The TV & Radio Show Reviews
Once again Mel. had refined his quiz, and once again it was highly amusing.

The show was opened by Chris telling us what happened on yesterdays' show (which I found useful since I missed the show). Mel. then explained how his new quiz would work. Basically it was exactly the same idea, but this time one player answered the questions while the opponent was outside the studio (so they couldn't hear what was going on). After a short debate it was decided that Chris should play with Dave:

I'll play with you then... so to speak - Dave's easily misinterpreted comment to Chris.

The difference with Mel's first quiz is that this time Mel. had actually asked other people the questions (instead of making up the answers in his head.

Chris: Are the possible answers from your head, like they have been in the last few days?
Mel: No, these are from a professional survey.
Chris: A professional survey?
Dave: Who carried it out?
Mel: Me.
Dave: How can it be a professional survey if you carried it out? *my thoughts exactly!*

It turned out that he had asked four people. The catch was that there were six possible answers. Mel. admitted that he had to make the other two up (so much for improving the quiz!). Because of this Chris begins to slag off Mel. (a slagging off for Mel. in the first link today!). Mel. reckoned that the answers for family fortunes were made up, because he doesn't know anybody who has ever been asked the questions.

I don't know anybody who has been to Mt. Everest, but I know that it's there. - Chris' interesting response.

We had to wait to the second link until they actually started Mel's quiz. Believe me it was worth the wait! Dave went out of the studio first so Chris went first.

The second question was What do you associate with football. Chris gave the answer a ball. Unfortunately this answer got nothing! Even funnier was one of the possible answers (which Mel. probably made up) - white lines! Next came the question What do you do after eating Christmas dinner?. Predictably Chris gave the answer burp. Again, this answer got nothing, but apparently work out was an acceptable answer! Chris began to complain about Mel's answers:

Mel: Your just bitter aren't you.
Chris: And your just a moron.

The next answer really, really was the last straw. Mel. asked for something you would find in the boot of your car. Chris gave the answer spare tyre. Surely... surely this was the top answer. Apparently not... gym stuff was the top answer.

What!!!? - Chris' reaction.

All the questions were then repeated with Dave. The argument intensified!! Dave found many of the answers highly amusing and joined Chris in slagging Mel off. Oh, and Chris won, by a mile.

Rhys: At the end of the feature Shall we play a tune?
Chris: No, I think we should fire him. *referring to Mel.*

Mel. threatened to slap Chris on the air... but, he didn't. There's a surprise. Dave reckoned that it was about time that Moylesy had a slap. Dave said his was less likely to get a slap than Chris, since he can run faster!

After the news Chris began to talk about the internet. Unfortunately there was no plug for MoylesNet (there's a surprise), but Chris started to talk about some fitness routines that he had seen on the internet. It ended up with producer Rhys doing these exercises on the floor of the studio. Really, it made great radio and probably did Rhys permanent damage; let's be honest, he isn't really used to so much physical activity ;-).

He's a a 34 year old trained BBC radio producer now lying on the floor of the studio, at the whim of a fat man. - Chris' memorable comment (directed towards Rhys).

I'm gonna be crippled! - Rhys' comment at the end of the exercises.

Dave threatened to win Dave's introductory service 5:0, until Mel. told the dippy contestant (Rob) one of the answers. Rhys wanted to give the caller one of the prizes but Chris put his foot down and cut the caller off. Rhys then accused Chris of being tight:

08700 100 100 - am I tight, or am I fair? - Chris' closing comment to the link.

Unfortunately no callers got through on this subject, shame really.

The definite highlight of today's show was the campaign started by Chris to keep the free coffee machine. In the past all the Radio 1 deejays have had access to free drinks, but a notice was put up recently to say this was all going to change. Naturally Chris, along with many other people were a bit peeved by this. Chris decided to set up a stunt; gave all the free coffee out of the machine and get Mel. (who else!) to stand outside Radio 1 to give away free drinks to promote their campaign. Surprisingly Mel. did it and didn't moan too much. This was probably because there were a few tasty females pestering him ;-). Rhys' idea was to riot. That would have been good, but alas they didn't trash Radio 1 (Chris said somebody had already done so - probably referring to the Bile Yellow Walls!).

Free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! - Chris and Dave after the news (oh, and for the record - yes I did count how many times they said this!).

I'm gonna get arrested in a minute. - Mel. during the phone call to Chris, from outside Radio 1 (during the campaign).

Later they got onto the subject of Ghetto-Life. We got to hear their first song Your My Baby again today - it proved useful for me, since I missed it yesterday. I must admit, a while back, when they started to talk about Ghetto-Life I thought it was a stupid, irritating joke. Now, however.... I'm impressed and I like it when they discuss the subject. You never know, I mean if all his fans brought the track (if it were released) it could do well, very well. How wrong I was...

The free drinks campaign was a success, an instant success. The free drinks are back on again, and it was all down to Chris' campaign.

Richard Bacon was on Viaduct again today and he won again. The contest was decided on the question What is Richard Bacon's first name?.

Surprisingly Get down also made me laugh today - mainly because it went horribly, and hilariously wrong. Basically Mel. got mixed up and asked for a vowel instead of a consonant - or was it the other way around?

** This review was posted by the webmaster of MoylesNet ( - a source of quality, up to date show reviews and news on Chris Moyles and his show. **

Friday is up, and platinum:[…]