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Guess what? Chris Moyles is back and he's declared himself a feminist

The mellowed Radio X breakfast show host confesses he’s a Taylor Swift fan and that he’s even OK with Nick Grimshaw taking his old job.

Last updated: 30 September 2015, 16:00 BST Print this story

Chris Moyles, the self-proclaimed “saviour of Radio 1″, has become a surprising poster boy for women’s rights.

Chris, now hosting a new breakfast show on Radio X, came to the realisation he was a feminist in an interview with free music magazine NME.

“S***, maybe I’m a feminist,” he said. “My manager is female, my assistant is female, my press person is female and my exec producer is female.”

And he put his new found feminism to good use by calling for an end to the “tampon tax”.

“Why do women have to pay for sanitary products? That’s crazy. That would never happen if it was the other way around!” he said.

He has returned to radio following a three-year absence. He was sacked from the BBC in 2012 in favour of a younger replacement, Nick Grimshaw.

Moyles and his breakfast show replacement Nick Grimshaw in 2012 (BBC/PA)
Chris and his breakfast show replacement Nick Grimshaw in 2012 (BBC/PA)
“I’d kind of said to myself ‘never say never’ about going back. People thought I’d given it all up for good, which I hadn’t.

“They approached me. Be under no illusion that I went knocking on doors for work,” he added.

Chris went head-to-head with his replacement Nick when he began presenting the morning show on Radio X, a rebranding of Xfm, on September 21.

In his first show, Chris took a pop at his radio rival. When Noel Gallagher said his children listened to the BBC presenter, Chris bluntly asked, “Why would you do that to them?”

But he was more diplomatic about his replacement in the new interview.

“(The BBC) had to be seen to be making the biggest move they could possibly make to achieve that (younger listeners) because they’d been trying for a while and it’d not happened,” he said. “Still not happened!”

“I think we’ll take a lot of (Nick’s) older listeners and his average age will go down, he’ll get patted on the back and we’ll get patted on the back – everyone’s going to win.

“I don’t think anyone can lose in this scenario. Apart from Capital and Heart,” he added.

Taylor Swift
Chris also admitted he’s a Swiftie (Charles Sykes/Invision/AP)
Chris’s new home is known for a rockier sound than the pop and indie music played on Radio 1 but he dismissed the branding of the station as male-focused.

“It’s b*******. The whole male focused thing came out of the blue. A load of us presenters went out for a beer the other night and everyone who was there was like, ‘This is bulls***, who said this?’

“The weirdest thing is, if that’s what they secretly want to go for, they’re f*****, because my audience was always 50/50 male and female, if not with a slight edge towards females. I don’t think that will change much,” he said.

The full interview is available in Friday's NME magazine (NME)

Despite the station’s rock music leaning, Chris waxed lyrical about the princess of pop, Taylor Swift.

“I love Tay-Tay, and anyone who says that they don’t is a liar. She writes amazing pop records. I think people assume pop music is crap and they’re wrong. Pop music is popular music and everyone should calm the f*** down,” he countered.

For the full interview pick up your free copy of NME magazine on Friday.
Last edited by neilt0 on Thu Oct 01, 2015 8:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By Yudster
You know what, I love Taylor Swift too.
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By neilt0
bwfcol wrote:Massive cheeky request but would someone type the full article up, doubt I can get it here!

I didn't think NME would like Moyles though

For the full interview pick up your free copy of NME magazine on Friday.
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By Nicola_Red
I love Taylor Swift too. Last week Mr Red read an article criticising her for being a bad feminist role model and when I arrived home from work he was absolutely furious about it, it was very funny. Also too right about sanitary products! #feministrage
By bwfcol
neilt0 wrote:
bwfcol wrote:Massive cheeky request but would someone type the full article up, doubt I can get it here!

I didn't think NME would like Moyles though

For the full interview pick up your free copy of NME magazine on Friday.

I live in Australia so will check online I suppose
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By doby
Nicola_Red wrote:I love Taylor Swift too. Last week Mr Red read an article criticising her for being a bad feminist role model and when I arrived home from work he was absolutely furious about it, it was very funny. Also too right about sanitary products! #feministrage

She's way too over exposed atm, so much so she's actually grating on me when I previously quite liked her.

I can't stand reading about her celeb friends, and yes, 'friend' is the right word as Taylor will so sincerely tell anyone who will listen. Its all so contrived. She even turns up to big events with a harem of bitches ('celeb friends') looking like she's the new Regina George, with the pretense they're supporting each other *gag* when really it's just a PR exercise for each involved.

Her music career relies heavily on celeb culture and showmance relationships which overshadows the talent she actually has. God forbid she actually wrote a song that wasn't based on someone in the public eye.
Last edited by doby on Thu Oct 01, 2015 11:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Yeah I don't really get all the fuss either. I always thought she was just a rich girl from a rich background, that's just the way she looks though. I can just imagine she had pushy, and very proud parents when she was growing up. Give me Britney anyday. Taylor means nothing to me til she shaves her head and shows me she is human.

chrysostom wrote:Mills refers to her as the head of the pop illuminati

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By Nicola_Red
doby wrote:Her music career relies heavily on celeb culture and showmance relationships which overshadows the talent she actually has. God forbid she actually wrote a song that wasn't based on someone in the public eye.

You gotta remember that she's never revealed who any of her songs are about - everyone just assumes they are about someone famous. She is vilified for being a young woman who dares to have public romances and breakups in the way that famous men just aren't, and that annoys me. Also she's WAY too good for Calvin Harris.
By Riffingit
Her parents both worked in the finance industry so I would presume she has always been very comfortable in monetary terms. I find her to be very fake in general and her material vastly overrated (other than Blank Space).

chrysostom wrote:Mills refers to her as the head of the pop illuminati

As in Scott Mills? I have always liked him. His show is one of the few on Radio 1 where the majority of the content doesn't make me want to bash my head against a wall.
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By Topher
neilt0 wrote:
For the full interview pick up your free copy of NME magazine on Friday.

Is the NME free these days?

Riffingit wrote:As in Scott Mills? I have always liked him. His show is one of the few on Radio 1 where the majority of the content doesn't make me want to bash my head against a wall.

No no no no no no no! Mills is terrible and has seen since he moved away from his previously excellent Early Breakfast show.

It will be interesting to see where he goes next though, as his days are surely numbered at Radio 1 - I guess Radio 2 may see him as a good fit. Hopefully not though.
By bmstinton93
I don't agree. Mills is probably the most relevant dj on radio one now he has Chris Stark. Constant chat about freshers, uni and tinder etc. brings him right up to date with the target market
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By Topher
Maybe, but almost certainly he would have had a shoe-in for Breakfast if it weren't for his age and we know they don't like old DJs any more - it's a wonder Annie Nightingale is still there (if she still is), but when she was younger, if the current regime was in charge, I think they'd have dropped her sooner.
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By chrysostom
Very little in pop music is genuine, you'd be a fool for using that as a basis for quality.

As soon as an artist releases something genuine, the pressure to release something similarly genuine is huge - when their life is by then SO different to the circumstances they were in when they wrote their best work. Look at Adele - she can't write ballads about heartbreak because she's moved on in her life and is presumably happy with a child. If she pines after old lovers with new material then it would be pretty damning for her partner or disingenuous. I imagine that's why she has taken so long on her new album.

Also, Mills is very on trend with youth culture - perhaps moreso than Greg James. I think he'll be safe for a good couple of years before moving to Capital or Heart for a breakfast show or drive time show.
By VMPhil
Can we talk about that cover? Not sure why Chris would agree to a photo that purposely has him with a double chin. Twitter is not reacting well, as you would expect.
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By doby
Nicola_Red wrote:You gotta remember that she's never revealed who any of her songs are about - everyone just assumes they are about someone famous. She is vilified for being a young woman who dares to have public romances and breakups in the way that famous men just aren't, and that annoys me. Also she's WAY too good for Calvin Harris.

There's no need for her to say anything, the clues in the songs are pretty blatant, its her shtick and it works for her but personally I think it cheapens her as an artist.

She's not vilified because of public relationships per se, its because they're showmances, i.e. fake and then goes on to profit from it. It's all part of the process for her. To the more cynical she's very much considered a power beard in the showbiz world, having had 'relationships' with the likes of Jake Gyllenhaal, Joe Jonas, and Taylor Lautner to name but a few.

As for Calvin Harris, they do have fake teeth in common so maybe it is true love.
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By chrysostom
Isn't it more that a lot of the songs come across as bitter ripostes to her ex partners, as opposed to 'I miss you'? I can't think of many male artists who do similar (that may be because I don't listen to much music)
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By Nicola_Red
chrysostom wrote:Isn't it more that a lot of the songs come across as bitter ripostes to her ex partners, as opposed to 'I miss you'? I can't think of many male artists who do similar (that may be because I don't listen to much music)

*cough* Ed Sheeran *cough*

I'm sure there are others that I can't bring to mind right now.
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By doby
Well yes, Ed Sheeran is guilty of this. That new Ellie Goulding song is supposedly about his advances on her, I really hope this new pop fad doesn't become the norm. It's industry incest.

If Katy Perry pens a reply to Bad Blood then she's more of a moron than I took her for as I generally rate her pop efforts and business accruement above that of Ms Swift.
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By Nicola_Red
Katy Perry did a bunch of songs like that after her marriage to Russell Brand collapsed, though.
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By Topher
Katy Perry was married to Russell Brand? That's a bit... I hesitate to say random, but I can't think of another word. What the kids usually call random but isn't actually random.
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By doby
Nicola_Red wrote:Katy Perry did a bunch of songs like that after her marriage to Russell Brand collapsed, though.

True, but I think that would have happened had Russel Brand been a nobody. Their relationship seemed pretty genuine that turned horribly sour. The difference with TayTay is her relationships all seem a bit premeditated, like I said its all part of the process.

1. Get in a relationship with someone high up in the public eye.
2. Public appearances for maximum column inches.
3. Breakup (more column inches)
4. Write a hit song with obvious hints. (Even more column inches)
6. Rinse and repeat
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By foot-loose
Riffingit wrote:Her parents both worked in the finance industry so I would presume she has always been very comfortable in monetary terms. I find her to be very fake in general and her material vastly overrated (other than Blank Space).

I work in the financial industry and assure you the above is a stereotype.

bmstinton93 wrote:I see Moyles ended up copying a Scott Mills feature yesterday with his "What is y-e-s and what is e-y-e-s" joke

There's a video of this joke been doing the rounds on Facebook for a couple of months at least. Not sure when Mills did it but not sure Moyles copied him.

I'd forgotten about Mills. Is he still drive time on radio 1?

Saturday is up