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Tea or Coffee?

By Misfit
charlalottie wrote:When I smoke, I do enjoy it but I only because of the sociable side. I don't like how it makes my tongue feel the next day though.

yeah my bird always complains i smell.
By bmstinton93
How come its acceptable for smokers to go up to a random person in the street and ask to borrow a fag or a lighter but if I saw someone eating chips and I went and asked for one I'd probably be told to * off.
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By Wykey
Because smokers are more sociable, better adjusted, have superior communication skills, more empathy, are more caring, more sharing more generous, more intelligent, more interesting and overall are just better people than non-smokers.
By Misfit
bmstinton93 wrote:How come its acceptable for smokers to go up to a random person in the street and ask to borrow a fag or a lighter but if I saw someone eating chips and I went and asked for one I'd probably be told to * off.

pisses me off when people ask to borrow fags, that doesnt happen so much at home, does in bolton though, and I generally say "last one sorry pal" but a lighter, I have no problem with, it costs nothing to give someone my disposable for ten seconds, smile and say no worries.
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By Nicola_Red
Misfit wrote:Topher

if i say I enjoy it, who are you to tell me I dont.

The same person who told me I couldn't possibly genuinely like coffee! Don't worry about it misfit, you're an adult and understand the health risks of smoking (not to mention the cost), so if you want to do it, do it. Coffee has turned me into an addict and taken more of my wages than I'd like to admit over the past ten years or so, but I don't care that much. Until I met Mr Red, I would have happily proclaimed Starbucks the love of my life.
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By chrysostom
bmstinton93 wrote:How come its acceptable for smokers to go up to a random person in the street and ask to borrow a fag or a lighter but if I saw someone eating chips and I went and asked for one I'd probably be told to * off.

You don't have to congregate in a certain area to eat chips, there's no agreed social code when it comes to sharing chips and others who are eating chips will not recognise your lust for a chip as a craving, and food itself is a personal intimate thing. Basically within our society, you cannot compare a request for the two.

Smokers are very social creatures, whereas as eating is a basic human need. People don't tend to learn their eating habits as they become an adult - they learn them much earlier and as such, what they can deem acceptable (within the realms of sharing with strangers) is a much more rigid concept with less room for negotiation. On cultures where sharing food is common, it may be more feasible to request food from a stranger if you look like you could belong within their peer group (ie. not a beggar)

I'm sure someone will just say I'm wrong with the rationale of 'smoking is wrong, so smokers are bad people hurr durr'.

I myself don't smoke, and hate that when I invite my friends over or out to dinner, they think it is ok to just leave to go outside and smoke - when at my house they also think it's fine to leave their butts on the floor and speak loudly outside. As a non smoker, it irritates me but I think they enjoy it.
By JayE
Misfit wrote:
JayE wrote:Don't start smoking in the first place. Simples.

If I wanna smoke, I can smoke, I dont see what right anybody has to tell me not too. I dont smoke in places where it is prohibited, so I can.

Wow, unbelievable that wasn't even aimed at you specifically. It's my thought to all people that smoke. Loads of my family smoke and I think that they're dumb for starting and they know that and they wish they hadn't. I find smoking ridiculous because it kills. Relax. If you enjoy it you do it, as you were.
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By neilt0
One of the icebreaker questions we used to ask interviewees when I worked for A Well Known Games Company* was "Do you like cheese?" and "Do you like tomatoes?"

We never hired anyone who didn't like cheese. Fortunately, everyone likes cheese. No sane person likes (fresh) tomatoes. Everyone likes tomato sauce or tomatoes in Italian dishes.

* Other games companies are available.
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By chrysostom
neilt0 wrote:We never hired anyone who didn't like cheese. Fortunately, everyone likes cheese. No sane person likes (fresh) tomatoes. Everyone likes tomato sauce or tomatoes in Italian dishes.

Glad to know I'd fit in with company culture! I don't trust people who don't like cheese or fish unless it's a dietary issue.
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By Wykey
chrysostom wrote:Nobody has answered my olive question, do I like olives or am I just a fraud?!

I was waiting for Topher to patronise you before I answered, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time.

You're reacting in a subconscious way to a substance that affects your reward system - you've conditioned yourself via positive reinforcement to understand this subconscious reaction as enjoyment. So yes, you now 'like' olives.
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By madz793
chrysostom wrote:Nobody has answered my olive question, do I like olives or am I just a fraud?!

I'm the same with cheese, hated it, now I'm indifferent. Do I still hate cheese but have trained myself to not mind it or what?! Ha

Edit: on tapatalk and didn't realise there was a next page about people who don't like cheese... Oops!
Last edited by madz793 on Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Wykey
JayE wrote:
Misfit wrote:
JayE wrote:Don't start smoking in the first place. Simples.

If I wanna smoke, I can smoke, I dont see what right anybody has to tell me not too. I dont smoke in places where it is prohibited, so I can.

Wow, unbelievable that wasn't even aimed at you specifically. It's my thought to all people that smoke. Loads of my family smoke and I think that they're dumb for starting and they know that and they wish they hadn't. I find smoking ridiculous because it kills. Relax. If you enjoy it you do it, as you were.

I think you're dumb for depriving yourself of an experience in life. If you find things that kill ridiculous, I'm guessing you find life itself ridiculous, you know, given that the one absolute guarantee there is, is that you're not going to make it out alive.
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By chrysostom
Wykey wrote:I was waiting for Topher to patronise you before I answered

I think it was too obvious a trolling attempt :D

JayE wrote:I like cheese on pizza but not on it's own. That's ok right?

The mozzarella they use on a majority of pizzas is tasteless and bland - the equivalent of the cod they use in Fish shop offerings, there is no taste - just texture. So by my standards, no. But each to their own.

Edit. I like Neil's more direct approach.
Last edited by chrysostom on Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By JayE
neilt0 wrote:
JayE wrote:I like cheese on pizza but not on it's own. That's ok right?


Each to their own.
By Misfit
JayE wrote:
Misfit wrote:
JayE wrote:Don't start smoking in the first place. Simples.
<br sab="870"><br sab="871">If I wanna smoke, I can smoke, I dont see what right anybody has to tell me not too. I dont smoke in places where it is prohibited, so I can.
<br sab="872"><br sab="873">Wow, unbelievable that wasn't even aimed at you specifically. It's my thought to all people that smoke. Loads of my family smoke and I think that they're dumb for starting and they know that and they wish they hadn't. I find smoking ridiculous because it kills. Relax. If you enjoy it you do it, as you were.

no no, I wasnt saying it was, but a lot of people go "smoking is bad, it tastes horrible" without even trying and you think its dumb. Its a choice I've made and like nic said , I'm an adult I can do as I please. I'm always courteous when smoking though. If I'm walking to the shop with friend from uni, I'll check he/she is happy for me too, and If I'm at someone elses house, I'll go down to the road to smoke or whereever, as the smell carries.

I'm not "dumb" for starting smoking, I know what I'm doing. whats your opinion on drinking? It, like, cigs, provide literally no actual use but for people to enjoy themselves, however, if they drink too much, they can die? is it therefore ridiculous?
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By neilt0
chrysostom wrote:Edit. I like Neil's more direct approach.

I'm re-watching The Sopranos at the moment. Vaffanculo!
By JayE
Misfit- I've neither smoked nor drank, but I'm going by what I've been taught in school and from my parents who are smokers. I probably will never smoke but I will probably drink some day. If you enjoy it then you can do it. Each to their own.
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By neilt0
My parents smoked like chimneys and ultimately it probably contributed to the death of my Dad (at a relatively young age), so I have never smoked anything.

However, my sis smoked most of her life before eventually "giving up", but she's still a chipper.
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By DevilsDuck

Coffee > tea... Fact, but I like both.

Smoking... I have recently stopped smoking. I loved smoking, I enjoyed smoking, but its a taste you get used too. If i had a ciggie now I think it would taste horrible... But boy would I enjoy it.

Olives... Bleurghhhhh! *rings bell at chrysostom*

Cheese = yum, I loooove cheese

Tomatoes, good in things, yucky on their own.

Topher = moron

JayE = child

Olives... Bleurghhhhh! *rings bell at chrysostom*
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By chrysostom
Jay - The life experience that you lack may be to your detriment in this argument.

(Again, kudos to Duck's direct approach!)
Last edited by chrysostom on Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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By The Deadly
Jay E I saw my grandad die aged 66 from smoking. I said I'd never smoke when I was your age but things change. You have the right philosophy on smoking but sometimes situations or peer pressure changes things.

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