Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By MattWilliams
Hi, is there any way to just download all the shows, so for example all of 2009, rather than having to click on each individual show and clicking download? Just wondering if there is a quicker way? Thanks!

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By exeter4eva
Are you sure?
it definitely works with a version of Firefox, as I used it at home last night to get up to date with the Radio X shows/podcasts
I'll check what version I have when I get home, but I'm pretty sure that I've got the most recent release...

Also, maybe try downloading from Firefox and not direct from the website - in case that's not showing an updated version?
By MattWilliams
You're right - it is working :) I went to the add-on homepage and it says there it is due to stop working due to changes Firefox are making (the plugin author isn't too happy!) But for now all works fine, so thanks again!

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