The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
MitchOnAStick wrote:Having read the last few posts, I had to laugh when listening to the podcast and hearing Chris say that he's doing the best radio he's ever done. .

That's the funniest thing that bloke has said in a while.
I won't quote the whole post but some excellent points made above by mitchonastick. Also bonus points for use of the word 'milquetoast'.

I must make more of an effort to listen to the podcasts - I haven't really heard any of them recently. Tellingly, on my commute home I usually listen to the Scott Mills R1 podcast.
I have basically given up radio listening for audio books and podcasts now... and Moyles isn't that high on the list of podcasts, Empire, Wittertainment and Confessions comes before that.

Having said that, "Odoo priorideee" never fails to make me laugh out loud.
I still like listening to Moyles. The show is not 100% great all the time. That's the nature of live radio.
He is better in the "Zoo" format but that is not a bad thing. I still laugh when I listen to a show. The podcast and Saturday shows are more amusing but that is probably down to being more awake when they record them.
I still think if the show was more accessible I might listen more.

With it being on DAB, I can't get it any of our cars. I'm not gonna use all my phone data streaming it so I can only listen if I'm at home on a wifi connection. Danny Mylo is on Pulse 1 on FM in the morning where I live, and hes like a young moyles. Doesnt mind pissing the management off to do a good show and he makes you feel part of the family. I met him for a second time the other month and he hugged me and chatted like an old friend. My relationship with The Danny Mylo Show feels like the old moyles show used to.

I change my mind regularly on the moyles show. Some features feel like I could hear them on any commercial station. Stuff like pippa at glastonbury has me in tears.

Forgot my main point I was going to make so I'll stop typing now.

Misfit wrote:I still think if the show was more accessible I might listen more.

This. I can't access it on my radio alarm, my kitchen radio or my car radio. Those are the places I listen to the radio and its only for limited periods - not enough to justify investing in digital equipment just for a few minutes five days a week. And before anyone says "phone app" I'm not going to get myself ready for work and Not-So-Baby-Any-More Yudster ready for school in the morning with headphones on. If I could switch a radio on and have the choice of listening to Moyles I definitely would, but that's not the case unfortunately.
Yudster wrote:before anyone says "phone app" I'm not going to get myself ready for work and Not-So-Baby-Any-More Yudster ready for school in the morning with headphones on.

Headphones? Your phone doesn't have a speaker in it?!

I get what people are saying about the inaccessibility. I consider myself very lucky to live in an FM area, so I can listen on any of my radios, in the car, on my mp3 player etc.
Or listen to the edited version on via your phone: connect that to your car stereo with a cable or Bluetooth adapter. Or listen at home using a cheapo Bluetooth speaker?

I converted my kitchen hifi to Bluetooth with a very nice adapter I got on Amazon Prime Day for £15.
Nicola_Red wrote:
Yudster wrote:before anyone says "phone app" I'm not going to get myself ready for work and Not-So-Baby-Any-More Yudster ready for school in the morning with headphones on.

Headphones? Your phone doesn't have a speaker in it?!

Still means I have to carry it around with me. And the sound quality is annoying. Its just impractical one way or another.
neilt0 wrote:Or listen to the edited version on via your phone: connect that to your car stereo with a cable or Bluetooth adapter. Or listen at home using a cheapo Bluetooth speaker?

I converted my kitchen hifi to Bluetooth with a very nice adapter I got on Amazon Prime Day for £15.

My point exactly - I can switch on the radio and listen to something worth hearing without all that crap. If I could do that and listen to Moyles, then I would.
He's off for four weeks.

Four. Weeks.

Let's all take a moment to let that sink in, shall we?

I'm amazed. X must have been so desperate to sign him that they just agreed to anything he wanted. I really think this is a mistake. I think listeners will drift away and not return.
Nicola_Red wrote:I'm amazed. X must have been so desperate to sign him that they just agreed to anything he wanted. I really think this is a mistake. I think listeners will drift away and not return.

I agree about the negotiations (his agent clearly earned their money!). As for the ratings I can't work out if it's good or bad. Didn't the old show generally used to suffer in the Q3 RAJARs anyway due to holidays etc. so maybe it's the best time to be off air. The holiday looks to be right in the middle of the fieldwork period. ... ease_dates

However as you say people may switch off and not return in September and when they are trying to build an audience a month is a very long time. They don't really want another of set of RAJARs like the last ones in London although there are new figures due at the beginning of August before that.
It's rather telling that even relatively hardcore fans on here tend not to listen if the show isn't on FM. I therefore assume those who were more casual Moyles listeners just re-tuned their FM radios and have left it on that rather than make the effort to seek out his show. I wonder if rajar have the details on listening length, type and whether they have any loyalty to a particular show. I'd assume those who would say they listen for less than 20 mins a day would be a casual listener.

My house is in a ropy reception area anyway so I was using internet radio before the show came back and so was used to it. Was also thinking about putting a streaming device connected to an FM transmitter in my house so all existing radios could pick it up .... but haven't got around to that yet. Ironically I had removed my stock car DAB head unit for a chinese android unit and they typically don't support DAB out of the box. So I have a module to add when I can be bothered as my commute is only about 15 mins and I'm sure I'd have fitted it before now if my commute was longer. I have tended to stream on longer journeys which can be hit or miss although I find the offline podcasts and edited shows via podcast addict are easy to download to my phone and stream via bluetooth.

I'm sure the 4 weeks off will hit the ratings but if that's what he wants then that's what he gets. Given the above the bigger issue for the show is not being on FM. He still needs regular features at regular times as well as has been mentioned before.
I mean, I can understand the logic to take the summer month off when kids aren't in school and the listenership is down. And as a freelancer myself, if I could take every summer off then I absolutely would do so.

But still, wow! Does any presenter on any radio show in the UK have that deal? It really is like Howard Stern, save that Howard does three days a week and Chris did increase by one. But at this point, Chris might as well cut down to four days a week and be done with it.

I'm not annoyed but I have no interest in listening to either a best-of or to Vernon Kay, friend of Chris or not. So I will just skip breakfast radio for another month (because after three years, what's another 4 weeks?) and go back to catching up on podcasts.

Personally, I'm happy to enjoy this show as much as I can; pretty confident that come 2020, Chris will have moved to Los Angeles to not produce anything ever again.
I want to believe that the whole plan to take a month off is well thought out and discussed in terms of what it could do to the show and the listeners. With that said, I definitely won't be listening to Vernon. It's a good thing I have a lot of catching up to do, so i'm kind of sorted for most of the time off.

I don't know... I feel like Chris does not dedicate himself fully to this show. It's still good, don't get me wrong, but something is just not quite right...
MitchOnAStick wrote:I mean, I can understand the logic to take the summer month off when kids aren't in school and the listenership is down. And as a freelancer myself, if I could take every summer off then I absolutely would do so.

But still, wow! Does any presenter on any radio show in the UK have that deal? It really is like Howard Stern, save that Howard does three days a week and Chris did increase by one. But at this point, Chris might as well cut down to four days a week and be done with it.

I'm not annoyed but I have no interest in listening to either a best-of or to Vernon Kay, friend of Chris or not. So I will just skip breakfast radio for another month (because after three years, what's another 4 weeks?) and go back to catching up on podcasts.

Oh yeah, I mean who wouldn't take that deal? But no, I reckon if Scott Mills or Greg James suggested it, Big Boss Ben would laugh them out the door. Dunno about other commercial stations but I doubt it. It is all starting to get reminiscent of Chris Evans and his four-days-a-week fiasco, although again, Virgin were so desperate to keep him that they readily agreed to it at the time.

I'll be back with Grimmy on R1, and I'm hoping he might have a week off around the same time so it'll be Scott and Chris on breakfast. In fact if Scott was on breakfast permanently (which I do realise will never happen) I reckon I'd be seriously considering ditching Moyles for good. As it stands, I'll see how I feel at the end of the 4 weeks.

I've said before that (possibly misplaced) loyalty will keep me listening to Moyles forever,'s starting to feel like a tough call. Despite the fact I'm the same age as Chris and probably prime target audience for RX, R1 just feels more like a station I want to listen to, overall - I know everyone here doesn't feel that way. I can't imagine no radio at all in the mornings - it's just integral to getting up and ready for work, for me.
It's funny as from an Australian we are used to our presenters having 6 weeks off over Summer here. But the difference is that they only really have 2 extra weeks off throughout the year

I kinda agree with the above sentiments - I actually really do like the show but a month off is going to really hurt it. It would almost be ok but the fact he has had several weeks off already this year is the thing that I don't get. I think the fact that he made a big deal last year that they were doing 3 straight months until Xmas way to soften this. However, you may find he may be doing this again on his return.

I don't believe he wouldn't want the show to succeed as he would do but I just think it hurts the brand that he keeps taking time off. I'd much rather them cut the Saturday show and him not being off as much.
Man the negativity.................

For what it is worth I begged for Chris's return and now it's here I couldn't be happier. I think many of the criticism are harsh but not on Chris as the person everybody is judging him against is himself, he is still head and shoulders above anything else I have come across but might be a little less than his old self.

For me he is far more refined now and it feels like he is doing it more for his fans than previously working against a tide of hate. Basically if you're going to make the effort you are a real fan and he often refers to that so I imagine the texts etc are a much nicer read.

Current hilarious items I enjoy physically smiling at the radio at is all ribbing of Dom (Babestation, wig etc) Toby Anstis, Odoooo Priority, Chris anger at equipment, drunk Pippa, Mr tickle Masterman.

Reverse word needs to go unless they plan to use it takeaway style to see if others can fathom it but all the attempts can be done off air as 1 in every 5 or 6 seems to make me chuckle.

What on earth Rob DJ is on I'm not sure, this is where the gapping hole is for me, Pippa and Dave developing a lovely mix in running the show order etc but Dave's (if it isn't his sorry mate) writing for Rob doesn't touch a proper comic input there. With the current shake up of Talksport I'd be looking to nick something like Bob Mills from the Colin Murray show.

Right I'm losing the will to live so if you have read this far well done, I know it was an effort, it's the way I write.
I've been really enjoying the show since it returned, the sentimental part of me does miss Mr. Vitty's input but I think the new team work well together. There are a few issues that I have that most of you will share I'm guessing - the ads for one. I have a relatively short commute into work so sometimes I'll end up with 3 mins of ads and then a couple of songs (usually Stone bloody Roses) so not hear anything. The ads are a massive pain in the tits though - nothing that can be done as this is what keeps the show on he air I guess.

There will always be that part of me that wished that Chris had just gone into podcasting - much in the same manner that Ricky Gervais did. I think it would have worked well having a couple of hours a week of just talking about whatever with Dom or whoever. Dave ideally but whatever went on with those two means that never would or will happen.
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