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He said this morning its a Big Boss Ben thing - apparently the stats show that when they play a song before 7 the listening figures go up.

I am rethinking the Chris being in a relationship again thing - apparently he went to New York for the weekend with Andi Peters, so whatever his status, he surely doesn't have a girlfriend. Not a female one anyway.
No, I'm not - that was actually my point.
chrisjames wrote:How can that be Lynn when her twitter name is Abigail? :roll:

How in God's name can you not have figured stuff like this out? Do you actually listen to the show at all?
Al, I've been texting in each morning, but It needs commenting on here too - music before 7, just not right. It doesn't work, it doesn't fit in with the chat schedule, it seems forced and for what?! Really?!!

I know there is pressure from 'da management', but surely, the one thing they've learned from CM over the years is what he does - works. People like it, they can relate to it. Surely if any of us REALLY wanted music before 7, we are but a mere button click away; I'm sure any number of other stations will be playing music of some sort. I rely on Chris for the start to the day we all go through. Chris and his mostly miserable start to the day is something we all feel, and is why Scott is such poor breakfast show cover - he is too chirpy for pre-07:30.

Chris n Al > Ben and Rhys.
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Cheesy Song is 5 years old now, a great feature.

When it began there used to be an outtro jingle for it, followed by the usual clips of David Gest and Davina's daughter.

And then music, 2 songs, not just 1.

I say keep it lively around 7, breakfast radio is for waking us up too.

Interesting to see if Al personally agrees with management though.
By Emmy
bwfcol wrote:How do they know that listening figures will go up if there's music before 7? Chris hasn't really ever done this.

Aled, please stop this. As Dave says "We don't like change".

I have to agree, and I especially hate this change. I get out of bed when you all stop talking at around seven (usually a couple of minutes after), so starting to play music before 7 means I'm having to get out bed earlier and am missing out on a good 4-7 minutes of important dozing time! It's a bad start to the day for me.

Please, please make it stop Aled. Thank you.
Yeah, they used to have a song or two played before 7 when I started listening to it nearly 3 years ago and I much prefer when they go into overtime pretty much with the opening link and I just hate when music has to be played before 7 since it just seems so abrupt and have to stop mid-conversation to please the management. We'll have to deal with it whether we like it or not.

Oh and I am glad my carpark catchphrase problem was taken into consideration by the way! /sarcasm Same contestant for 6 weeks?! I am being a pain in the ass now but does the team have some sort of infatuation for Nick? Despite the fact he has probably lost several times over I assume if the CPC best of three rules stuck but instead keep him on despite the fact the girl won on Wednesday from what was said on here. I think the feature should be put on hiatus or something if this keeps up.

/End moan/rant
Depending on how the opening link is going I don't think it is necessarily a bad thing to play a song before 7. Sometimes I think the link can be on it's last legs at around 06.50-06.55 and a song then can be a good thing, but there are times like today when the link was very funny and in full flow and playing that song was absolutely the wrong thing to do.

If Ben and Rhys are really insisting that a song has to be played no matter what, it makes me think that they really don't understand the show and what has made it work over the years. Aled, maybe you can answer that. Are they insisting this is a hard and fast rule?

I agree with DarroM regarding CPC. Aled, have any discussions taken place with regards this feature? Has Chris said why he is taking it in the direction that he is?
Travis Bickle wrote:Depending on how the opening link is going I don't think it is necessarily a bad thing to play a song before 7. Sometimes I think the link can be on it's last legs at around 06.50-06.55 and a song then can be a good thing, but there are times like today when the link was very funny and in full flow and playing that song was absolutely the wrong thing to do.

If Ben and Rhys are really insisting that a song has to be played no matter what, it makes me think that they really don't understand the show and what has made it work over the years. Aled, maybe you can answer that. Are they insisting this is a hard and fast rule?

I agree with DarroM regarding CPC. Aled, have any discussions taken place with regards this feature? Has Chris said why he is taking it in the direction that he is?

DarroM wrote:I think the feature should be put on hiatus or something if this keeps up.

Be careful what you wish for, last time that happened we ended up with Cheggars Pop Quiz.... *shudder*
SAV1OUR wrote:See I'm always telling them this - What you gonna replace it with?? Beep Beep Busters?

At least that still had Roy in it... :)

I do think there's more music being played, and the whole Tedious being quietly swept under the rug also seems to be going on, 'normal' music is getting played at 8.58 on days where they don't talk past 9am, plenty of room for Tedious to still fit in there!
bmstinton93 wrote:Can we have the first 5 minutes of Fearne's show back please on the iplayer? The show is down to 3 hours 30 again so we miss the handover.

This, completely this! The show is not complete without the handover!
I've said it before and everyone is aware how I feel about it, but it does continue to trouble me that the show's longest running feature, ie Tedious, has been dropped. And not even officially rested, just sort of forgotten about. It almost seems like Chris (and Dave?) want it gone but don't want to admit it. The last time Dave did it was just after Chris had run with the torch and not yet returned to the studio, and it was entirely obvious that it was being used purely to fill some time while they waited for him. I do realise I'm placing too much importance on this, but it makes me sad to see it reduced to a time-killing exercise when it was once so integral to the show.
Nicola_Red wrote:I've said it before and everyone is aware how I feel about it, but it does continue to trouble me that the show's longest running feature, ie Tedious, has been dropped. And not even officially rested, just sort of forgotten about. It almost seems like Chris (and Dave?) want it gone but don't want to admit it. The last time Dave did it was just after Chris had run with the torch and not yet returned to the studio, and it was entirely obvious that it was being used purely to fill some time while they waited for him. I do realise I'm placing too much importance on this, but it makes me sad to see it reduced to a time-killing exercise when it was once so integral to the show.

Do you feel it's down to bosses not wanting songs from the past on the show? That's my feeling.
It's an evolution. The show is evolving into a new kind of show (i.e the same as the rest minus soo many songs). My feeling is that they are trying to move forward to appeal to the masses, we are a small but die-hard group of fans that know what we like. My one trouble with people on here (myself included) is that we all at one point or another moan about something to do with the show yet fail (In the most part) to suggest an idea in its' place. I am more than happy to admit to not having any ideas for new features that would work or even be any good.

I know you have in the past asked people on here for suggestions for new features Aled but I do miss the occasional request on air for people to send in names for features and the team come up with the nuts 'n' bolts of it.
By Emmy
slaphead1982 wrote:It's an evolution. The show is evolving into a new kind of show (i.e the same as the rest minus soo many songs). My feeling is that they are trying to move forward to appeal to the masses, we are a small but die-hard group of fans that know what we like. My one trouble with people on here (myself included) is that we all at one point or another moan about something to do with the show yet fail (In the most part) to suggest an idea in its' place. I am more than happy to admit to not having any ideas for new features that would work or even be any good.

I know you have in the past asked people on here for suggestions for new features Aled but I do miss the occasional request on air for people to send in names for features and the team come up with the nuts 'n' bolts of it.

I think you're on the money with that analyis although it really pains me to agree with you, as I don't think there's any need for the BIB at all. Much as I complain about it, I like the 1FM Breakfast Show exactly as it is/was, as in no music before 7, with Tedious Link, and proper CPC etc. It's always worth stating again that we don't like change.
Deadly wrote:Chris obviously doesn't like the new rule about playing music but what choice does he have? If the two big bosses say "play music before 7" then what can he do?

very interesting that today he's said he can't be bothered arguin g with the bosses about it anymore and just caved in .Not like the old C hris at all.I hope he's not thinking about just giving it all up or moving to radio 2!
yes, one lethargic thought is usually followed by jacking in ones career. On the money as usual.
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