've sent Mcguiness an invite into the league as well (Not sure the last time he posted) so there's 5 of us now. 2 legs each.

It's been a couple of months. :?
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By Yudster
McGuinness-89 wrote:Gamertag is KittensAreEvil

Aint they just...

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By MK Chris
I'll cane you all on Mario Kart for the Wii.
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By chrysostom
We have no Wii. It's a source of sadness for me.

Is anyone going to be online tonight? Got the flat to myself and intend to make use of sole TV privileges...
By bmstinton93
I'm online every night so yes, most likely.

Have you received the league invite yet? If not, I'll have to reset the league and invite you all again and then wait until everyone has joined to start playing matches.
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By Bonanzoid
Them's fightin' words! I'm quietly confident, although I might switch to abrasively confident depending on the quality of smack talk.

Saturday is up