Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By boosh fan
making gingerbread men is a big one of mine. definitely missing the christmas wrap from Dave and of course Dominick The Donkey
By R94N
boboff wrote:I wish tim would put a decent picture as his Avatar, I can't, like most motorists, see the one he's using now.

I thought that was why most of them ride with the headlight on all the time...a Parcel Force-esque reflective jacket can't do much for the street cred. And I know how much street cred means to DTJ.
By Tunster
*has actually bothered to look at the first post*

Done most of my Christmas activities 2 weeks in! Been to Bath to do some Christmas shopping, 2 Christmas parties, 1 office Christmas party on Friday (5am finish after going to some weird pub playing house music) and on my own in the flat now sorting stuff out before I go home for 2 weeks and no work!

And pigs in blankets are best Christmas food hands down. * the ducking turkey.
By christmasjames
Santa confided in me yest erday and I now know who is on the ni ce list and who is on the nau ghty list. If users of th is website post here, I can tell you whe ther you are on the na ughty or nice list.
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By The Deadly
christmasjames wrote:Santa confided in me yest erday and I now know who is on the ni ce list and who is on the nau ghty list. If users of th is website post here, I can tell you whe ther you are on the na ughty or nice list.

I hear Bruno Brookes is in panto this year. Is that true?
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By neilt0
By Tunster
christmasjames wrote:Yes it is tr ue. Bruno Brookes is pla ying the role of the cat from Dick Whitting ton.

James is spa cing out qu ite a lot as wel l.
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By a-moron
That is brilliant. Thank you x100.

James Blunt, wee Ed ginger nuts, plain white t-shits suck balls compared to that fella.

*buggers off to figure out how to download that as a ringtone for when the missus phones me*
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By yummytummy
I of course am on the nice list *wonderful brillant me * hehe
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By DevilsDuck
I spoke to Satan... He said you're not!
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By dimtimjim
boboff wrote:I wish tim would put a decent picture as his Avatar, I can't, like most motorists, see the one he's using now.

R94N wrote:
boboff wrote:I thought that was why most of them ride with the headlight on all the time...a Parcel Force-esque reflective jacket can't do much for the street cred. And I know how much street cred means to DTJ.

Bob, I like the joke you imply, but you ain't far off the mark, the old SMIDSY (Sorry Mate, I Didn't See You) incident. And yes Ryan, you're right too.

Although for exactly the reasons you both highlight above, I have given up road riding - far too dangerous. I now limit my motorcycling exploits to racing circuits in Southern Spain/Portugal - much safer, much faster, much sunnier, much more fun. :D

EDIT: In fackt, Mr Bob, last time I changed my avatar you had a hissy fit and snitched on me!! Clearly offended by the canadian flag... :wink:
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By Boboff
Well it was a bit pervy me old mucker. Kept giving I a twinge!

Forgot all about that!
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By yummytummy
DevilsDuck wrote:I spoke to Satan... He said you're not!

How come I am never naughty hehe
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By a-moron
I think yummys been doing a bit of afternoon lubricanting.
Drinking I mean, not the other kind.
By JayE
DevilsDuck wrote:I spoke to Satan... He said you're not!

Why did he say that!
By christmasjames
bmstinton93 wrote:Which list am I on then?

You are on the ni ce list.

yummytummy wrote:I of course am on the nice list *wonderful brillant me * hehe

No you are on the nau ghty list.

JayE wrote:I have to be on the nice list. I'm nice everyday. :D

You are al so on the naugh ty list.
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By DevilsDuck
See... Always trust Satan... Unless you're dyslexic!
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By dimtimjim
this Christmas thingy is all well and good, but the number of Christmas 'treats' that have been zinging round the office this last week or two is jus' too much.

Today: Chocolate Coins (Coyyyyyyyns - Mr Vitty) and strawberry 'Santas' (see image), both of which are too yummy to turn down. Oh well, tis the season to be naughty.

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