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By dimtimjim
Well I never... Can't say i'm pleased about his decision, but I must say I do hope it works for him, turning his back on the team which have supported him for the last 14 years, big risk. I know Ross Brawn is a good engineer and Mercedes have a massive desire to dominate again, but the McLaren is still the stronger car, as I type... Good luck Lewis, I hope it doesn't blow up in your face.
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By MK Chris
jocky85 wrote:Good for Button to be lead driver

I don't think it'll work like that, McLaren tend to give their drivers equal status.

My gut says Lewis has made a mistake, but I do agree that it COULD go very well - Ross Brawn is a genius and him and Lewis together, well you should never count them out. I'd rather still see him at McLaren, BUT if anyone is going to replace him, I'm very very pleased it's Perez - he will do very well there, I've no doubt.
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By The Deadly
I can't see Button being lead driver for long if at all. Perez will be much quicker than Button I think and I'll be putting a few quid on him winning the championship.
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By dimtimjim
Just been browsing the Beeb F1 website, followed a few video links which led me to a few videos about Michael Schumacher - it has reminded me what a nasty cheating bastard he was over the years, with at least 4 incidents of blatently ruining someone elses progress once he knew he was beaten. Reminded me why I hate him and why the sport is better since he left.

The fact he decided to come back to F1 and completely ruin his legacy is nothing but funny. He had the tallent, but was a massive twat to boot. Now pish off and leave F1 alone.
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By MK Chris
dimtimjim wrote:Just been browsing the Beeb F1 website, followed a few video links which led me to a few videos about Michael Schumacher - it has reminded me what a nasty cheating bastard he was over the years, with at least 4 incidents of blatently ruining someone elses progress once he knew he was beaten. Reminded me why I hate him and why the sport is better since he left.

The fact he decided to come back to F1 and completely ruin his legacy is nothing but funny. He had the tallent, but was a massive twat to boot. Now pish off and leave F1 alone.

1994 in Adelaide being the first (and worst, given the stakes) I believe.
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By dimtimjim
Ha! You seen it too then!! :)

But yes T, you're right. But the one with Villeneuve was also terrible, turns into him once, misses, so yanks the steering wheel a little more until he smashes into the side of him. Git.

Nice to see Sir Jackie Stewart jumping on the bandwagon too and slagging Schumi off...!
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By The Deadly
Michael Schumacher is one of the greatest drivers to have competed in the sport. He has had a lot of regretable incidents within his career but that should not take away from all his accomplishments. At the start of his F1 career he was winning races and championships in cars that had no right being near the front of the grid demonstrating his class and driving ability. He then went on to dominate the early 2000's and would have won races this season this season but for a poor car.
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By MK Chris
Deadly wrote:would have won races this season this season but for a poor car.

You say that, but Nico Rosberg HAS won one.

He clearly has been one of the greatest drivers ever, but that ability hasn't shown through during the comeback. There's no room for him in the sport any more because there are so many more better, younger drivers around pushing him into the lower ranks - and his ego won't allow that to happen.
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By The Deadly
He should never have come back. His comeback has been a disaster, especially last season. This season he has at least looked competative. Rosberg has won a race but a lot of the time Michael has looked quicker than him in terms of race pace and but for his own errors and car issues would have had a few more podiums at least.
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By MK Chris
His own errors are not mitigation for not earning potential podiums though. The fact is that although he was one of the best drivers ever, he now is not even one of the best drivers on the grid. On current performance, I rate Lewis, Jenson, Seb, Mark Webber, Alonso, Rosberg, Kobayashi, Perez, Di Resta and Hulkenberg better than him - and that's just off the top of my head.
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By MadTheEddos
It wasn't a classic race yesterday even if it had a few good on-track battles. Vettel has done a great job to bounce back, even if Alonso is still my favourite for the title.

Brilliant stuff from Kimi this year, finishing every race so far and scoring in all but one. Fully deserves to be 3rd in the Championship.

Great drive from Lewis yesterday I thought. To still pick up a point after all the problems he had to drive around was an epic achievement IMO.
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By MK Chris
Lewis, pound for pound, has driven as well if not better than Alonso this year - if all was fair, they would be the ones battling for the title. I think Vettel will get it though, Red Bull are starting to look strong at the critical point again.
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By MadTheEddos
Nothing to do with the current F1 season but didn't feel it was a big enough topic change to be deserving of its own thread so posting here: These last couple of days I've been watching some classic F1 videos on YouTube, particularly from the 1984 season, and think they make brilliant watching for anyone who's a hardcore fan. The 1984 European GP in particular is a great watch IMO - perfect racelong BBC live coverage.
Although I've been a fan for years and years these video uploads are a total gift cos I'm seeing a lot of this stuff for the first time - it's awesome seeing live recordings of sporting events from before your time I think.
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By Senninha25
Personally anything with Murray Walker's voice on it is an amazing watch :D There was always more stuff going on in the 80's, with big grids, turbochargers and the subsequently reliable much more to talk about during a race back then than there is engines blowing up, no cars running out of fuel, there's nothing that can excite a fan anymore these days. :)
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By MK Chris
Murray could make video footage of a car park seem exciting.
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By MadTheEddos
I remember when he went on Top Gear and told Jeremy Clarkson he'd always wanted to commentate on Snooker. That was a LOL moment.
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By Yudster
I can't remember who it was who was who once interviewed Murray Walker and asked him, given his long and distinguished career as a sports broadcaster (not just F1), who was the most impressive person he had ever met - and Walker replied, apparently perfectly seriously - "Jim Rosenthal".

Mad man. Genius, but mad as a bag of spanners.
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By MadTheEddos
That's the first time I've known Murray be described as mad :P Still, sounds like an amusing interview - maybe he worked for F1-ITV at the time.
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By Yudster
MadTheEddos wrote:That's the first time I've known Murray be described as mad :P Still, sounds like an amusing interview - maybe he worked for F1-ITV at the time.

My memory is coming back - it wasn't an interview, it was an anecdote told by Alistair McGowan about Murray Walker when he met him and they were chatting about stuff in general.
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By MadTheEddos
I've thought about it since earlier on, and I definitely remember Murray praising Jim Rosenthal very highly in an interview too - don't remember who the interview was with or when it was exactly, but I'm pretty sure this one was an interview(Or it could even be that I saw that same Alistair McGowan thing - my memory is * awful). It seems he has a genuinely high opinion of the guy.

Deadly wrote:I've always thought it would be a nice thing to have him commentate on the British GP every year.

I like that idea. Did you hear his guest-commentary during British GP qualifying this year? I thought he still sounded amazingly good.
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