Always wanted to know something about the show? This is the place to 'Ask Aled'!
By Emmy
Fathomer wrote:3. Was Tulisa sent a tape of the show before she joined for the week? She appears to not understand a lot of the features, why did you take the decision not to pick a "superfan" of the show i.e. Davina McCall, Sara Cox etc etc?

Very good question. I'm listening back to today's show just to see what Tulisa is like as a team member, and it really does sound like she has never heard the show before, isn't particularly impressed with it (and would definitely rather not be hauling her ass out of bed before 6.30 am), and will most likely never listen to it again once she's collected her cheque for the week! All in all, a bizarre choice in my opinion.
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By Aled
Fathomer wrote:1. How much of a group decision are the schedule changes? Does the R1 Controller sit down with the Producers and tell them where he is going with the station? Or is a strategy session given to all staff where changes can be easily surmised and worked out. As I imagine Ben Cooper has a "road map" for the next 5 years as to where everyone will go to keep the station sounding fresh? It must be as frustrating as hell being the producer of a show for 6 months only to be told its going to be cut / dropped.

Producers aren't consulted. Ben has a plan, he probably shares it with Head of Programmes - Rhys, but as far as I'm aware that's it. Although it probably varies depending on the decision.

Fathomer wrote:2. How are the cuts affecting Radio 1? Does every show really need a Producer and a Broadcast Assistant? Clearly that isn't something that happens in the Commercial sector although I think it would be tragic if Newsbeat suffers from losing so many people.

Not all shows on Radio 1 have one of each - The Surgery for example doesn't have an AP, and the Producer I share with other shows. Different part of the schedule employs different models of working. You're referring to a weekday daytime show, and at 15 - 17.5 hours of content a week, yes it needs a producer and an AP. Commercial radio don't have the level of content that we do at the BBC. This way there's a choice, a better music mix, or us.

Fathomer wrote:3. Was Tulisa sent a tape of the show before she joined for the week? She appears to not understand a lot of the features, why did you take the decision not to pick a "superfan" of the show i.e. Davina McCall, Sara Cox etc etc?

She wasn't sent a tape, because even though our show has been massively successful there is one thought (among many) that we have recruited our audience (give or take several hundred thousand) and they are now growing up with the show. There is some evidence that the family and soap opera that makes our show so compelling to listen to and dip in and out of is also a barrier to new audiences - I thought it'd be good to try out for four days having a key member of the show that doesn't have that same knowledge of the in-jokes and history of the show so that we explain things from scratch, and therefore lower the barriers.

Long term fans who dislike the show will simply tune back in when the team's back to normal in three weeks, whereas new listeners who might have come our way might be able to stay and join our other listeners. Olly Murs and Davina being such huge fans of the show wouldn't allow us to do that.
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By Aled
Deadly wrote:Hi Aled. I am coming to Radio 1 tomorrow to drop off a card and some biscuits for Matt. If I hand them in to reception will he definitely get them? Are Jaffa cakes a good choice?

Yes, that's very kind of you! He'll really appreciate that
Aled wrote:
Deadly wrote:Hi Aled. I am coming to Radio 1 tomorrow to drop off a card and some biscuits for Matt. If I hand them in to reception will he definitely get them? Are Jaffa cakes a good choice?

Yes, that's very kind of you! He'll really appreciate that

Don't you mean reluctantly appreciate not really appreciate. :)
Was Chris consulted on the choice of Tulisa and is he quite happy with her performance so far or is he finding it a bit difficult to engage her in the show? He does seem to be working harder than normal this week to keep things going!
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By Aled
chrisjames wrote:Was Chris consulted on the choice of Tulisa and is he quite happy with her performance so far or is he finding it a bit difficult to engage her in the show? He does seem to be working harder than normal this week to keep things going!

Of course he was! Chris had the final say. Chris is definitely doing things differently with Tulisa there - but then you'd expect that. You can't replace Dave without it being a little extra work when he's been your co-presenter for over 10 years!
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By Bas
Aled, will there have been a bit of a rejigging of the show when it comes back after Easter?
Some of the regular features to seem to have gone a bit stale or fallen out of favour. It would be interesting to know if any new or golden oldie features will be on the cards.

But remember , that like Dave, we fear change.

Aled, I have a few questions...

Whose initial idea was it to get Tulisa involved?

Was it ever considered to just do this week without any replacement for Dave?

What did you think of Chris when he covered for Greg James the other week? Did it give you any ideas for how the regular show could develop? Chris sounded great with fewer voices jostling for air time in my opinion. What were your views?

Have a good holiday!
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By Aled
Travis Bickle wrote:Aled, I have a few questions...

Whose initial idea was it to get Tulisa involved?

Was it ever considered to just do this week without any replacement for Dave?

What did you think of Chris when he covered for Greg James the other week? Did it give you any ideas for how the regular show could develop? Chris sounded great with fewer voices jostling for air time in my opinion. What were your views?

Have a good holiday!

I suppose Tulisa's name was first mentioned by Freya but it came up while Freya and I were running through names of who we'd like to put forward to Chris.

It wasn't ever considered, no.

I thought he did brilliantly and is clearly a side of Chris we've not heard for a very long time. I think it was good for Chris to do, it showed a lot of people how versatile he is as a broadcaster.

As for the fewer voices. I hear you, i really do and since it's been discussed on here I've given it a lot of thought. I've come to a few conclusions. The show has evolved, it's always evolved since the first show. We used to get 4/5 songs away per half hour when we started we don't do that now, so just to say it used to be like that doesn't mean it should be now.

As an experiment I've backed off on-air for a while but the most I'll last is a couple of links because Chris pulls me back in. The jostling of voices comment comes I'm guessing at the expense of me and Tina. I think that's because a few long term fans like the Chris / Dave / Dom trio because it best reflects them and all three can speak with similar tones and on like minded subjects. Having Tina and myself jump in changes that flow. Chris and Radio 1 management want that though even though it disrupts the vibe that some here really like.

We're not Absolute radio and the difference in tone is important. Keeps things varied and broad.
On a personal note I love the dynamic as it is now and would miss hearing Aled and Tina involved in discussions. The show sounds disorganised and their are lots of voices but to me that's why it's loved by so many. It's unpredictable and doesn't stick to the rules which makes it an exciting show to listen to.
Aled wrote:As for the fewer voices. I hear you, i really do and since it's been discussed on here I've given it a lot of thought. I've come to a few conclusions. The show has evolved, it's always evolved since the first show. We used to get 4/5 songs away per half hour when we started we don't do that now, so just to say it used to be like that doesn't mean it should be now.

As an experiment I've backed off on-air for a while but the most I'll last is a couple of links because Chris pulls me back in. The jostling of voices comment comes I'm guessing at the expense of me and Tina. I think that's because a few long term fans like the Chris / Dave / Dom trio because it best reflects them and all three can speak with similar tones and on like minded subjects. Having Tina and myself jump in changes that flow. Chris and Radio 1 management want that though even though it disrupts the vibe that some here really like.

Aled, I really do thank you for that answer. I was hoping you would answer as honestly as that and you have.

I was, personally, referring to yourself and Tina. I do love the Chris/Dave/Dom trio but I like your contributions too... I just feel that they have been too frequent and extensive. But you are absolutely correct that Chris pointedly draws you into links on occasions when you have been absent.

Regarding Tina, I just think that she has become that bit too vocal on air. I just feel that Tina is always searching for that opportunity to say something, no matter how small, just to get involved and that frequently interrupts the flow of the show for me.

The show has indeed changed and you are correct, the way it used to be doesnt mean it should be that way now, especially if Chris is happy with that change.
Hi Aled - Everyone seems to have an opinion about Tulisa on the show, which is fair enough. Do you think its worked? For what its worth, here's mine - I didn't hear the introduction on Monday. On Tuesday, I think she would have done better to have been a little more prepared and not sounded so wiped out at the beginning of the show - it seemed unprofessional to me and wasn't really what was needed I thought. She had definitely settled on Wednesday, and to be completely honest I thought she was great today (Thursday). I am basing my opinion mostly on the first hour of the show which is my "bit".

I don't like N-Dubz, and I'm not a Tulisa fan, nor am I a fan of X-Factor but I completely get that you aren't making the show for me. Whatever your target audience is, I am well aware it isn't me. However the fact that you can do what you do and then add something like The Tulisa Experiment and I still enjoy listening impresses me.

Give Matt a hug from me if you see him will you? Talk about won me over...!
Will Classical Class be coming back after the Easter break because I think it's time to put that into bed for a while since there doesn't seem to be a lot in the way of regular features bar CPC at the moment what with tedious link disappearing all of a sudden from the show. It seems that tends to happen a few times though since features that started out as a link like the Musical Tastes game etc become a feature then just disappear without any notification.
Deadly wrote:On a personal note I love the dynamic as it is now and would miss hearing Aled and Tina involved in discussions. The show sounds disorganised and their are lots of voices but to me that's why it's loved by so many. It's unpredictable and doesn't stick to the rules which makes it an exciting show to listen to.

I agree with this and for what it's worth, I'd like to hear Tina more, not less. I guess something like that is really just down to personal taste and which members of the team an individual listener likes/finds funny/feels an affinity with.
I would just like to thank you for annswering all our questions.I know how busy you are and you don't have to do it. Hope you have a relaxing holiday and look forward to you and the teams return!I dare say you'll be going somewhere a l ot warmer than the UK for a week or 2!
I've got no issues with Chris bringing whoever he likes into the conversation, he's the driver - that's his job. I like Aled and Tina's contributions anyway :)

Wishing yourself and the team a good holiday, Aled, thanks for answering the questions here honestly and interestingly. Very much appreciated.
Aled I have a suggestion for a potential feature.
Why not capitalize on the olympic games this summer by having the "Chris Moyles show sports day!"? It can be an event that fuses the traditional school sports day along with actual sports that will be at the olympics e.g hurdles or long jump. It would be great to involve some of the other radio 1 DJ's and you could even involve actual Olympic athletes past or present.
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By Bas
Deadly wrote:Aled I have a suggestion for a potential feature.
Why not capitalize on the olympic games this summer by having the "Chris Moyles show sports day!"? It can be an event that fuses the traditional school sports day along with actual sports that will be at the olympics e.g hurdles or long jump. It would be great to involve some of the other radio 1 DJ's and you could even involve actual Olympic athletes past or present.

I have a better idea .
Why not buck the wearisome trend & thwart the forthcoming BBC hysteria by not mentioning the **ing Olympics on the show at all.
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By Aled
Bas wrote:
Deadly wrote:Aled I have a suggestion for a potential feature.
Why not capitalize on the olympic games this summer by having the "Chris Moyles show sports day!"? It can be an event that fuses the traditional school sports day along with actual sports that will be at the olympics e.g hurdles or long jump. It would be great to involve some of the other radio 1 DJ's and you could even involve actual Olympic athletes past or present.

I have a better idea .
Why not buck the wearisome trend & thwart the forthcoming BBC hysteria by not mentioning the **ing Olympics on the show at all.

One of your ideas are very close to something we're doing - no prizes for guessing who!
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By Aled
chrisjames wrote:I would just like to thank you for annswering all our questions.I know how busy you are and you don't have to do it. Hope you have a relaxing holiday and look forward to you and the teams return!I dare say you'll be going somewhere a l ot warmer than the UK for a week or 2!

Thank you.

I'm at the Gadget Show Live for a week and then a nice little sunny holiday.

Speak in two weeks!
Aled wrote:
Bas wrote:
Deadly wrote:Aled I have a suggestion for a potential feature.
Why not capitalize on the olympic games this summer by having the "Chris Moyles show sports day!"? It can be an event that fuses the traditional school sports day along with actual sports that will be at the olympics e.g hurdles or long jump. It would be great to involve some of the other radio 1 DJ's and you could even involve actual Olympic athletes past or present.

I have a better idea .
Why not buck the wearisome trend & thwart the forthcoming BBC hysteria by not mentioning the **ing Olympics on the show at all.

One of your ideas are very close to something we're doing - no prizes for guessing who!

It would be interesting to ignore it and certainly might be a welcome break from the blanket coverage of the games to not mention it at all actually. I just don't see the show doing that as you have featured some of the young athletes taking part in the Olympics and I would imagine you will be updating the listener on their progress.
There is absolutely no comedy value in Dave and Dom in bikinis doing beach volleyball.........
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