Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By yummytummy
SAV1OUR wrote:She's been back in that tardis again.

Well if you had a hot doctor in there wouldn't you want to go back :)
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By dreamer1978
Davy Jones from The Monkees has died at 66.

I loved listening/watching to The Monkees when i was growing up.

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By Nicola_Red
I'm not old enough to remember it. For a change.
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By Yudster
I remember it and them clearly and with great affection. They were probably the first ever "manufactured" band, brought together for the purpose of making a TV series, but their music was pop at its best, and so many of their tunes are regarded as classics these days.

And Davy Jones, the sole English voice in an American band, was the best of the lot. Oh very no. I am sad.
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By Nicola_Red
Obviously I know who they are and know their songs - and Davy Jones was a Manc! I've just never seen the tv show.
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By Johnny 1989
chrysostom wrote:But wait, I remember the Monkees. HOW OLD AM I?!

Channel 4 repeated them in the 90's so you can feel safe in your knowledge of them.

Sad all these people passing away of recent, some of them of hardly any age at all :(
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By Johnny 1989
chrisjames wrote:I was sad to hear the actor Philip Madoc died. He was brilliant as the mad scientist Solon in the Dr Who story The Brain of Morbius. One of my favourite stories.A great welsh actor.Also the ex husband of Hi De His Ruth Madoc

I've only just found this out, very sad news indeed, his roles as Solon in The Brain Of Morbious & The War Lord In Patrick Troughton's swan song, The War Games, were superb. :(
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By dreamer1978
To echo what Chris said on the radio about the death of the 6 brave soldiers that died in Afghanistan.

Private Daniel Wilford - 21 - Yorkshire Regiment, 3rd Battalion
Private Daniel Wade - 20 - Yorkshire Regiment, 3rd Battalion
Private Christopher Kershaw - 20 - Yorkshire Regiment, 3rd Battalion
Corporal Jake Hartley - 20 - Yorkshire Regiment, 3rd Battalion
Private Anthony Frampton - 20 - Yorkshire Regiment, 3rd Battalion
Sargeant Nigel Coupe - 33 - The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment, 1st Battalion

They do the job that we don't want to do. God Bless their families at this horrible time. They died heroes doing the job that they love.
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By Nicola_Red
Just read that Jimmy Ellis, singer on the classic Disco Inferno, has died aged 74. RIP.
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By Nicola_Red
Are you putting a fictional character in the RIP thread?
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By MK Chris
Fictional characters should be banned from this thread, totally unnecessary. IT'S A * SOAP, GET A GRIP. And I don't even know who Frank Foster is.
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By MK Chris
...still none the wiser. But if he's a fictional character, he shouldn't be in here. And neither should the Eastenders woman. Apart from anything else, it makes a mockery of those who actually have lost their lives.
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By Nicola_Red
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By dimtimjim
I'm not bothering to read back through previous page, but whoever it is thats posted in here about an Eastenders character - you are a pillock.
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By Nicola_Red
I think chrisjames is the new iansmith - remember him?
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By dimtimjim
bmstinton93 wrote:Chrisjames.

Of course. How silly of me.

Nicola_Red wrote:I think chrisjames is the new iansmith - remember him?

or twobraincells, he was a plank too.

theflyingbadger wrote:Image

Big-up Hazza!
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