The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
Nicola_Red wrote:
Tunster wrote:I think sometimes Chris is bi-sexual/gay and refuses to come out for whatever reason. We know he's quite close to Stephanie Hirst and supported her through the changes.

Supporting a trans friend has nothing whatsoever to do with your own sexuality. It's called being a good mate. And even if he were to have a relationship with Stephanie (if that's what you're implying) that still wouldn't make him bi or gay. She's a woman. C'mon now, let's be a bit more enlightened than this reductive reasoning suggests.

It's quite a plausible reason, but it's been cleared up by Misfit's link. There could be a million reasons why Chris would want to hide such a thing though regardless of being very good friends with Aled etc etc. Especially knowing he's super private about a lot of his personal life.

I wasn't making any suggestion it's wrong or disagree . Can see how I wrote it may of suggested that though. Especially linking the reasoning to Stephanie (who's 90s show is brilliant!)

Anyway, I've just watched Chris' rant about A-Level results. Not quite sure what to make of it when he's clearly producing content outside of his show and Radio X branding that doesn't really work for anyone who isn't a fan of the show.
[*] Can I ask do any of you think that your constant posts about how you're listening to something else and just can't do the show helps.

This is a Chris Moyles fan site, I'd suggest if you're no longer a fan you should no longer feel your opinion is needed.

Don't mistake this as a pop at those making show suggestions or offering improvement ideas.

I would suggest if you aren't even willing to make the small effort needed to listen then you aren't a fanatic.

I may be wrong but I'm yet to hear a view of somebody who didn't listen to the R1 show that would be of massive interest to me.
G-Sizzle wrote:
Misfit wrote:
Can we go back to talking about radio now please

I thought this was a site to discuss Chris Moyles the man.
Didn't realise it was limited to his show and on air persona only.

This thread is about the CMS on Radio X. You can discuss "Moyles : The Man" in other threads ;-)
Last edited by welshblob on Fri Aug 26, 2016 11:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
G-Sizzle wrote:
Misfit wrote:
Can we go back to talking about radio now please

I thought this was a site to discuss Chris Moyles the man.
Didn't realise it was limited to his show and on air persona only.

As Welshbob said..This thread is about the show, thats what I was getting at.
rocka23 wrote:[*] Can I ask do any of you think that your constant posts about how you're listening to something else and just can't do the show helps.

This is a Chris Moyles fan site, I'd suggest if you're no longer a fan you should no longer feel your opinion is needed.

Don't mistake this as a pop at those making show suggestions or offering improvement ideas.

I would suggest if you aren't even willing to make the small effort needed to listen then you aren't a fanatic.

I may be wrong but I'm yet to hear a view of somebody who didn't listen to the R1 show that would be of massive interest to me.

No need to be so snarky. Everyone's opinion is welcome as long as it doesn't contravene the forum rules, such as they are - and any that do, Chris or I will delete. You don't need to be unofficial forum police.
Randomisation20 wrote:Sorry my fault ! I put the above request for a Jaquar skills mix in the wrong place - apologies

S'alright, I've moved it to its own thread in Sound Requests.

Spam is back by the way! Just deleted 56 threads/posts, all in Russian. Yay!
Nicola_Red wrote:
Randomisation20 wrote:Sorry my fault ! I put the above request for a Jaquar skills mix in the wrong place - apologies

S'alright, I've moved it to its own thread in Sound Requests.

Spam is back by the way! Just deleted 56 threads/posts, all in Russian. Yay!

Oh damn, now where am I going to get my Russian viagra from? :(
rocka23 wrote:[*] Can I ask do any of you think that your constant posts about how you're listening to something else and just can't do the show helps.

This is a Chris Moyles fan site, I'd suggest if you're no longer a fan you should no longer feel your opinion is needed.

Don't mistake this as a pop at those making show suggestions or offering improvement ideas.

I would suggest if you aren't even willing to make the small effort needed to listen then you aren't a fanatic.

I may be wrong but I'm yet to hear a view of somebody who didn't listen to the R1 show that would be of massive interest to me.

I know the word "fan" is derived from "fanatic" but language evolves and they haven't meant the same thing for a very long time. I am a long standing fan of Chris Moyles and I am very sad that his work is currently inaccessible to me. I was about to say I'm sorry if that upsets you but actually on reflection I find that I don't give a shit. Ah well.
JayE wrote:Chris' tweets in response to actual fans complaining because there is another week of best ofs are kind of embarrassing. I'm slowly losing a little respect for him.

I've just had a look and agree. Of course people would moan on R1 if he had a week off but a month is just way too long without new content. Yes most people (even on here!) won't have heard every single link but if you are regular listener the majority may well be familiar and it's quite likely that you won't feel like sitting through it all again (especially if you listen to podcast as well!) just on the off chance there might be a good link you haven't heard.

Personally after this break I'm on the cusp of stopping listening regularly which considering I've been listening since 97 that's quite a big change. It's nothing to do with Chris' tweets but the fact I've really not missed it at all during the holidays (which as I said have been way too long for a show/station trying to grow) is making me think it's time to move on.

I'll listen to the 6:30 'mic check link' (by far the strongest part of the show) on Monday but I'm not sure I'll still be listening after the 7 o'clock news and I think beyond that the podcast is probably more than sufficient as the rest of the show just isn't as compelling to me as it used to be.
I think I have missed hearing Chris a bit, but actually listened to a few old show clips last week instead and they filled the void. There are a few classics in there that I clipped and I know I will always enjoy hearing. I've also enjoyed listening to Grimmy for a while - I still like him even though I know I'm in the minority here.
Thanks Nicola for the link to the unedited shows - I have been listening to a majority of Vernon over the past few days he is Comfortable but playing a huge amount of music - lol haven't heard any of the best ofs this week I havent downloaded them yet if they are there in the thread yet

With the Classic show I am listening in order from 2004 and have got to the last friday before Rachel is off for her wedding in 2009 :) All good shows the edited classic shows allow me to drive from Bath area to Wiveliscombe and can just about get one and half shows in that journey :)
I have to admit that this break has turned me off the show. Pretty much every bit of the best of show was on the podcast, and some bits even made it to the Saturday shows too, and we've already had Best-of shows at Christmas too. This wouldn't be as bad if there was lots of content to choose from, but with the adverts and restricted playlist, we're stuck with a very thin pool of "funny bits" to draw from.

I would rather someone else did their show during Chris' slot while they were on holiday, that way we get to sample some new things that we may not have heard before, and may like. It also has the added benefit of appreciating the return when the whole team is back.
Ah Chris, that video. That goddamn * video...

I mean, of course I'm jealous that the guy is living in LA (even if he's wasting his time by not once going to see PWG which is practically a rite of passage in California these days - if Sofia Vergara and Gillian Jacobs can do it, so can Moyles) and doing cool things. But this show is just a way to store up enough money to move out and never come back, right? Him and Andi Peters, soaking up the sun and delivering scripts to TBS or Pop TV or whatever, driving around and living the dream. I totally endorse this life, 100%. But if anything ever hammered home that this show is a hobby to do in the mean time, this video certainly didn't do anything to dissuade me.

It's hard to say all this whilst throwing out "I still love the show" because it feels like a softener when it's absolutely legit. I am glad that the show is back and look forward to having it on again, even if I can't truly admit to having missed it all that much (purely because I found other stuff to occupy my time). But I can't shake the feel of the show as being... well, a hobby. If Chris needs this job, he hides it well. Again, that's fine. But it's very difficult to invest in a show that feels like it's being done almost as a favour to us, rather than because the team have a ton of ideas and are desperate to prove themselves once again. There are plenty of people out there on Youtube and on podcasts who are working incredibly hard to make even a smidgen of money to support themselves and to make a name for themselves and you can see the creativity bursting through the seams. Even Grimshaw, bless him, feels like a guy who doesn't want to be tainted by losing a shit-ton of listeners and being the David Moyes to Chris' Alex Ferguson. I'd much rather get behind those because I know that I'll be watching them give their hearts and souls, just as the team did on Radio 1 when the BBC was constantly out to get them.

Ironically, I bet if Chris got a show on Sirius or a big time station in America, you'd hear a hell of a show. Again, amazing what happens when you have something to prove.

That said, I'll be listening on Monday. I still love the show, after all.
MitchOnAStick wrote:I can't shake the feel of the show as being... well, a hobby. If Chris needs this job, he hides it well. Again, that's fine. But it's very difficult to invest in a show that feels like it's being done almost as a favour to us, rather than because the team have a ton of ideas and are desperate to prove themselves once again. There are plenty of people out there on Youtube and on podcasts who are working incredibly hard to make even a smidgen of money to support themselves and to make a name for themselves and you can see the creativity bursting through the seams. Even Grimshaw, bless him, feels like a guy who doesn't want to be tainted by losing a shit-ton of listeners and being the David Moyes to Chris' Alex Ferguson. I'd much rather get behind those because I know that I'll be watching them give their hearts and souls, just as the team did on Radio 1 when the BBC was constantly out to get them..

Mitch, you are consistently nailing it in these threads. I think I love you a little bit. (Platonically of course, I'm a married lady now. I used to have "like a female Barney Stinson" in my sig, alas those days are over... )
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