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who is the fittest neighbours honey?

mac (the WPC who is secretly a drug dealer)
susan kennedy
lyn scully
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By Quincy
arrives home with Michael in time to witness what looks like Steph having just suffocated Charlie.

i think tis is gonna happen this week.

wasnt the formal great!?!?!
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By Sidders
Who's Michael? Steph goes to prison.

Stuart is blinded in the fire.
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By Quincy
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:whose bones are they? Eh? Eh?

I hope they are Cheryls... that hostage thing was ridiculous.

perhaps they are joes?

or lucas dad?

Sidla wrote:Who's Michael? Steph goes to prison.

Stuart is blinded in the fire

i dont have a clue who he is

future storyline:
stuart fondles toadies breasts thinking it was lyn, toadie enjoys it and stuart and toadie become ramsay streets new power couple
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By DemonHorse
Quincy wrote:
future storyline:
stuart fondles toadies breasts thinking it was lyn, toadie enjoys it and stuart and toadie become ramsay streets new power couple

Toadie's still in it? wow how many years is that now?
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By Quincy
hes one of the longest serving members of the cast along with harold and lou
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By Sidders
Quincy wrote:
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:whose bones are they? Eh? Eh?

I hope they are Cheryls... that hostage thing was ridiculous.

perhaps they are joes?

or lucas dad?

They have something to do with Paul. He used to live in Lou's house.
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By Quincy
didnt they say they were over 100 years old in yesterdays episode?

harold made me laugh, kept shouting "lou is not a serial killer" "lous got human bones in his back garden" good old jelly belly
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By Sidders
Missed it yesterday. Shit, I'm missing it now too!!

*rushes to nearest TV*
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
they are recent and they are in connection to paul.

with all the old characters coming back can i make a special request for.. Amy, Dannii and Kathryn (Mals wife).

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By Quincy
karl just said they were put there by some med school students ages ago as a prank on their prof but he moved away and now harold and lou have found them. he told steph and max.
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By Sidders
I read in that Paul develops an 'unhealthy obcession' with the bones.

EDIT: Just found it here: wrote:Paul also develops an unhealthy interest in the human bones that Lou and Harold discovered in the backyard last year - but why and what could it all be leading up to?
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By Eddie
Cant wait for Paul Robinson to come back - wont have to long, its next thurday he's back (i think) - well, thats what I can work out by looking at air dates for australian episodes and matching storylines to today's episode. Either Thursday or Friday anyway.
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By Sidders
I think he makes a brief appearance at the end of Wednesday's episode.
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By Eddie
I think he turns up at the very end of Thursdays. Lets see who's right.
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By Quincy
bet bet bet!!

i will say friday then just to make it interesting. also it seems like a friday cliffhanger
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By Sidders
He he, we should change the poll to:

When does Paul return?
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By Sidders
Darn, I've recalculated and work it out to be Thursday now.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
ah backtracking fast than back macbacktrackerman in the outback.

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By Quincy
im sticking to my friday bet. we love you paul robinson
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By fish heads
I'm plumping for Wednesday
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By Eddie
Sidla wrote:Darn, I've recalculated and work it out to be Thursday now.

See, it's definately Thursday. On one of the neighbours websites ( i think) they have an episode guide. I matched the episode I was watching with the one on the episode guide and counted the number of episodes til when Paul returns and it works out to be Thursday next week.

NB If you try and do this, be careful as you might think it is wednesday but you will notice that, in the episode numbers, one is missed out. This, however, could be my stumbling block as it could just be a number miswritten and not an episode missed out and that would make Paul's return Wednesday. Damn, how sad am I (Retorical question - doesn't need answering). You know Im bored though so that's my excuse.
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By fish heads
#167628 used to put the estimated UK date on their Austalian episode guides - but looking now they dont seem to any more. Lazy Gets.
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By Sidders
jamese wrote:you could run a seperate thread :roll:

I could, except that it was a joke. :roll:
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