The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
Sorry about the delay folks, even sad people that do proper reviews have lives to lead sometimes.
Anyway, new show format, extra hour, so I thought I would change my style slightly.

Chris starts off the show by saying We finally did it, management buckled and gave us an extra hour, 5 more hours of this crap a week
Tells us of new features coming up, they include Secret Squirrel, Great Receptionist Challenge. He went out drinking with Baddiel and Skinner, funniest comment the way Frank downs they bottles of water, amazing, quite funny, a reference to Skinner being t-total.

Phone calls:- Moyles says Hello Southampton to the caller and continues this with the rest of the callers, referring to them as the place where they are from. Funny the first 2 times.
I have no recollection of any of the calls, sorry. Something about George Michael.

New feature - Great Receptionist Challenge- Quite funny, basically, Chris gets people to phone in and recommend their receptionist and then Chris phones them up with a wynd up and then he sees how long it takes them to hang up and the person that recommended them has to guess the time, a feature with plenty of potential.

Piss take of Craig David including the comment about I'm Craig David, sound like I'm constapated Very funny.

Moyles talks about Matthew Wright's t.v show, The Wright Stuff, says its good basically and mentions that The Mole on C5 looks crap. Does a corporate read about Comic Relief in a very patranising mickey taking voice, very funny.

Plugs the live chat that they are doing next week, take the mickey out of the kind of questions people will ask Hi Chris, where is Melinda very funny and true. Mentions how Sara Cox is doing a live chat and he gets her in to ask some questions to prepare her. Quite funny apart from hearing Sara Cox's voice, aaaaggggghhhh.

Dave went for a run with his girlfriend, this conversation leads onto Dave saying I can go for 20 minutes Very funny but even funnier when Dave didn't realise what he had said and Chris picks him up on it. Dave has a mirror in his shower, Dave regrets this comment when Chris doesn't let it go and take the mickey out of him for it, Do u look at yourself when ur showering and U have a perverts bathroom Very funny. Dave also sleep walks and was found sleeping on his bathroom floor by his girlfriend last week, nice mental image.

The Not - Very unfunny and crap as usual, please stop this drivel.

Chris explains Secret Squirrel, its very complicated but a very good idea and very funny.

Dave sings the song Memory's very very very very badly, as usual, still funny though.

Secret Squirrel, very funny, will take off hopefully, has potential to be brilliant, hearing the guys squirm and making fools of themselves is great.

The rest of the show, like the other part, is quite bad. I expected the first extended show to be a lot better but the new features have potential, so fingers crossed it gets better.

Friday is up, and platinum:[…]