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By Nicola_Red
Topher wrote:Well, I say that is a hell of a rise - that's because I misread nicola_red's post; I thought she said 'he's got a hoofing rise - now earning almost three times as much as he was' for some reason. Seeing as I don't know how much he was on and how much you're on I can't really say whether it's a hell of a rise or not, but it sounds like it probably was.

Thought you might have. Basically, I earn about 12 grand (pay in the arts is notoriously poor) so that should give you an idea of his new salary. :)
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By MK Chris
I wasn't asking how much you earn, by the way! But yeah, that's not bad; in fact you wanna watch he doesn't start looking for his own mortgage, you could lose a housemate.
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By Nicola_Red
I know, he could afford it. But I don't think he has any desire to grow up yet! I certainly don't.
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By DemonHorse
I need a hoofing pay rise, it would only be apt.
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By foot-loose
I need a hoofing.

I dont even know what that means, but it sounds good!
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By DemonHorse
foot-loose wrote:I need a hoofing.

I dont even know what that means, but it sounds good!

the Equine version of a good kicking?
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
I just got Sky Movies for £3 for 3 months.
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By S4B
claradooblue wrote:i still can't imagine myself as a mum and i've been one for nearly six years now. What's a "mum" supposed to be like?

I've been one for nearly 11 and I haven't got a clue if you find out let me know.

All of you are making me smile today so thanks :D
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By Walter Sobchak
S4B wrote:
claradooblue wrote:i still can't imagine myself as a mum and i've been one for nearly six years now. What's a "mum" supposed to be like?

I've been one for nearly 11 and I haven't got a clue if you find out let me know.

All of you are making me smile today so thanks :D

I loved being a Dad, then they grow up and leave home, that bits not so good. :(

Enjoy your time with your kids as much as possible, which means sometimes you just have to act like a kid too :wink:
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By Walter Sobchak
What made me smile today is when I was called to the admin office, no idea what for, when I got there 3 leavers were there, waiting for me to sign their books/shirt, when one said "thanks for everything..." I got quite choked.
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By Vivienne
What's made me smile today = chappers & dave being on the radio this morning - haphazard, hapless and utterly brilliant as usual !!
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
Reminds me of the saturday shows... I miss the saturday shows.
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By foot-loose
Ive just watched the eviction from last night - the state of that shambam made me laugh.

Poor lass. Shamone.
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By Vivienne
That eviction was a great laugh last night! Moyles is bound to go on about it on Monday for ages.
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By DemonHorse
Yeah I almost felt sorry for whatserface who got evicted last night, she tried VERY hard to win the audience over.
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By foot-loose
DemonHorse wrote:Yeah I almost felt sorry for whatserface who got evicted last night, she tried VERY hard to win the audience over.

I used to feel sorry for them when the crowd started booing, but they know what they are in for these days. As Davina says - its all panto. The performance of that lass last night was comedy. The crowd wern't really up for it.

I'm not sure if its been posted before or not, no doubt has, but she is obviously used to failing in front of a crowd...
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By S4B
Walter Sobchak wrote:
S4B wrote:
claradooblue wrote:i still can't imagine myself as a mum and i've been one for nearly six years now. What's a "mum" supposed to be like?

I've been one for nearly 11 and I haven't got a clue if you find out let me know.

All of you are making me smile today so thanks :D

I loved being a Dad, then they grow up and leave home, that bits not so good. :(

Enjoy your time with your kids as much as possible, which means sometimes you just have to act like a kid too :wink:

Oh I act as a kid most days, which is why I'd rather not have the responsibility to be honest. Love my boys just hate being a mum cos i think I'm really bad at it.
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By DemonHorse
Lewis Hamilton winning again in Indy, and going 10pts head of the bitter reigning champ, thats made me smile. That's pretty good but he was only really challenged for that lead once... and people say that's boring when non-brit drivers do it like that.
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By S4B
Making me smile too Horse
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
DemonHorse wrote:Lewis Hamilton winning again in Indy, and going 10pts head of the bitter reigning champ, thats made me smile. That's pretty good but he was only really challenged for that lead once... and people say that's boring when non-brit drivers do it like that.

There was a fair bit of action further down the pack though. at least there was some competition in this one.

I would like to hear all of Alonso's radio talk though....
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By DemonHorse
Yeah further back a whole lotta action. Has been like that all the time I've been watching F1 though IMO.
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By S4B
I think we should be able to choose a team's radio talk via the red button so we can hear a whole race's conversation. I'd like to listen to Heidfeld, he crashes out or his car breaks so often I want to know if he says the same swear words each time
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
Hmm I'm not so sure. There are some races where its just like one long line and nothing happening.
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By DemonHorse
the odd race yeah, but even when Schumi was running away with it, behind 3rd was always unpredictable.
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