Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By dimtimjim
Dun't explain owt...! Mocks the choices, ridicules the simplicity of men (yawn) but explains nothing.

in fact, I'd go so far as to say that article is as equally silly and sexist as the FHM piece is and no more well considered.
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By Yudster
WOAH - dizzy spell or something there, for a second I thought Tim had said something intelligent and well thought out. I must be over-tired.
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By Nicola_Red
The link is blocked here, annoyingly.
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By dimtimjim
Yudster wrote: I thought Tim had said something intelligent and well thought out.

Oi! I can do that y'know. True, on a bi-monthly basis, but... See you in July for some more wisdom.
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By Yudster
Wwo - I never knew you were bi-monthly Tim. You kept that very quiet.
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By dimtimjim
Yudster wrote: I never knew you were bi-monthly Tim.

I'll admit, I snorted when reading this. Velly fanny. :lol:
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By Nicola_Red
bmstinton93 wrote:Is that twice a month or every 2 months...?

Ah, Ben and I have had this discussion before!
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By Nicola_Red
I'm wearing my Soft Kitty shirt today actually :)
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By Bas
Nicola_Red wrote:I'm wearing my Soft Kitty shirt today actually :)

Little ball of fur.

Can i ask if i'm the only (straight) man who cannot see what the fuss is about Rihanna?
I wouldn't even class her as high as average.
And i also agree that the Christina Hendricks omission is quite frankly an outrage against human decency.
By DarroM
Bas wrote:
Nicola_Red wrote:I'm wearing my Soft Kitty shirt today actually :)

Little ball of fur.

Can i ask if i'm the only (straight) man who cannot see what the fuss is about Rihanna?
I wouldn't even class her as high as average.
And i also agree that the Christina Hendricks omission is quite frankly an outrage against human decency.

Finally someone else feels the same way about Rihanna as I do. I think she has got worse over the years in my opinion.
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By The Deadly
DarroM wrote:
Bas wrote:
Nicola_Red wrote:I'm wearing my Soft Kitty shirt today actually :)

Little ball of fur.

Can i ask if i'm the only (straight) man who cannot see what the fuss is about Rihanna?
I wouldn't even class her as high as average.
And i also agree that the Christina Hendricks omission is quite frankly an outrage against human decency.

Finally someone else feels the same way about Rihanna as I do. I think she has got worse over the years in my opinion.

She looks like she'd be really great in bed. She'd be dirty. That's the appeal I think.
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By dimtimjim
Deadly wrote:She looks like she'd be really great in bed.

If not, punch her. Eh, Mr Brown...?! :evil:
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By Munki Bhoy
Controversial, but I don't find Christina Hendricks attractive. I'm convinced she gets more attention than she's worth purely because she's not a waif. That's definitely to be encouraged and there should be plenty more like her, but for me she's another Anna Kournikova.

And by that I mean that she is someone more highly thought of than they otherwise should be mainly because of what surrounds them. Anna was the pretty tennis player surrounded by manly women. She was by no means a munter, but I wouldn't have crossed the street to get a closer look.
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By Nicola_Red
Meh, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that. I think Christina H is gorgeous, but that's a combination of face and figure. It's difficult to say if I'd find her as attractive if she was a size 8 - probably not, cos I don't go for skinny women. But I'm as sure as I can be that if I saw her walking down the street, I'd be stopping to stare.

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