Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By chrysostom
Ah Char, this is exactly why you're in my friends list on the forum. Even though it has no practical function.
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By Bonanzoid
Why does every thread resort to this? EVERYBODY LOVE EVERYBODY!

Deadly, I'm not gonna to be a dick to you because you don't seem that bad, but you seem to be the common denominator in a lot of these arguments so can't you just wind your neck in a little bit and not be so confrontational? That said, some people are taking things far too seriously and needn't get so wound up by words thrown at them by a relative stranger on the internet.

Now, can we talk about games? I have no problem buying the new FIFA year after year like a mindless drone, I love the games and sadly get my money's worth each year. I got bored with Call of Duty after 3, haven't bothered getting Blops 2 and probably won't get the next one whenever it comes out. FIFA 14 though, I can guarantee I'll buy that.
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By chrysostom
I only really play FIFA on the Xbox, and have done for around 7 years! Most of the time it's online - I don't really have enough time to do career modes etc. so I'll buy the new FIFA every year for the subtle changes and the new players. Same reason I buy the new Football Manager games.
By JayE
I am going to stay, I didn't mean it when I said I was leaving I just got really wound up seeing this thread turn into another argument and seeing a member leave which is a shame because I liked Longview he was a nice chap. Anyway back to games, I think I'm going to get the PS2 out this weekend and play a load of old games that I haven't played for years.
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By Travis Bickle
Bonanzoid wrote:Why does every thread resort to this?

Deadly, I'm not gonna to be a dick to you because you don't seem that bad, but you seem to be the common denominator in a lot of these arguments so can't you just wind your neck in a little bit and not be so confrontational? That said, some people are taking things far too seriously and needn't get so wound up by words thrown at them by a relative stranger on the internet.


On topic, I am just waiting for GTA V. Got a bit bored with gaming in the past 12 months and need something to spark my interest in it again. The new GTA trailers looked superb and I'm hoping that will do it.

Before that I might go for getting the platinum on Arkham City. Got Arkham Asylum so will probably go for City as well.
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By The Deadly
It sounds silly but I'm hoping the map isn't too big on GTA V. Red Ded Redemption was ridiculously oversized.
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By Travis Bickle
The Deadly wrote:It sounds silly but I'm hoping the map isn't too big on GTA V. Red Ded Redemption was ridiculously oversized.

I don't mind a large map so long as there is plenty to do. I liked RDR but it wasn't quite what it was made out to be. Too many glitches for me.

I want a GTA like San Andreas was with fun elements and not so focussed on realism as IV was. GTAV looks promising in that respect, and I quite like the idea of playing multiple characters.
By JayE
GTA IV was the best one in my opinion, the realism of it all made the game an even more enjoyable experience, plus I thought the characters were more interesting in this one, and I think that it is the best one so far. I don't much care for the size of the map in the new game I just want the game to be good.
Here's the trailers in case any one hasn't seen em yet.
By JayE
I love Vice City, it's probably second on my list, it one of the ones that I never finished.
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By DevilsDuck
I think the original gta was the best one.

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By Bonanzoid
I was very ambivalent over 4, for me San Andreas is the best but that might be influenced by the fact it was the first GTA game I properly got stuck in to. The map on that was massive, but I loved it.

chrysostom wrote:I only really play FIFA on the Xbox, and have done for around 7 years! Most of the time it's online - I don't really have enough time to do career modes etc. so I'll buy the new FIFA every year for the subtle changes and the new players. Same reason I buy the new Football Manager games.

I don't know if it's just a fault with Xbox, but whenever I start my game up, if you've been on it says you've disconnected during an online match. Is your connection as awful as my Xbox thinks it is?
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By flyingbadger
I am currently enjoying Injustice: Gods Among Us.

Had this damn box nearly half a year and this is the first game I've actually committed some time to.

Looks great, plays great, loads of characters to choose from and some of the most creative super moves I've seen in a beat'em up. Love it.
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By chrysostom
Badge, sounds fun!

Bonanzoid wrote:I don't know if it's just a fault with Xbox, but whenever I start my game up, if you've been on it says you've disconnected during an online match. Is your connection as awful as my Xbox thinks it is?

It comes up specifically and says that? I don't often disconnect during live games or have my connection drop out!
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By Bonanzoid
CTR was amazing. Did you ever unlock (or use the cheat to get) Penta Penguin? He was unbelievable to play as!
By bmstinton93
I finally picked up Tomb Raider the other day. I think I would go as far to say it is the best single player campaign I have played on Xbox 360. There are some amazing graphics as well, although very very violent.
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By Badger Mark
Anybody else playing The Simpsons Tapped Out game? It's a tablet/phone-based game put out by EA. I would never consider myself a gamer, but I am completely obsessed with this game. I can't believe my wife hasn't ripped the iPad out of my hands demanding that I stop playing it. My 2 kids are kind of hooked on it now as well.
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By Badger Mark
Bonanzoid wrote:I play it a lot, it's unbelievably good considering it's free.

It's free - unless one succumbs to the siren's song of The Donuts. Sadly, I have (although I've been restrained in my puchases).
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By Bonanzoid
I have too, those golden scratchcards are my only weakness.

You have Origin? You can always get more donuts by adding people too.
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By Badger Mark
Yep - I'm on Origin. I've only been playing the game for about a month. Haven't added anyone other than my daughter once she got interested in it a couple of weeks ago.
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