Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
Nicola_Red wrote:You can try PMing Travismitchell - he is our kind benefactor for all these jingles and beds.

I went to the 4 Music website and didn't see a way to download. Is there one there or will they be here later?
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By Nicola_Red
No, there is no way to download directly from Music4. What gets uploaded here all depends on what I get sent I'm afraid!
At least the music can be heard and enjoyed, definitely better than nothing. Playing the Christmas music bed on my computer and iPod almost daily.
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By chrysostom
I think you'll firstly need to be more specific about which bed you're requesting (context, example etc) and then ask in a properly structured post.

Then if it's available it'll be uploaded to the sound vault for you to download.
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By Nicola_Red
I do know the bed the OP refers to, although we don't have it in the vault - there are only a couple of occasional contributors who are able to provide full beds and jingles. More importantly, don't post your email address! That's what the PM facility is for.
By kev james
On Thursday the 22nd of April 2004 twenty five mins 22seconds into the downloadable edited show it is being played! Sorry I realise I sound like an idiot but so want this track , it's kind of funky, with horns and every now and then it pauses for the '123 kick ' . Thanks for trying everyone.

Saturday is up