The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Lara
Thanx Clare- I'll try that...I didn't know he had an email address with the bbc-i thought it was just u think the hotmail one is his or not?
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By Clare
I dont know, ages ago there was someone pretending to be Dave and that was a hotmail address, so it could be him!
By Lara!
Hmmmm...sounds fishy...should I ask him a qu that he won't know??  He did rep. saying it was him...wot should I ask him to there any proper Comedy Dave stalkers who know his proper email address so I know whether it is him or the fake that I have emailed?
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By Clare
Yeah, ask him a question! I dont know what though!
By Lara
I might ask him who will be on the Sat after next show as the guest...that should catch him out hopefully...what do u think?
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By Clare
If he's been listening to the show he'll say toploader coz chris said y'day! You need to ask him something that Dave would know and and the pretend dave wouldnt!
By me@here (Guest)
as him what the last two digits in hime mobile number is.  I he answer i will tell you if it is correct or not.<P>
By me@here (Guest)
I was drunk when i posted the last message, sorry.<P>Ask him what the last two digits in his mobile number are and If he answers I will tell you if it is correct or not.
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By Roddy
hmmm...very subtle how u dropped u being drunk into the conversation, if i didn't know better i'd say u were showing off  <IMG SRC="">
By me@here (Guest)
showing off at what?
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By Roddy
...that u got drunk boooooooooooooy  <IMG SRC="">
By me@here (Guest)
well i'm drunk again and i was in later than you!!<P>are we just total pissheads or what?
By Lara
Thanx me@here (or summit like that)...I will do that and hopefully if it is the fake I will catch him out...i'll tell u when he reps!
By Me@Here
No Probs Lara. Let me know and i'll tell you if they are right.<P>P.s. Register your user name, i have.<P>
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By Clare
Its not him on saturday Emma said he hasnt got an email at home, then dave said he has but doesnt know how to get on it!
By Lara
That prob. is a slight sign that is a pretend dave...oh well....i'm gonna try and catch them out anyway...thanx!

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