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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
I gotta say my list would include in order from 5 to 1:<P>5. Billie,<br>4. Martine,<br>3. Lisa Faulkner,<br>2. Zoe Ball,<br>1. Liz Hurley (oh yeah tied with Jamie Theakston of course)<br>
By Loz
A lesson needed for the young wonder dog?  <P>And do not call ureself wonder anything ok?
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
ok lets patronise the wonder dog, personally i think a dog that can type (albeit slowly an frequently with punctuation, spellin an grammer mistakes) is pretty impressive.<P>As to the am i a robot? Well i'd rather be a robot than have to go against everything anyone ever says just to be "different".<P>Also just a note to the illiterate and frankly annoying Loz I am 19 (an i do consider myself young) and the name is a character from Terry Pratchett's Discworld books.<br>
By Alice
I know they were only joking but there intelligent people are ugly thing was starting to offend me, maybe I am just taking things to seriously.
By Podey
And you wonder why Chris reckons you talk crap in your posts   <IMG SRC=""><P>This 'theory' should get its own slot in the show. True, it aint great to listen to, but its better than Is she really going out wiv him<p>[This message has been edited by Podey (edited 27 October 2000).]
By Loz
That feature has the best music since chalk and cheese or possibly beat the clock.
By Alice
I am not the one who fell over, I don't know what you are talking about.  <br>I know this might sound big headed but I think I am quite clever.  I am also a teenage girl and therefore go through bouts of worrying about my apperance so chris saying that those who are clever are going to be ugly slighly offended me.<br>I know that he was only joking and I am a big fan of Chris Moyles, as I said before maybe I take things to seriously  <br>
By Tom_[MW]
Don't worry Alice, Moyles himself prooves you don't have to be intelligent to be ugly...
By Podey
I think Chris has got the attractive=thick and intelligent=ugly correct but with the odd exception
By 4Real
nicky wire: very intelligent, very attractive<br>brian molko: intelligent, very attractive<br>brittany spears: ugly, thick<br>Westlife: ugly, thick<br>me: ugly, thick<br>mel: attractive (apparentely), thick<br>martine: as above<P>there's a range of all the combos you see? <P>there is no such thing as ugly or attractive anyway, its a cliche, but beauty really is in the eye of the beholder, dont believe all these males who follow the herd, they dont really like them, they just know its safe. Dont worry about your appereance so much girls, personality is your beauty, men are all creeps, you'd be better off being lesbians, its so fashionable to be negative towards yourself these days isnt it? dont be, it spirals out of control without borders, ditch the fashionable blonde hair, how you gonna stand out when you look like the rest? and shine you sole stars.<P> <br>hey gaspode, why are you playing a charactor? isnt that a touch childish for a 19 year old? <P>In Sooth I Know Not Why I Am So Sad<br>-Shakespeare-<P>before we walk on water we must cross land<P>this week has been hell for me, everything is falling apart, even the little things i took solace in are eroding, i am hanging on to nothing and i dont know how long it can last.<P>XXX<br>The selfish rambler. <br>
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
Actually 4Real im not playing a character because i dont go around acting like a dog although i must admit it would be fun to ****  on lamposts an hump anything that moves.<br>Im also guessing 4Real isnt your real name either i use the name cos i like the character in the book thats all no big deal.<P>oh and let the flame burn......<p>[This message has been edited by Gaspode The Wonder Dog (edited 28 October 2000).]
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By Uglybob
no 4real is what richey(hes dead)edwards of the manic street preachers wrote when he stuck a sharp knife whilst having an interview with steve lamacq. anyone would have thought it was dave pearce he was speaking too
By 4Real
Richey done it coz ‘he was trying to get through to a twenty year old who thought like 40 y o’ which is fair enough, nothing worse than trying to get through to fools is there? Richey is dead is he? i'd love to reply to your inaccuracies but i wont be reduced to your level and then beaten on experience.<P>No offence<br>LOve you all
By Tom_[MW]
It's quite interesting looking back at your old posts "4real" as you never used to be like this, I really think you're *very* bored aren't you? Which is fair enough, so am I.<P>So before I politely request you to stop making stupid, irrelevant posts that clutter up the board, how are you anyway? Still in our fine city of Norwich (by the way that's actually our official motto- "Norwich- a fine city) How did your A-levels go? Final question- Holy Bible or Gen Terr?<P>Oh, and as a Manics fan of some considerable standing I think it has to be said, he's dead...
By Tom_[MW]
No, I am a Chelsea fan as I was born in west London but have had a season ticket at Norwich and go to most home games at Carrow Road
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By Uglybob
im a spurs fan, well and truly stuffed tom, thanks for backing me up in the dead thing
By Ugly_&amp;amp;_intell
So, Alice...<P>I'll agree, you seem intelligent (?)<P>I'll take your word that you are good-looking.<P>So that explains why you lack a sense of humour then? We can't have it all can we?

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