Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By gabbie
It was when Tina had just joined the show, and it was her shouting over everyone saying 'IM NEVER GOING TO GET A BOYFRIEND' then a clip of her singing the 'Oooo's' of the Mcfly song really badly. And chris was playing both clips one at a time over and over. Was very funny, Im not sure anyone would remember or even have noticed!

Another I'm after and had a quick look for is when Chris had to 'guess the voice' of a co-worker (not the recent game they played, but probably a year or so back?) and he failed quite badly and also said one of the voices sounded like a bear and it had dave in hysterics!

Sorry, very rambly. Thanks for your time :D
Unfortunately it's not possible to sift through two months' worth of shows looking for one clip, sorry. Hopefully someone else will have listened to it recently and remember what date it was...
gabbie wrote:It was when Tina had just joined the show, and it was her shouting over everyone saying 'IM NEVER GOING TO GET A BOYFRIEND' then a clip of her singing the 'Oooo's' of the Mcfly song really badly. And chris was playing both clips one at a time over and over. Was very funny, Im not sure anyone would remember or even have noticed!

Friday 19th March 2010
I've clipped just the jingle with the alternating "Oooo's" and "I'm never gonna get a boyfriend" clips as you requested and uploaded it to the vault here: ...fileid=2648.
I've also edited together a longer 7 minute clip giving the full buildup to this moment from earlier in the show and uploaded it to the vault here: ...fileid=2649.

Saturday is up